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Bridgford Ram

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Posts posted by Bridgford Ram

  1. I've started a monthly Games Board evening with my Dad, brother and son last year - an excuse to get together in a pub midway between our houses as much as anything.

    We have mainly played games from my brother and my childhoods where possible and they have ranged between great and interesting, the games played so far have been.

    Kevin Keegan's Matchday

    Emlyn Hughes' Team Tactix

    Terry Venables' Manager

    A Gary Lineker games that my brother got of the internet and was so complicated you needed Steven Hawkins involved.

    Bucanneer (A pirate game)

    Astron (A space game from the 50s).


    Any suggestions?

  2. Can anyone recommend any Open World games for the PS4 that are either out, or will be before Christmas?

    I have just completed Far Cry 4 and have also played and loved Watchdogs 2, Witcher 3, Fallout 4, GTA5, Red Dead Redemption and have just started Mad Max.  Any recommendations.


  3. On 10/6/2017 at 16:47, JG400 said:

    Currently restarted Fallout 4 , which I never finished first time around , got a few mods and all the downloadable content , its a great game when modded and the downloadable content is tough , the Mechanist is the hardest Boss fight I have had in the game and that was at  level 30.

    Hardly played the main quest yet :D

    Really enjoyed Fallout 4 (it was my first ever Fallout game).  Took me 7 months to play it.

  4. 5 hours ago, Paul71 said:

    This gets me so much. When checking in have your tickets and passports ready, when you get to the desk thats not the time to start searching for them.

    When you get to security have your coat/belt whatver off ready have your liquids out and in a bag, basically follow bloody instructions.

    When you get on the plane just put your bloody bag in the overhead and sit down, its not the time to stand around having a conversation.

    We went on a trip to a waterpark today.  The bus turned up and 70 people try to get to the door first so it was quite a scrum.  The person who got there first didn't have his ticket ready or know the name of his hotel.  What a c*** knocker.

  5. 1 hour ago, TimRam said:

    Not open world but a great fps. The battles are well thought out with good enemy ai. Stealth can pay dividends and secrets to find. Superb graphics and great back story.

    I also enjoyed the 2009 Wolfenstein. I am usually a few years behind on games but means they are cheaper to buy when I get around to playing them.

    Me too, other than a couple of my real favourites that I'll buy ASAP.  I also spend that long finishing a game I don't get through them that quickly!

  6. 56 minutes ago, TimRam said:

    Couple of years old but playing Wolfenstein Old Blood at the moment. Similar to Wolfenstein The New Order.

    Is that an open world game TR?  Not played (or know anything about) either of them.

  7. 4 hours ago, StringerBell said:

    The phrase 

    "and then they turn round and said"


    "you can't turn round and say".

    Why is everybody turning round before they say things? Can't they just stay where they were?


    Similar to that is when you overhear a conversation, often from someone a little bit common, that goes,

    'And then I said.....

    and then they said....

    and then I said'

    Don't know what it is but it goes through me.

  8. 5 hours ago, Simsy said:

    That settles it I will get Witcher at some point!

    Again like you I had never played fallout before no.4 and never played witcher. Thanks for the description :)

    No problem

  9. I have just added a couple of items into the annoys me thread so I want to balance it out with a couple of things here.

    - I have not had this one for a couple of weeks because it is lighter in the mornings now but I love it when I am running and as I pass the street lights they turn off, sometimes this can happen for 4 or 5 consecutive streetlights going off in time with when I pass them.  Totally pointless, totally nothing to do with me but it makes me smile.

    - Now it is lighter in the mornings there have been a couple of runs over the last couple of weeks where I have finished in bright sunshine, still cold but signs of warmer weather.  Lovely.

  10. Two things I have thought to add to this thread.

    When you brush your teeth and have forgotten to run your toothbrush / toothpaste under the cold tap first.  Yuk.

