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Posts posted by GboroRam

  1. 49 minutes ago, David said:

    Some modern routers also can switch between modes, 2.5Ghz and 5Ghz, 2.5 being slower speeds and better range where as 5 is faster speed but shorter range, the routers try and "intelligently" pick the best mode for where you are and that can change without even moving. These changes can sometimes result in drop outs with your connection.  


    If your laptop connects to a 2G Wi-Fi and your phone to a 5G, consider buying a 5G dongle if your laptop experience is lacking compared to your phone. It's about a fiver on ebay.

  2. 12 minutes ago, Penelope Pendrex said:

    It's still far from perfect. You don't get this crap with YouTube and that's free.

    And it's not like dcfc tv doesn't have adverts, either.

    YouTube don't have to wrap their videos in protection though. It's a very different thing.

  3. 9 hours ago, StivePesley said:

    They aren't that great, they are just stylish and fashionable - therefore priced at a premium

    Not even very stylish IMO. I don't think any phone has looked more stylish than the Samsung S3. Everything has gone boxy since. And Sony make the ugliest phones of them all.

  4. 46 minutes ago, David said:

    @needles, one more thing to try, download Google Chrome and see if that works. If it does it’s something amiss with your Safari app, can’t think what else it would be though

    If that doesn't work you could try a Windows laptop? Cheap, very reliable. They also make games and stuff for them, you might enjoy doing more than web surfing and email?

    Don't shoot the messenger, just trying to help...

  5. 5 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

    I think it all depends on the situation. If it’s the 3rd round and the gulf in class is there and there is no fightback at all, it needs to be stopped.

    But recently with McGregor and Takam, they’ve been stopped in the 10th or the 11th with each opppnent still fully capable of continuing.

    Now, you have to ask whether it’s in their best interest. If they are massively down on points, which both were, is there much point in carrying on if they’re taking heavy punishment and have little to no chance of winning? 

    I just think fighters should be given a standing count, with the referee then saying if you don’t throw back or stem the onslaught I’ll call it off...

    But referees just seem to jump in right away, and in some cases like Groves/Froch it can totally ruin a fight.


    I understand, but I definitely understand the erring on the side of caution.

  6. 15 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

    Referees have become a lot more safety concsious in the past few years. We've had a number of stand-up stoppages which haven't made much sense. 

    As a fan, you'd rather see a defeated opponent be put down. Rarely happens these days.

    Unfortunately that does sound like we should be allowed to watch people potentially doing serious damage to each other in the name of entertaining the public.

  7. It'll be a culture shock, moving from Samsung to Apple. I couldn't do it. Simple things I use all the time are different - like the left and right buttons or swiping down from the top of the screen. 

  8. 1 hour ago, BathRam72 said:

    Hmm while I do agree with the camera being very good. I swapped from an Iphone to a HTC. Loved the HTC it was superb. But last year I decided to try Samsung. What a disaster. It has been back for repairs more times than I care to think about. Eventually it was beyond repair so got a new one. This one is playing up as well. Still have a year on my contract. 

    Can't justify the outrageous prices to keep up with the Iphone revolution. So I will be looking for some thing else and hoping for the best.

    Been Samsung since as long as I can remember. Galaxy Ace 2, S3 (x3), S5, S6 edge, S7, S8, Core Prime - all the family. Not one hardware issue other than a cracked screen.

  9. 4 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

    Almost as good as the S6.

    My wife gave up on the iPhone. Met every one of her requirements, but she couldn't accept every single picture I ever took was better quality than anything she took. She's gone Samsung and hasn't looked back.

  10. 2 minutes ago, kash_a_ram_a_ding_dong said:

    The thing is tho,most mid ranged android phones can run any app comfortably now and ever growing processors are just overkill and pretty much unnecessary...

    I think we have reached a point where the hardware has outstripped software so buying a mega phone doesn't make as much sense as it did.

    Hence the reason less people are buying new ones....their old phones still work and every phone looks pretty much like another.

    True. Real world concerns are camera quality and internal storage. 

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