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Sheff Ram

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  1. Like
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from Nishfan in The Administration Thread   
    This forum has actually been a support mechanism for many of us. Like you say, DCFC has been a part of our lives for years, and for some of us, decades. We've experienced highs. We've experienced lows. But we've always had the team there to support. We invest time, hard earned cash and emotional capital in the team. To have the threat of this all disappearing has been traumatic to say the least. So thank you to this forum's members for being there to talk things over, share experiences and to support each other. This is a wonderful football club with wonderful fans to match. We have a rich history that goes right back to the first professional league in this country. Let's now move forward and make this a defining period in Derby' history.
    Come on you Rams!!!
  2. Like
    Sheff Ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    Agree with you on the love of football, mine has mostly gone. But the whole thing has connected me with the Rams more than ever before and made me realise how important they are to me. Priority was getting promotion to the premier league, now it’s about loving and celebrating the club sharing memories with the fan base and hopefully my next family generations, win lose or draw, whatever division we are in. Couldn’t give a duck about the soulless Premier League.
  3. Like
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from LeedsCityRam in The Administration Thread   
    This forum has actually been a support mechanism for many of us. Like you say, DCFC has been a part of our lives for years, and for some of us, decades. We've experienced highs. We've experienced lows. But we've always had the team there to support. We invest time, hard earned cash and emotional capital in the team. To have the threat of this all disappearing has been traumatic to say the least. So thank you to this forum's members for being there to talk things over, share experiences and to support each other. This is a wonderful football club with wonderful fans to match. We have a rich history that goes right back to the first professional league in this country. Let's now move forward and make this a defining period in Derby' history.
    Come on you Rams!!!
  4. Like
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from ariotofmyown in The Administration Thread   
    This forum has actually been a support mechanism for many of us. Like you say, DCFC has been a part of our lives for years, and for some of us, decades. We've experienced highs. We've experienced lows. But we've always had the team there to support. We invest time, hard earned cash and emotional capital in the team. To have the threat of this all disappearing has been traumatic to say the least. So thank you to this forum's members for being there to talk things over, share experiences and to support each other. This is a wonderful football club with wonderful fans to match. We have a rich history that goes right back to the first professional league in this country. Let's now move forward and make this a defining period in Derby' history.
    Come on you Rams!!!
  5. Clap
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    This forum has actually been a support mechanism for many of us. Like you say, DCFC has been a part of our lives for years, and for some of us, decades. We've experienced highs. We've experienced lows. But we've always had the team there to support. We invest time, hard earned cash and emotional capital in the team. To have the threat of this all disappearing has been traumatic to say the least. So thank you to this forum's members for being there to talk things over, share experiences and to support each other. This is a wonderful football club with wonderful fans to match. We have a rich history that goes right back to the first professional league in this country. Let's now move forward and make this a defining period in Derby' history.
    Come on you Rams!!!
  6. Like
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from Ramrob in The Administration Thread   
    This forum has actually been a support mechanism for many of us. Like you say, DCFC has been a part of our lives for years, and for some of us, decades. We've experienced highs. We've experienced lows. But we've always had the team there to support. We invest time, hard earned cash and emotional capital in the team. To have the threat of this all disappearing has been traumatic to say the least. So thank you to this forum's members for being there to talk things over, share experiences and to support each other. This is a wonderful football club with wonderful fans to match. We have a rich history that goes right back to the first professional league in this country. Let's now move forward and make this a defining period in Derby' history.
    Come on you Rams!!!
  7. Like
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from ollycutts1982 in The Administration Thread   
    This forum has actually been a support mechanism for many of us. Like you say, DCFC has been a part of our lives for years, and for some of us, decades. We've experienced highs. We've experienced lows. But we've always had the team there to support. We invest time, hard earned cash and emotional capital in the team. To have the threat of this all disappearing has been traumatic to say the least. So thank you to this forum's members for being there to talk things over, share experiences and to support each other. This is a wonderful football club with wonderful fans to match. We have a rich history that goes right back to the first professional league in this country. Let's now move forward and make this a defining period in Derby' history.
    Come on you Rams!!!
