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Everything posted by Mucker1884

  1. Further info from my follow up email... some being repeated, but...
  2. This. 👍 There were a thousand questions at the time, but a million answers. We were all made fully aware of the (numerous) options at the time, given all the info, and were all made aware of the consequences of our decisions, including those relating to long term/continuous renewals. The club did all that it could under the circumstances, imo. It's a shame for @Rambam... and I ain't here to gloat... but it ain't unfair. Any "loyalty bonus" was dished out at the time... by Mel. I'd imagine (wild guess!) that Mr Clowes renewed at the time, kept his ST loyalty bonus, then ended up forking out to buy the whole bloody lot a couple of seasons down the line anyway! I don't think it's fair to ask him to show any further goodwill, particularly pertaining to before he was king! 🐏
  3. Yes... Me! That's why I've gone for it on day one, so I don't change my mind! 🤣
  4. Perhaps try a dummy run, without committing at the end? I've just seen mention of the credit options on the "PAY Now" page, but didn't pay much attention, as I've paid in full with card. It looked quite detailed though, so I assume that will tell you? Apologies of that turns out to be a wild goose chase! 🐏🍻
  5. Done! 🐏 I'm In. Warne's in. The Brunswick inn. innit! Oh... and before we get deluged with the same old question...
  6. But second based on completed and confirmed results thus far... which is quite nice.
  7. FFS! 🙄 First time I try to play the big ITK card, and this happens! Makes me look a right numpty! This feels almost as amusing as that time I tried to be a sombrero-wearing trend-setter... etc, etc... I'm done with the internet! Done, I tell yer!
  8. Oh No! Just got in and seen the result! 😲 I'll catch up on here later... and God help whoever is to blame this time! 👀
  9. Just formalising the above comments... as you were...
  10. "Apologies. They all look the same to me", replied the reffist poster! 👀
  11. Weird legal process... Charged, tried, convicted, sentenced to prison... but just carry on for now, in case you fancy appealing. That bold bit in the club statement just doesn't sit well with me. Surely conviction and sentencing puts an end to the process? Surely any appeal is a separate process yet to be carried out? How about go to prison, appeal if you like, then if you win, you can come back out! As it stands, he's been convicted and should therefore be in prison. ... It goes without saying, I am far from an expert on this, and am merely airing my confusion! WTF! 🤷‍♂️
  12. Some charcoal sketches, or it never happened! 👀
  13. Hope that's more springy than it looks, so you can bounce up high enough to take advantage of the glorious views! 😁
  14. If it wasn't for that pesky third booking, Croatian Guy would have got away with it! 🤣
  15. Ah yes. I remember now. You asked me to nip in for you, as you only looked 12, where as I already had a fuzzy 'tache. It was the same in pubs. I got fed up of having to keep bringing you a packet of crisps out to the garden!
  16. I came that close to tagging you in to my query. I feel a tad stupid for not doing. I convinced myself you only had "Official/quality/replicas etc, and changed my mind, putting "Surely not" instead! I should have known better! 😁 I'm still gonna go out on a limb and... despite my infamously lousy memory... suggest mine was yellow (🤷‍♂️), so that appears to also clear up my colour option query too! Great work sir... as always! 🍻 Ooh... just realised... I'm still convinced mine said "We'll be back in '81"? Or was that just the chant of the era? 🤷‍♂️
  17. Ah! NOW it's starting to make sense! Walk away whilst yer still can, mate! 🤣
  18. Try putting a serrated tear line on a thick plastic card, then go and take a long hard look at yourself in the mirror!
  19. Who the hell carries a phrase like that around in their head! There is just no relevance between that and "a normal person"! 🤣
  20. We did this on Easter Monday 2009 (Lost 2-3 to a late Wolves winner.) (Had to Google the year!) All pretty much as @angieram describes above. Difference being, we had a (free) spot in the West car park, a pre game tour (#backstagepass... shook the hand of owd Gordon as he laid out the shirts 🐏) and despite our letter advising that drinks were to be paid for, when I went to settle up prior to leaving, I was told there was no need, and that the letter "must be mistaken"! Happy days! Mind you, what's 4 x glasses of Coke in a place like that? Can't be much more than £30! 🤣 Now it's not for me to suggest any drink-bill-related shenanigans of course... and ours was 100% genuine... but it appeared back then that it was nigh on impossible for staff to know who is who, who has paid what, and who owes dosh to the bar before leaving v those that are on freebies! Things may well be different now of course, 15 years on! The other (massive) difference was that we didn't pay a penny for the privilege, as we took the prize off my disinterested boss, who won a prize draw (Sponsored by Derbyshire Building Society back then). Oh... and we sat in the director's box, on comfy/padded seats, directly behind one Mr R Harrison of FA Cup Final and DCFC legend fame. May God rest his soul. xxx
  21. He the guy who do da footy on radio Derby, m8.
  22. That's what having an HQ full of extremely savvy and highly intelligent financial wizards to hand does for yer! 👀 ... I repeat... 👀
  23. A little more on the Madley "issue", this time from a Tykes fans perspective... He even gets his own dedicated thread over there, instead of clogging up their matchday thread (He says, helping to clog up the matchday thread!) 👀🤣 https://barnsleyfc.org.uk/threads/bobby-madley.328377/
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