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Posts posted by GboroRam

  1. 2 hours ago, David said:

    When you click on a notification, go back to the notifications and it’s bold again?

    Now I've read yours it stays read, but if I read any old ones they stay bold.

  2. 17 hours ago, reveldevil said:

    I don't think I do. 

    I'd do anything for anyone, but I wouldn't do anything for myself.

    I cry at stupid things like cartoons or episodes of Friends, yet feel nothing when people who I love die.

    I'm 43 years old, no mortgage, nice car, no financial constraints, cracking wife and lovely lad who'll be 21 later this year, yet I find myself thinking of the easiest way to die and planning my funeral.

    It's fookin nuts when I write it down, and even more nuts that I'd post it!


    My limited advice, for what it's worth: if you want to change something about your life, change something about your life. Make a small change. Something that you always fancied. Be it music, sport, reading your whatever your thing is. You may have to push yourself into small steps. A small change will be the start. But start. 

  3. 29 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

    Definitely nothing in my email, doesn't matter now as I can't even remember what thread it was or the contents of my post.

    Probably horribly racist, I'm guessing.

    Occasionally we have to moderate language such as racial epithets (not suggesting for one second your post was like that, honestly I never had a chance to read it) just to keep the forum happy and advertiser friendly. I know people don't like having their freedom of expression challenged but it's nothing personal or a sense of humour failure. It's just an attempt to keep our buddies at Google onside. 

  4. 30 minutes ago, Boycie said:

    Is it android phones that get so clogged up with virus’s that you have to watch an advert before you can make or recieve phone calls?


    Depends how clueless you are. For some people, yes, that's about right.

  5. 17 hours ago, David said:

    Tech blogger posts selfies, claims it was taken on a Google Pixel phone, Android users fall over themselves to compliment the crispy pictures, so much better than the iPhone with its beautygate they claim.

    Tech blogger then reveals selfies were in fact taken on a iPhone XS. Gotcha.

    Those that featured in the video are scrambling to remove their comments ?


    Well that schooled those android users. So it turns out that the £1250 phone also takes nice photos. Who knew? 

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