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  1. Haha
    GboroRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about Derby County   
    Better than I got. 
    When the night is dark,
    And the dogs go 'bark',
    When the clouds are black,
    And the ducks go 'quack',
    When the sky is blue,
    And the cows go 'moo',
    Think of lovely Derby:
    She'll be thinking of you.
  2. Like
    GboroRam got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Gary Lineker   
    Sounds like a horrible person. 

    I've heard stories of a particularly unpleasant side of him, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were true. But I think he can be simultaneously interested in helping address a particularly nasty government policy while being morally questionable. I also think that by publicising one thing, it doesn't necessarily mean that he doesn't care about other things. 
    I mean, what about the poor overburdened Spanish donkeys, he's clearly a monster having never said anything about it. As for poor Maddie, he clearly couldn't care less about that poor girl. Same with Myra Hindley. What an absolute swine. 
    Oh yes - pay your tax, Gary. I can't imagine anyone being keen on seeing him evade anything. In fact the only people who I recall complaining about paying tax were the anti Corbyn types during the threads around the last general election. The woke lefty scum generally wanted more people paying more tax. 
  3. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to Comrade 86 in Gary Lineker   
    Have you not seen the price of champagne? I ended up having to buy my own vineyard!
  4. Haha
    GboroRam got a reaction from Jourdan in I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about Derby County   
    Better than I got. 
    When the night is dark,
    And the dogs go 'bark',
    When the clouds are black,
    And the ducks go 'quack',
    When the sky is blue,
    And the cows go 'moo',
    Think of lovely Derby:
    She'll be thinking of you.
  5. Clap
    GboroRam got a reaction from ariotofmyown in Gary Lineker   
    As is par for the course on this thread, can you back this up please? How do you know he'd not bat an eyelid?
    What's the solution to homelessness, in your opinion? 
  6. Haha
    GboroRam got a reaction from Kinder in I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about Derby County   
    Better than I got. 
    When the night is dark,
    And the dogs go 'bark',
    When the clouds are black,
    And the ducks go 'quack',
    When the sky is blue,
    And the cows go 'moo',
    Think of lovely Derby:
    She'll be thinking of you.
  7. Like
    GboroRam reacted to BaaLocks in Gary Lineker   
    What do you mean by "people like him"? Are there people not like him (outside government) who you are happy to have tell the rest of the country what they should be doing or is your preference that nobody has right to question anything?
    What do you mean by "telling the rest of the country what they should be doing". Don't think he told anyone to do anything, he just suggested how he viewed government policy. There was no instruction there within, least of all to the rest of the country. He observed, nothing more.
    Not sure what you mean by "what he is preaching about will have absolutely no effect on his life". May I beg to differ, his point was very clearly trying to address something that affects his, and all our, lives. Namely his observation that the policies our elected government are trying to put into place, that we all as members of a democratic society are within our rights to address (unless our employers specifically request, and get our agreement, to not do), are 'immeasurably cruel'.
    So, in conclusion, all you seem to be taking exception to is your perception of something that - when considered - didn't actually happen. As I said before, a false opposition.
  8. Like
    GboroRam reacted to May Contain Nuts in Gary Lineker   
    It does make me laugh.
    It's like arguing with a spreadsheet, backed up by a complex diagram of statements where every possible configuration of words & sentences used, not used, or potentially could be used - including all the different possible interpretations - can be referenced and analysed to pinpoint the exact wording to select before posting, in order to 'win' the argument later down the line.
    (...ignoring that winning an argument by being technically correct on the minutiae of it, and actually being correct on a wider scale are not mutually exclusive)
    If you yourself haven't dedicated so much of your free time to creating this mental reference sheet, and say something off the cuff where your own wording hasn't been self-scrutinised before posting then... sorry, your argument is invalid, they never said it, you can't prove they said it and even if you get really, really close to finding the exact phrasing there'll be some macguffins about different interpretations of words, and you not being able to prove what they were thinking etc.
    It's pretty impressive, in a way.
  9. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to Comrade 86 in Gary Lineker   
    Us Wokies are far too busy calling you lot Nazis to worry about such trivial banalities.
  10. Clap
    GboroRam reacted to Stive Pesley in Gary Lineker   
    For the record, the stuff about Lineker's tax deeply concerns me and I hope he pays up his fair share. Not that it has anything to do with the issue in hand. Unless I'm missing something. I can defend him for making very valid comments on this government's ugly messaging AND condemn him for avoiding tax. These aren't mutually exclusive opinions
  11. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Bob The Badger in Gary Lineker   
    Has anybody in here defended Lineker over his tax avoidance - if that is what it turns out to be?
    i certainly haven't and I've not seen anybody suggest he be allowed to flout the law because he's not a Tory. If he's guilty treat him the same way as everyone else caught.
    But I know you're a stickler for being specific with you language and hate people having words out in their mouth, so I must have missed it. 
  12. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Crewton in Gary Lineker   
    Who said that?
  13. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to PistoldPete in Gary Lineker   
    Unfortunately social housing means more Government spending, and the Government is broke.  And rent controls will just destroy the private rented market completely. 
