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Posts posted by ketteringram

  1. I must be missing something here. Since when did anyone have to justify the cost of something? To anyone who thinks it's crazy to spend 4k on a watch, how about spending it on, say, a ring? Now that doesn't even tell the time! 

    Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't pay that for a watch. But neither would I have an issue with someone that would. 

    Plenty of people, would spend that on a couple of weeks holiday. 

  2. 6 hours ago, SantosHalper said:

    4000 pounds for a watch?! Four grand?!

    I wear a Casio F-91W. It tells the time and -- AND -- it has an alarm and a light. 

    Its a classic watch:


    A watch is a device used for telling the time. Any watch that costs over 50 quid is an ostentatious show of personal wealth, intended only for other people to look at. 

    Using your logic, how much is the maximum anyone should ever pay for a car? 

  3. 4 hours ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Handy to know, thanks. What cars were those?

    Boring ones to suit my personality. Focus 1.6, Seat Ibiza 1.6  and currently Volvo S40 1.6. All Diesel. Before the focus, was a civic type R. That was brilliant, but expensive to run, given my milage :(

  4. 20 minutes ago, Animal is a Ram said:

    Averaging about 200 miles a week, but the nature of the job might mean a slog down to Wales, or Wycombe or up to Carlisle.

    I've had my eye on the new shape Ceeds, but questioned whether a 1.6 diesel would be strong enough on the motorways. I'd like to stick with Toyota, but the only diesel Auris is a 1.4, and I don't need as big a car as the Avensis or Verso.

    I've a budget of about £8k, so obviously used and not looking that new or low miles.

    For what it's worth..... I Do about 25 - 30,000 miles a year. Vast majority of it on motorway. The last 3 cars I've had, have all been 1.6 diesels. Never had an issue with the engine size. 

  5. 15 hours ago, Alpha said:

    Is it a particular bit or just the general difficulty of the gameplay? 

    Such a great game and story. 

    Tell me you're enjoying the story?!!

    I'm just cr@p at it. :)  

    I don't know if I'm far enough into the game, to get involved with the story. I haven't played it for a few weeks. I'm with the girl, and a woman, who basically just follow me around. Usually just standing there bored, while numpty here tries to figure out which way I'm supposed to go. 

    Think the bit I'm stuck in...... Just picked up a metal bar (…?), turn left, and then kill something. Seems you need to hit him three times! Then immediately get caught and killed by, whatever the things are called! 

    Gets very monotonous, playing the same ten seconds again and again. Also, the dark, dreary environment doesn't exactly make me want to put it back on. So many games seem to be like this. 

    Guess I'm just not a gamer! 

  6. 5 hours ago, SaintRam said:

    Why? Too difficult? Not enjoying it? Too emotionally draining? (I know of someone who gave up because of that)

    Basically because I'm useless at it, and it therefore  just becomes a chore to play it! 

    Games never seem to have enough help available for idiots. 

  7. 1 hour ago, SaintRam said:

    Been getting worse over the last couple of weeks culminating in a really rough weekend. Will initiate the advice I always give others and have some discussion with the key people in my life over the next few days but as of right now I'm very much considering hitting a refresh button for most aspects of my life. 

    Not really looking forward to it, one of my coping methods was to have my other half generally unaware of the scope of it all while talking to my family (it's probably a really bad idea, but is kind of nice to have someone who's always smiley and trying to innocently cheer you up around) but I fear that's going to have to change this time.


    It may seem a good idea , but speaking from experience....... When you want to talk to them, and explain how you are feeling, you'll put it off. Again and again, and it becomes more difficult with time. Then it seems impossible. 

    I know easier said than done. 

    Do it. 



  8. 22 minutes ago, Daveo said:

    Video games are entertainment. Same as music, films, TV.

    There is no "best football game" and neither are "broken" just personal preferences.

    I'm not expecting a realistic game of football from a video game, if I want that I'll grab a football and go outside.  

    FIFA this year is great, I love it. If anyone prefers to play PES knock yourself out, I'd rather knock myself out on a brick wall than play it but each to their own.

    Nicely put. Personal taste. Interesting though. Fifa this year is great, or Fifa this year is awful. Bit like discussing a film or an album. But........ There must be some things that actually are brilliant or awful, irrespective of personal taste! 

