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Everything posted by Mucker1884

  1. I just hope that whatever the outcome, (Auto preferred, obvs!) we don't need a result on the final day to achieve it. 😲 I want to sit and chill... even if that means the players are pissed up, and we witness a drab 0-0, as tradition dictates when playing at home to Carlisle last match. Let's have none of this looking at other scores elsewhere with 'phone in one hand, whilst chewing off the fingernails of the other hand please... Pretty please! 🙏
  2. 🍻 Yes I know they were... But what I hadn't noticed... despite even quoting them(!)... was that it was actually @Rampant themselves that was asking the question! I thought it was someone else, trying to muscle in on Rampant's tip-top run! It was at this point, that I cannot deny, I felt quite the fool! 🤣 I'm gonna claim diminished concentration. It's been "one of those weekends"! Apologies all round! 🙄 😊
  3. I'm of the understanding that the matchday thread starter continues until we lose? 🤷‍♂️ As @Rampantis currently... erm... running rampant, in terms of actual results and indeed quality of the opening posts, I think it would be very, very silly to put a spanner in that particular fine work. Leave well alone I say, and let Rampant take us all the way to the Championship! 🐏
  4. Oh! 🙄 (Should have checked before posting!) BOOOOOO!
  5. Damn it... You beat me to it! (Good job I checked before posting!) 🤣 👍
  6. Can we please refrain from posts about beating your kepper... this is a family forum. Oh... and size isn't everything, y'know! 🙄
  7. Fat Jack Horner Sat in A Block Corner Waiting for his pie. He pulled out his thumb From his fat sweaty bum And found out some other fat fecker had already took the last one, and the only way to get one was to bitch slap the thieving scum whilst chanting "Don't bulleh meh"!
  8. Deserve: Meaning: The team that sticks the ball in the back of the net the most times, and thus achieving the sole aim of the game, as set out and unchanged in the two-centuries old rule book.
  9. Ha! Wilson looking around... "s***! What do I do now?" 🤣
  10. Having missed every bloody second of yesterday's outside world (Due to a hospital based family bereavement session!), priority this morning was to search @hintonsboots, and find this little beauty. Thank you, good sir. My loins are fully re-stirred! A quick flick through the rest of the thread suggests it wasn't pretty, but we got the job done. I doubt many of us were brave enough to hope for anything more. Looks like scenes after the whistle, and good on all those who stayed behind to applaud and cheer off the day's heroes. Apologies to @B4ev6is for leaving an empty seat in an otherwise sell out game. #noexcuses. I get it! And I'm duly gutted, in every sense of the word. 😢 Now... Let's just do this promotion thing, and let's hear no more of my lesser fandom.... 🐏
  11. Cheers buddy. 🍻 As neither a Ram or Footy fan, it was "Family applause only"! (One I assume only footy fans will understand!) I did sign him off with a warranted "Well batted, that man. Good innings, sir". It was time, to be fair. He was one of the gentler gents, despite being from Ilson! 👀 I did enquire whether anyone needed any bread or milk at around 14:15, but Muckerette just replied "Don't you f**kin' dare"! 🤣 My attention turns specifically and solely to her now, for the foreseeable. The Rams will need to take second place for a while... just don't tell @B4ev6is! 🐏
  12. One thing's for certain... it wasn't full. My seat was empty, due to me being on a hospital bedside vigil from 3pm yesterday until we said goodbye to my almost-93 year old F-I-L at 17:15 today, at which stage I was still none the wiser as to the fantastic news emanating from the other side of town! I'm gonna leave the matchday thread catch up for now, as I'm shattered, suffice to say, I hope each and every one of you who did turn up have had a bloody fantastic day. What. A. Result! Up The Effin' Rams! 🐏
  13. I got as far as "Infacavly"... posted at 02:09 no less... and decided that at this stage of the day (now 05:30)... I'm outta here! 😲
  14. Have you started scouting in France now? 🤷‍♂️
  15. Nah! If we win, it'll be all "We are going up!" If we don't, it'll be all "Hey, we still have 21 points to play for. Lots of twists and turns to come yet" etc. After Saturday... We'll all be none the wiser! 😄
  16. 😲 Where the hell did the OP put it? "Quaint UK market towns and other beautiful places to visit for blind people with no sense of smell"? 🤷‍♂️ 😄
  17. And don't wear a half-and-half scarf against Peterborough. Nobody wants to advertise that they are a Posh C***!
  18. Good job then, that over the 38 games thus far, we've won more convincingly than every fecker else, if the GD column is anything to be believed! 🙄
  19. Late to the party, having just been dragged here by a comment elsewhere (and being a nosy git, to be fair). I can see me popping in quite regularly now! 🤣
  20. Really? 🤷‍♂️ I've been in immense pain (Kidney stones) and was most certainly writhing around, until the good guys with the gas & air turned up! Try whacking your finger with a hammer, and not shaking your hand!
  21. I was just about to explain, thinking you'd missed my point... but then it dawned on me... just in time... what you are referring to! Phew! So Yeah... Good point well made... but at least the officials THOUGHT it wasn't outside the box! 🤣
  22. He doesn't get it at all! Quite the opposite, if that first sentence is anything to go by! I'd have thought the best way to avoid conceding a penalty was indeed to rush out of your box as quick as possible. You can then bundle away to your hearts content... There ain't no penalties conceded out there! 👀
  23. Totally agree... and that's my ONLY negative from the whole evening. My predicted comfortable win and relaxed evening (for the fans) would then have come to fruition. That aside, it was a cracking game... and there ain't been many of late... so my buzz remains fully buzzing for Saturday... I'll take more of the same. Needs must! 🐏
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