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Posts posted by RamBeauIV

  1. 3 hours ago, DerbyRevolution said:

    How many more do we need to be competitive? 

    How many more are we allowed to sign?

    If the EFL only allow us 25 "permitted" players - and that includes anyone on the books who's played 3 or more games at L1 or above; and if we re-sign as many from last season; how many does that leave?  Is that where the figure of "10" came from a couple of days ago?

    We need to be selective, hence a quality striker, so Collins please. He'll score every week with Mendez-Laing supplying him ?

  2. 12 minutes ago, PistoldPete said:

    Bielik is contracted to 2024. Not sure why there is total salary cap .. it seems superfluous given FFP rules and the caps on numbers of players and on new player wages. If there is a total salary cap it needs to be proportionate to our revenue, 50% something like that. . 

    The total salary cap is because it takes into account that clubs do have high earners (e.g. Bielik). If we want to keep them, then less money for others. Incentive is then to get shot of them.  Look at Reading with Swift and Joao.

  3. 9 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    The EFL approved Wigan spending at least 10% of their revenue on one player so these 'clear exiting administration rules' you speak of will clearly let us spend an equivalent sum based on our revenue.

    The EFL WILL PUBLISH THE RULES we will have to adhere to (with the threat of a suspended points penalty if we break them or break P&S rules again).  Once the embargo is lifted, we may be able to pay fees for players, bue these will be very low and capped by EFL.

    The usual format of these rules (taken from the EFL website) will take the form of ...

    There will be an agreed cap on Total Player Salary Costs of not more than £X Million in 2022-23, (possibly reducing to £Y Million in the following Season (e.g. as high earning Poles leave)), with a number of other conditions, including:

    • the Club will be permitted to have registered at any one time no more than 25 Permitted Players;
    • the Club will not be permitted to pay or commit to pay any Transfer Fee, Compensation Fee or Loan Fee or any other form of payment (other than a sell on fee) in respect of the registration of any Player in excess of the level as agreed with the EFL;
    • the average Salary of all new Contract Players registered from the date of this Agreement until 30 June 2024 (or 2025 depending on 2/3 year creditor agreement) will not exceed an average of the level as agreed with the EFL;
    • the Salary of any new Contract Player registered from the date of this Agreement until 30 June 2024 (or 2025) will not exceed the level as agreed with the EFL;
    • any contribution to fees paid to an Intermediary by the Club on the behalf of a Player will be limited to 3% of the Player’s Basic Gross Income (as defined in the FA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries);

    Bottom line is we will be run sustainably. No more overpriced crocked Poles or Buttercups. There are plenty of good released players out there this Summer. It's time we need to find and gel them into a team of fighters, not splurging millions on primadonnas.

  4. 2 hours ago, jono said:

    40 players at circa 4 grand a week = a wage bill over 8 million .. so you have 6 million or so  left to run the club including leasing the stadium, paying the ordinary staff, buying players, paying the the directors and then all the boring stuff like energy and maintenance.  I can’t see profit for anyone unless total player wage costs are below 50% of revenue. .. So for sustainability of teams (not just DCFC ) that has to be where it is. But will it ever happen ? If it doesn’t there will be more failures … unless rich men have vanity projects 

    I think the £4K a week average is about right and will be in the imposed Business Plan.

    There is no way the EFL will let us have 40 players.  It will be an absolute maximum of 25 Registered Players (as per Reading's punishment for breaking FFP). They're not going to punish us less for trumping Reading with administration on top.

    That saves you another 3 million, so you now have 9 million or so left to run the club ... or rather go towards HMRC and the other creditors.


  5. 3 hours ago, hintonsboots said:

    Have Jordan and Nixon ever been seen in the same room ?

    There were always a few seedy characters in long macs standing at the back of her photo shoots, but Nixon was working for the Daily Mirror when Jordan was at The Sun, so possibly not.

  6. 1 hour ago, PistoldPete said:

    Whilst time is important the Efl fixture list should absolutely not be the determining factor. We need to be able to renew player contracts so the deal needs to be closed very quickly. But closing a deal in two weeks just because the Efl are worried about their fixture computer is ridiculous . We need a proper owner who will pay enough for creditors and not an asset stripper . 

    the Efl deadline can be dealt with by some form of guarantee by local benefactors. Clowes has already got a deal for the stadium soo that can be part of the business plan so that we are financed for the season or until the new owner takes over. 

    Beggars can't be choosers.  The Fixture List is published next week (Thursday, June 23rd). If we don't get a deal done inside the next week, then I can't see the EFL letting us go on a month-to-month basis of proving funds - they will kick us out beforehand and replace us. The other L1 clubs also want certainty (and avoid the possibility of losing a prime fixture / 5% of their income / refunding ST holders a game / suing or throwing handbags at EFL).

    Step forward ... Mike Ashley.  He specialises in doing quick last-minute deals (Look at Missguided earlier this month - went into Administration, but MA bought it within 48 hours). It's ready-made for him now.

  7. Quite a few of the posts on the last few pages refer to the -15 points with MA and no points deductions with CK.

    Can anyone say with any assurance that we won't get any points deductions with CK?  Or even a Suspended -15 points deduction (being applied the first time the wages aren't paid on time, or HMRC claim we're in arrears)?

  8. 9 hours ago, I know nuffin said:

    @david could be the one to let us know or any other creditor on here if and when they get a part payment 

    Didn't CK say he was doing a Waterfall payment plan of creditors?  So, small creditors won't get paid for 2-3 years.

    As long as footie creditors and HMRC are happy with their repayments, then that's all that matters.

  9. 56 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

    Rooney already said he staying put at derby.

    I hope so B4, but when Wayne's pay packet is next due and with Waynetta's trial starting next week, big (guaranteed) money offers from other clubs wll soon test that loyalty.