  8. Like
    Sheff Ram reacted to ollycutts1982 in The Administration Thread   
    What great news to wake up to. Hopefully there will be no Issues and this is the start of a new beginning. 
    Without being premature, I just want to say what a great place this is. Many of us have struggled throughout this but have felt comfortable enough to talk about it to people we have never met and had nothing but support and kind words in return. Derby County is a source of escape from the world for its fans and for the last few years and more so this season that has been the cause of a lot of stress and anxiety. A massive well done to all on the forum, whether it be the Mods for running it, those who have posted constant updates from other platforms, the ones who offered words of support to those who have struggled. 
    Through this whole ? show one thing that has stood out is that we truly have the best fans in the land. 
    Let the rebuild begin. 
  9. Like
    Sheff Ram reacted to BramcoteRam84 in The Administration Thread   
    Bloody hell I do not want to go through this again. This has been detrimental to my marriage so I hope for my wife’s sake this gets done and we can start to move forward. I’ve also fallen short of the standards of a good father through this - all because of football. But as I told my wife yesterday, I’ve invested 30+ years of emotion and money (well my dad did until I was 16) in this football club. Beyond family and friends this club is my life, it’s even more important than some friends!! 
    Maybe over optimistic on the stadium given what we’ve been through. I can understand some skepticism but I don’t think this will be an issue, any transaction to do with the stadium was never going to be completed now so would always have to be a condition. He’s taking over funding. That’s massive.
    I waivered slightly last night telling @StrawHillRamto duck off, thankfully he saw the funny side but I wanted to reserve comment until the day was done and didn’t go into meltdown like some although I went to bed thoroughly depressed and pissed off. Now I can say:
  10. Sad
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from RAM1966 in The Administration Thread   
    @IslandExile this sums up perfectly where I'm at in terms of this never-ending complete and utter fiasco.
  11. Sad
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from Kathcairns in The Administration Thread   
    @IslandExile this sums up perfectly where I'm at in terms of this never-ending complete and utter fiasco.
  12. Sad
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    @IslandExile this sums up perfectly where I'm at in terms of this never-ending complete and utter fiasco.
  13. Sad
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    @IslandExile this sums up perfectly where I'm at in terms of this never-ending complete and utter fiasco.
  14. Like
    Sheff Ram reacted to IslandExile in The Administration Thread   
    That's a very big IF though, isn't it.
    I should've known better but I was fooled again; I really thought the nightmare would end today. Damn.
    I still really hope that CK gets it over the line but I'm now starting to really dread the tweet: "Sorry, I tried but it's proven too difficult". 
    Unlike some, I wouldn't blame him.
    There's been obvious contributions from the EFL, Gibson and the chancer at Wycombe, but let's be honest, this is all on Mel.
    As I say, I really want CK as owner, Wayne to stay and the kids to get signed up.
    But, more important than anything is that we continue to exist. So, if that means Ashley, or anyone else, so be it.
  15. Clap
    Sheff Ram reacted to Gee SCREAMER !! in The Administration Thread   
    The EFL to Quantuma this evening. 

    Yes, we can stay in admin for a considerable time longer but they'll be getting very twitchy about another delay.  This time next week were actively trying to push out of contract players out the door to save a months wages and get them signed elsewhere.  Knight, Bird, Bielik, Sibley etc openly up for auction to the highest bidder to provide funds for a rock bottom wage bill of freebies in an effort to start the season.  Season ticket money into the administrators account for the continue doing crap all fund. 
    You can't give exclusivity to a bloke who refers to the owner of the ground as a F***job and expect it to go well, especially as he seems unwilling to actually pay rent on it.  Months ago I said on here that Mels accord with Gibson would be tied in with the club purchase and not funded externally and it appears that's so.  Months ago I said he would want back rent tied into any purchase and once again it transpires.  If I can see that from a million miles away, why can't they have anticipated this.  Were talking about a 5 million shift in asking price plus months more of their fees.
    This is a s*it show.
  16. Haha
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from Derby4Me in The Administration Thread   
    Yet again, we're left hanging. What an absolute "Residence of the poo" this is. Like someone mentioned earlier, the news we get is via a journo reporting what a supporters group have heard. CK's tweet from Saturday stated:
    "I won’t have other updates this weekend, but will have a conclusion to the process on Monday that I’ll share with all of you".