    The second is really getting on my tits.  People who use social media and film themselves talking directly to camera.  I think it really started with the water bucket challenge (great cause but god the videos were annoying) and is worse now with the facebook live thing.  I never listen to the videos because I guess like 99% of everyone my settings are to not play sound on videos but the sight of their self important faces telling me **** I don't want to know really gets on my nerves.

  11. 20 hours ago, Simsy said:

    8 months! Wow. I had a bored chilled week free and really got into it to start with I really didn't rate it but that changed as I progressed. Ended up doing a 'night shift 'each night just playing Fallout 4 :lol:

    I did a fair amount of side missions to but like you I like to complete everything but I know if I take a few weeks off from a game I wont ever end up doing it so fair play for spreading it out over 8 months!

    Loads of people say Witcher is amazing- is it better than fallout?

    That was 8 months but I do have t compete for the PS4 with my boy, I didn't play that often.  I do try and do everything and never fast travelled.

    I think Witcher 3 is better than Fallout 4 in a lot of ways (both were my first exposure to either series) but then Fallout is better in other ways (Crafting / Story / Theme).  Witcher 3 is massive but my biggest criticisms are - too much reading, not enough is made of the crafting / alchemy and the map markers hardly change when you visit / resolve them meaning it is difficult to know where you have and haven't been.


    Both in my top 10 games ever.

  12. I'm playing Witcher 3 at the moment - it's massive and I can see me being on it for months as I like to try and complete everything (Fallout 4 took me 8 months).  I'm only level 11 in Velen at the moment so I guess it is still early days I guess, the number of missions / quests and contracts is overwhelming.

  13. 3 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

    We need a GTA london. Set over a changing history from swinging 60s, 70s punk, then Long Good Friday 80s. Maybe some Britpop, then modern day. Changing cityscape, tunes and locals. Our Friends in the North vibe.

    One of the early games was GTA London wasn't it?  Back in the days where it was top down view.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    New city version? Like a new GTA game?

    Yeah in the past they have released multiple versions of the same game based in different cities - Vice City, San Andreas etc.  I guess it is a way to get a new game out of the same game engine.  Slightly easier than going to the next version (i.e. GTA6)

  15. 32 minutes ago, Broderick said:

    Anyone getting Red Dead Redemption 2? I loved the first one and can't wait for the new one to come out! :D

    Yes.  I'll be getting it - really looking forward to it.

    I wish they were also doing a GTA5 new city version as well though.

  16. 23 hours ago, Coconut said:

    1) Missing Pet posters

    ...or rather the lack of follow-up on the fate of said pet, with the posters being left up

    It's only because I recognised 'Leonard the cat' on the bus stop yesterday, having seen him wandering up my street 10 minutes earlier, that I knew of his fate.


    Slightly more controversial, perhaps....

    2) Flowers left at the site of an accident to mark the anniversary of when someone has died, which are in turn then themselves just left there to die, in horrible similtude. Rather than the intended tribute you end up with a tatty & dull eyesore.

    I agree with both points, to solve the first maybe there should be an open topped bus tour of recovered pets every month?  Then if any pets don't take part you can assume the worst?

    On the second point my thought often is, 'so a loved one has died on this stretch of dual carriageway and your tribute is to run the gauntlet of this stretch of road, on foot, to leave flowers?'

  17. 3 hours ago, mrdave85 said:

    There is to begin with, but if you're referring to crafting/alchemy, after a certain point you don't need to bother with them. 

    I am, amongst other things, it isn't that I don't enjoy all that business it is just a lot to pick up.

    There is a lot of reading to do - which if I am being honest I often can't be arsed with, probably explaining why I find it hard!  I came to work today with a list of questions to ask my mate who has been playing it since Christmas - and he's off work!

  18. On 24 January 2017 at 14:52, mrdave85 said:

    I'm currently working through The Witcher 3 again (GOTY edition was on sale before Xmas), great in short bursts but quickly becomes repetitive. 

    Resident Evil 7 has reviewed well it seems, I'm still gutted Silent Hills got cancelled.

    Just started playing Witcher 3 after finishing Watchdogs.  Really like it so far but there is a lot to learn!

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