  14. Clap
    GboroRam reacted to Crewton in Gary Lineker   
    Neither nimbyism nor immigration are the biggest problems in housing provision, it's the government's unwillingness to push through a meaningful social housing plan for homes purely for rent (and yes, previous governments too) and to introduce greater security of tenure and rent control in the private rental sector. A quid-pro-quo in the private rental sector would have made sense, but instead they've introduced regulations that don't go far enough to protect renters and tax disincentives which are driving out responsible landlords  -the worst of both worlds. It's no surprise though - no Housing Minister lasts for more than 6 months and I lose track of how often they diminish the status of the role. No-one gets any time to carry through a meaningful policy to address the problem.
  15. Clap
    GboroRam reacted to HorsforthRam in Gary Lineker   
    Ukrainians didn’t have to make the perilous journey on a small boat across the channel. If they wanted to come here, the had a route to apply whilst still in Ukraine or in another country having gotten out. They didn’t necessarily have to just stop in Poland (though a lot have). We host a family that came from Kiev, have got jobs here and the kids are at school. Now they are potentially going to Canada. They have application processes available to them that are not available to refugees from other places around the world. 
  16. Haha
    GboroRam got a reaction from Comrade 86 in Gary Lineker   
    I wonder why so many people tuned in to watch that program that everyone has been talking about for the last few days? 
  17. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to Mostyn6 in Gary Lineker   
    this was all orchestrated to deflect BBC attention away from the real things they should be reporting about.
    There are Europe wide protests. Farmers, Doctors, Nurses, regarding Migrant Hotels, the funds being given to Macron and to Ukraine, that bank collapsing (hmm, where did all that money go?)
    But instead we've got people divided on a throwaway comment from Lineker that is so vague that nobody can truly be offended, but rightly embarrasses inhumane tory policy.
  18. Clap
    GboroRam reacted to Walkley Ram in Gary Lineker   
    Give over, he's answered the question. I can see it's a subject that you're passionate about, but remember not all of us have the issue with immigration that others do. Let's all agree to disagree, let the polling stations handle it and carry on watching the rams go up.
  19. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to ariotofmyown in Gary Lineker   
    You'll change your tune when 100 millions refugees arrive on our shores in the next few weeks.
  20. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to Reggie Greenwood in Gary Lineker   
    It will be mad Nads or 30p Lee ?
  21. Like
    GboroRam reacted to TuffLuff in Gary Lineker   
    I think what makes the argument a bit daft on here, is that if this was a discussion about Alan Sugar and his tweet with the picture of Corbyn next to Hitler then nearly everyone’s opinion would be reversed which completely sullies any free speech or impartiality argument. 
    Some don’t like Lineker and that’s it. I’m not sure you can have a debate on the rights or wrongs on what he said because of it. This is feeling much like the Covid/Politics debates on here where it’s saying things for the sake of it and losing focus on any understanding what the BBC impartiality rules are meant to mean, the BBC managements handling of the case, Linekers phrasing (that I thought was very carefully put) and where our politics is at the minute. 
    The other thing to acknowledge is that I think we are in a bit of what I call ‘silly season’ where something reaches the zeitgeist and we all argue over something we don’t really need it Wasn’t it Jimmy Carr’s joke last year? Give it a week and we will have sunnier weather, be outside more and Match of the Day saga will be at the back of peoples mind.
  22. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Bob The Badger in Gary Lineker   
    @G STAR RAM - it seems the lady in question has been awarded the MBE for her work on Holocaust education.
    It looks like her father escaped twice from the Nazis whilst being shipped to internment camps.
    She didn't lose her parents as was reported, but I'm not sure about her family members. They clearly had a torrid time though and her and her family were continually on the run and in hiding.
    So she was talking about stuff/language that was happening during her lifetime.
    I think we can agree now that she probably knows a teeny bit more about the holocaust than the people on this board, what do you think?
  23. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to nottingram in Gary Lineker   
    Strange the BBC are apologising to him given I’ve read on here from those privy to his contract that his tweet was a clear breach of guidelines and they were correct to act as they did
  24. Like
    GboroRam reacted to Bob The Badger in Gary Lineker   
    My dad fought in the war in North Africa and was at D-Day plus 6 but until relatively recently, I knew next to nothing about the war.
    This lady lived through the holocaust and had her family murdered. If you think those two events are similar then you probably think Derby beating Oxford was the same as Derby beating Benfica 3-0.
    You clearly have little to no comprehension of how the Jewish people view and feel the holocaust, especially those who lost loved ones.
    And in any case, this woman has read up on the murder of her own family (as 99.9% of people would) and knows a little bit more than most people on a DCFC football board, or she's pulling stuff out of her ass.
    I was about to say that other than you, I doubt anybody on this board thinks her opinion of what the Germans did does not carry significantly more weight than their own. But, in reality, I don't think you even think that.
    It goes back to you painting yourself into a corner by saying something that most people know is utter nonsense and leaving yourself with nowhere to go and nothing to do but lash out.
  25. Haha
    GboroRam reacted to Walkley Ram in Gary Lineker   
    This is the worst take I've ever seen, and I watched Salah's penalty on what was left of match of the day.
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