  9. 5 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

    as the person who started the thread, within a few days I was feeling that much better, that I started to feel guilty, like an attention seeker, which then made me feel bad again and worried what people think about me. 

    I think a lot is to do with realisation. Once I realised that I shouldn't care, and that only a few people on this forum have met me, that feeling subsided, but I still wondered if I'd stirred up emotion in some people.

    Reality is, this forum is awesome and made me feel a hell of a lot better about life, it's also pointed out something that I hadn't realised, my misery or low feeling got worse as my exercise decreased. Like I say, realisation is a massive thing.

    Friends made me involved in things over the break, so I didn't have much time to wallow in self pity.

    The fact that you started the thread, was a good thing. Not something to be concerned about. Something to be proud of. I'd love to see it kept active. I've tried posting, but at times it's just not right.  You'll probably know what I mean. Handy to have the thread for when the time is right though. 

  10. Just now, Daveo said:

    Not sure how game downloads work tbh, either you download the original release as per the disc then the latest patch after...or you've been unlucky and a new patch came out today

    Some patch! 

  11. 4 minutes ago, Daveo said:

    In other news I'm tempted to go for another game, both Black Ops 3 and Fallout 4 are £30 on the PS Store now, with my super internet they would be downloaded in minutes.

    Thing is I tend to get angry with Call of Duty, controllers get thrown, shout at the missus to leave me alone. Now I've got a dog that would probably get kicked as well. I will sit there for hours on the thing and days just pass by and I get nothing done.

    Fallout is a bit like GTA and Skyrim, I get super into it for the first few days running round opening boxes and keeping everything I find until I realise I can do nothing with empty bottles, run a few missions then I lose the will to live with all the pointless side missions and drift off to other games without ever fully completing it.

    Yet I'm still tempted buy them both.

    I kinda wish Fallout had co op, also remove the target assisted shooting....neck 52% arm 3% crap.


    Doesn't tie in too well with your new years resolution either. 

  12. 1 minute ago, Daveo said:

    What trick? just thought someone might know if it's say GTA with patch 1234 which adds xxx that's all

    If I only bought it the other day, wouldn't it be the latest version? Or does it not work like that? How can a patch be bigger than the original game? 

  13. Gaming novice. 

    I downloaded a game a few days ago on ps3. 5.2gb. Took a couple of hours I think. 

    Go to play the game first time today. First it did a game update, now It's now saying downloading game content. 5.15 hours remaining. 

    Wtf? I thought I downloaded it the other day. So what's downloading now? 

  14. Just on the off chance, that anyone has had a look at this thread, and wondered what on earth we're talking about! Well if you don't know, you are very fortunate. 

    Don't ever be fooled though, into thinking that it only happens to other people. If everything in your life, relationship, work, self esteem, and so on, are ticking along nicely, then that's great. During times like those, you tend not to think that one day it won't be like that, and rightly so! I'm not saying it won't always be like that. Hopefully it will.............. But...... If anyone had told me ten years ago, where I would be living, and HOW I would be living now, I'd have thought them nuts. 

    Same five years ago. If someone had shown me a glimpse of myself now...... I would have just said no way. That can't be right. That is not me. I'd never be like that. I'd never behave like that. Etc etc..... 

    Also, never underestimate how events can change you. Bereavement especially. I lost both parents, unexpectedly. We were not even close. And the effects are often not felt for a long time after the event. I didn't even know about that! So just be wary. 

    Watch how that can destroy other precious relationships. When offered help, by those more clever and knowledgeable than you, take it. Don't turn it away like I did. 

    And as for that time machine....... Sadly not happening is it. I'd borrow it when you have finished with it!! 

    Re the looking forward stuff. Yes of course. Sounds easy. Makes sense. However it doesn't always work like that for a while. You have to get to the right place first. The railway embankment, at three in the morning, in the pouring rain, is not the right place. 

    So if everything is rosy, then great. I'm not saying, just you wait and see, one day or won't be. But 'new York minutes'  are not confined to new York. 

    Hope you all have a good Christmas time. If it's a time you are not keen on. It'll be over soon enough. Jan the first is my favourite day of the year! Take care. 



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