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Everything posted by Grimbeard

  1. Great debating point made there, saying someone has a low IQ and low standards. Hello Mr. teapot, have you met Mr. kettle?
  2. Derby 2-1 Stevenage FRGS: Mendez Laing
  3. For once, the pundits (smarmy or otherwise) are correct.
  4. And spitting out his dummy in an interview would increase our points tally would it?
  5. Aye, and one day it'll start a riot, Rangers v Celtic: last match of the season, title decider. What could possibly go wrong?
  6. First time I ever got barred from a pub was because of that dirge. I was in the Fighting Cocks in Sinfin, and some git kept putting it on the juke box. After what seemed like the forty second time of hearing, I could stand it no longer, and belted the juke box with me crash helmet. Mind, being barred from the Cocks was no bad thing, so I suppose I should have been grateful to Mr. McCartney.
  7. You'd think that knowing how to spell licence properly would be a key skill for the Rotherham H.R. Dept.
  8. Should mek 'em wear proper boots.
  9. Reading 0-1 Derby. FRGS: Collins
  10. Derby 1-1 Peters brother FRGS: Hourihane
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