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    froggg reacted to Day in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    In bed

  2. Like
    froggg reacted to Rev in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   
    Andalusia, a few hours ago!
  3. Like
    froggg got a reaction from DudeRam in Picture where you, and your knee are now.   

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    froggg got a reaction from Animal is a Ram in Gaming   
    Thanks for trying AIAR
  5. Like
    froggg got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Gaming   
    Thanks for trying AIAR
  6. Like
    froggg reacted to Animal is a Ram in Gaming   
    PC games have often been modified (modded) to change the base game, usually to add/remove/replace content or make it more of a challenge. Or in Skyrim's case.. replace dragons with Thomas the Tank.
    Historically, its only been PC games purely because its that much easier to get at the files and structure behind the game, whereas console games have it all locked away on a disc. However due to the popularity, and many console users asking for it, its becoming more prevalent.
    Does this clear it up, oldie? 
  7. Like
    froggg got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    Has the exam season ceased to exist?
  8. Like
    froggg got a reaction from DarkFruitsRam7 in Gaming   
    Can anyone translate for an oldie? tbf I've got some games on me phone....... chess and checkers 
  9. Like
    froggg got a reaction from RiddingsRam in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    Has the exam season ceased to exist?
  10. Like
    froggg reacted to bigbadbob in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    He so wanted to be missed. 
  11. Like
    froggg got a reaction from bigbadbob in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    Has the exam season ceased to exist?
  12. Like
    froggg reacted to RiddingsRam in Should I Leave the Forum?   
    Go on , put us out of our mysery.......
  13. Like
    froggg reacted to bigbadbob in Should I Leave the Forum?   
  14. Like
    froggg reacted to Boycie in Should I Leave the Forum?   
  15. Like
    froggg reacted to Rev in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Sorry to hear your of your girlfriend's dad's troubles, certainly sounds like rotten luck.
    My mother in law is currently staying in the same hospital, and has been on and off for the past year.
    She was diagnosed with Breast Cancer 11+ years ago, but after Chemo/Radiotherapy and surgery she recovered well, and apart from regular scans never saw the inside of the hospital again for 4 years.
    Then a scan showed the cancer had spread to the lining of a lung, and the chemo started again.
    The last 7 years have been a cycle of scans, chemo, shrinking cancer, scans, spreading cancer,more chemo etc.
    She now has cancer in more places than not it seems, and right now it's a struggle to think she'll be with us much longer.
    The fact is though, there's been a lot more good times than bad the last 10 years, some treatments have dreadful side effects and dont seem to work, while others seem to have no side effects at all, yet are effective.
    We've had nice family holidays together, she's seen her two eldest grandchildren grow up, a new one born, and celebrated 11 more Christmas dinners and birthdays than we thought we would when she was first diagnosed. 
    She's even done the race for life a couple of times, not bad for a woman in her sixties!
    Everyone is different, but if your girlfriends dad's cancer is confined to just the lung, there's no reason for him not to make a complete recovery in time, and even if that's not possible things are rarely as bad as they seem.
    It's natural to be angry, scared and pessimistic, but it's not worth expending energy on things you can't change at the expense of things you can.
    A short wallow every now and again doesn't do any harm either, just the length of a Radiohead album or so I find puts me back on track.
    If I could offer one bit of advice, find someone for you to talk to, apart from the people affected. 
    I've bottled my own feelings up to be strong for my wife, after all it's her mother who has cancer, and to be honest I'm a mess for it.
    Good luck, you come across as well sorted type, if you need anything just ask.
  16. Like
    froggg reacted to sage in Beer Thread   
    I'm having two Thornbridge Cocoa Wonderland's to watch tonight's game with. I have put 2 Straffe Hendrik Quadrupels in the cellar ready for the Ireland game,
  17. Like
    froggg reacted to ramsbottom in Depression, anxiety, stress and other related issues   
    Morning chaps,
    Just to let you all know I'm doing a lot better.  Had a good chat with the Mrs, had a little cry, had a couple of days off and celebrated my lad's birthday as a family.  Certainly made me appreciate the little things a lot more, and I'm feeling stronger for it.
    Thanks for advice and letting me know I'm not alone in feeling like this from time to time.  You're a good bunch...
  18. Like
    froggg reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
  19. Like
    froggg reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
  20. Like
    froggg got a reaction from Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
    Nice looking scran.
  21. Like
    froggg reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
    Nice move from PrivateDerby as he gets his mate Laurence Dallaglio to dress up as a French Copper and the England boys instantly show the coppers a bit of respect, and get back to enjoying a civilised 19 lagers before enjoying today's football.
    "There's only one PrivateDerby, one PrivateDerby, walking a long, singing a song, the Aussies can stick up their @rses Rolf Harris and their billabongs, there's only one Private Derby"........C'mon England.
  22. Like
    froggg reacted to PrivateDerby in Derby County Flags   
  23. Like
    froggg reacted to Inverurie Ram in Derby County Flags   
  24. Like
    froggg reacted to admira in Derby County Flags   
    Sussed it! My Glasto flag

  25. Like
    froggg got a reaction from Rev in Beer Thread   
    Nah floaty lovely feeling....
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