    So maybe an up-date from him later.
  17. Haha
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from RoyMac5 in The Administration Thread   
    Yet again, we're left hanging. What an absolute "Residence of the poo" this is. Like someone mentioned earlier, the news we get is via a journo reporting what a supporters group have heard. CK's tweet from Saturday stated:
    "I won’t have other updates this weekend, but will have a conclusion to the process on Monday that I’ll share with all of you".
    So maybe an up-date from him later.
  18. Haha
    Sheff Ram reacted to MackworthRamIsGod in The Administration Thread   
    My guess is radio silence, twitter will be full of "I can't stop refreshing" and "Kirchner is amazing" and then, at 7pm we will get a tweet by Simon Stone or one of the other random Twitter ITKs that there has been a slight delay in an announcement but that we shouldn't worry and there will be an announcement by the end of Friday.
    In an epic twist, on Friday it will be revealed that Chris Kirchner is actually Sheik Khaled wearing a rubber mask and his wife Aly is actually short for Alonso.
    That's my guess...

  19. Haha
    Sheff Ram reacted to Van der MoodHoover in The Administration Thread   
    Sounds like Beryl in accounts didn't type the CHAPS instructions in before she left for the weekend cos she only works to 2pm on Fridays... ?
  20. Like
    Sheff Ram reacted to Ram@Lincoln in Steve Nicholson leaving the Derby Telegraph   
    After 37 years service, Steve Nicholson finishes his reporting of Derby. No matter what you think of his articles now during the click bait world of the Derby Live website, he's been an absolutely outstanding linchpin to Derby media over the years. Before the social media world he, along with RD, were the number one source for all things Derby. I wish Steve all the best with whatever he does now, wherever it's retirement or somewhere new without the pressures of clickbait and online adverts. Thank you for all your hard work over 37 years Steve!
  21. Haha
    Sheff Ram reacted to SamUltraRam in The Administration Thread   
    Please could it be a Derby fan ?
    EuroMillions: UK ticket holder wins £184m jackpot
  22. Haha
    Sheff Ram reacted to BucksRam in The Administration Thread   
    To be honest, I'm passed the point of re-visiting what the EFL did or didn't do - I have my views, I've voiced them on here.  We just need to move on and hope that going forward CK (assuming and hoping the deal goes through) establishes a good relationship with them. And if the structure changes, with an independent regulator coming in then we abide by whatever rules that results in. The fact is we simply must never have a repeat of this. 
    As for money owed here, money owed there, again, I'm now at the point I don't care.  Pretty sure too that CK, MM, the EFL and Q have all thrashed out the details down to the penny, and we're of course not privy to those conversations.  For me, why should I stress about things completely out of my control.  All I want is for the deal to be done, the club to exist and for us to move on. If, by the time I have my planned BBQ at the weekend, it is done, then I may upgrade my rump steak to a sirloin....heck I may even go T-Bone or Fillet. 
  23. Clap
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from RAM1966 in The Administration Thread   
    I'm struggling to understand as to why MM holding out for better deal on the stadium and some extra dosh. If the stadium is the sticking point for the deal being completed and we do get liquidated, that money will pail in comparison to the damage done to MM's already embattled reputation. He will, quite litterally, go down in football history as the man who single-handedly destroyed Derby.
  24. Clap
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from David Graham Brown in The Administration Thread   
    I'm struggling to understand as to why MM holding out for better deal on the stadium and some extra dosh. If the stadium is the sticking point for the deal being completed and we do get liquidated, that money will pail in comparison to the damage done to MM's already embattled reputation. He will, quite litterally, go down in football history as the man who single-handedly destroyed Derby.
  25. Clap
    Sheff Ram got a reaction from jimtastic56 in The Administration Thread   
    I'm struggling to understand as to why MM holding out for better deal on the stadium and some extra dosh. If the stadium is the sticking point for the deal being completed and we do get liquidated, that money will pail in comparison to the damage done to MM's already embattled reputation. He will, quite litterally, go down in football history as the man who single-handedly destroyed Derby.
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