  10. 26 minutes ago, RipleyRich said:

    The Stadium was always going to be a difficult issue to resolve, so this is where my thoughts are right now and my immediate concerns.

    CK`s exclusivity expires tomorrow. What then? Can others step and start the process again? more delays!

    The funding runs out tomorrow. Is CK confident enough or willing to gamble on funding something he may never own?

    If CK is unwilling to fund, can loans be secured? But this only means more debt to be satisfied by any new owner.

    And finally, if a sale is delayed by the Stadium and there is no sign of an imminent closure, how long has the Club got before the EFL pull the plug? The season ends tomorrow, L1 is done bar the play offs, they will soon be planning for next season and if there is any doubt about Derby being able to start next season at what point do they load the gun?


    We'll know for sure after tomorrow.  If CK starts paying the bills after tomorrow, then we'll be OK. If the Council would announce their commitment to buy PP, then that will allay our fears.

    Of more concern was another quote from yesterday, "but the EFL are seeking clarity over issues such as spending levels for next season". The EFL will be re-negotiating CK's Business Plan w.r.t. salary caps etc., so just hope this doesn't prove another sticking point. 

  11. 10 hours ago, Half Fan Half Biscuit said:

    The administrators are obliged to pay over the taxes that become due during their period in control - eg PAYE / VAT.

    The progress report shows that HMRC believe they are owed different amounts to those the directors believed were due when the companies went into administration. There is no indication as to who has the right numbers.

    Well that's reassuring to know that Q are paying the HMRC bills as they now arise (and the £8M difference hasn't been run up since they took over?).  What is frightening is that there was an £8M discrepency in the books as to what was owed to HMRC in the first place. W.r.t. "There is no indication as to who has the right numbers" then I presume that Q now accept the £36M is the correct figure.

    Just hope there's no more skeletons in the closet (i.e. the books now that they've been found), or anything else to scare CK off.

    Has anyone who's looked at the figures say what we owe to football creditors (was £8.3M in November)? Has this gone down??

    (P.S. This week has been surreal ... Monday: relegation; Tues-Thurs: hope / light at the end of the tunnel; Friday: kick in the teeth again; Saturday: Beer & Football).

  12. 2 hours ago, RipleyRich said:

    Why is investment required?

    How many players do you think Rooney can get in for "Free"?

    Free Transfers are not "Free" There will be Signing on Fees & Agents Fees to be paid and potentially other negotiated benefits. Once a player is out of contract they, and more importantly their Agent, hold the power. A Free Transfer means there is no fee to be paid to a Club, leaving the Players Agent in a better position to negotiate a more financially beneficial deal for their client (and themselves). There will be cases where this is not so, but usually where a player is so undesirable that there is no competition for his signature.

    Often Free Agents are able to negotiate higher wages and / or longer contracts that they would ordinarily be able to. This can cause issues going forward. Just for example look down the road at Lyle Taylor. Forest picked him up for free amidst lots of competition by offering him a 3 year deal instead of the 2 other clubs were offering for the same wages. Now they are stuck with him until the end of his contract and subsidising his loan costs.

    Considering the likely hood of L1, it`s going to be harder to attract players. Convincing players to sign for L1 against Championship offers will inevitably mean higher wages and / or longer contracts than rival offers. Derby County & Wayne Rooney will have some attraction, but when it comes down to Players & Agents, cash is king. It`s a short career, one bad tackle and it can be all over and they will in most cases take the best financial offer.

    And this is going to be within the scope of a controlled business plan imposed by the EFL and potentially with a 15 point handicap making a return to Championship Football less likely in the immediate future. Couple that to massively reduced income (TV money and reduced match day revenue)

    With these restrictions, building a squad this summer is going to be WR`s biggest challenge in Football Management. I personally think he will use the maximum he can for loans. They often come with fees, but not all clubs insist on that and he will have to draw on his contacts to get the best out of that system. The big benefit with loans is short term commitment, and the potential for higher quality players than the free transfer route may be able to offer.

    It`s certainly going to be an interesting summer, and we won`t really be able to second guess anything until the Club exits administration, any points deduction known and the business plan imposed.

    Excellent Post which does give a good insight into some of the issues that WR will face over the summer.

    Why is investment required? The bottom line is that the EFL will not let us start 2022-23 season unless CK can show proof of funds to the value of the agreed budget for the whole year (and not just a photocopy of the £60M bank statement doing the rounds of DCFC, Q, EFL and PNE - but as PNE wanted, evidence as to the sources of the money trail that led to the £60M). Typically, £16M is required for the Championship (as in Reading's case for next season; less in L1).

    I like RipleyRich's take on the parasites (agents). You could call it a good thing (for protecting us) or a bad thing (for limiting who WR can bring in), but the EFL Business Plan takes this on board as part of the sanctions (with Thanks to Reading ...):

    • A Cap on Total Player Salary Costs (e.g. £16M in Championship; a Lot less in L1).
    • A Cap on the Average Salary of all NEW Contracted Players
    • A Cap on the Salary of any NEW Contracted Player
    • A Cap on the Total Number of Permitted Players (e.g. 25)
    • A Cap on any Transfer Fee, Compensation Fee, or Loan Fee paid
    • A Cap (e.g. 3% of Player's Salary) on backhanders/bungs/agents fees.
    • A Suspended Points Deduction (e.g. 6 Points) if any of these conditions are breached.

    So, Keeping the current big earners reduces what we can pay incoming players - whilst the caps work at so many different levels (maximums and averages), so no marquee signing; no new big earner, even if a freebie; no big loan stars; and no big bung to an agent to get a free agent to sign.

    Thankfully, CK has prioritised the most important decision in getting WR on board with the project.   In 2020 BC (Before Covid), the average salary of a L1 player was £4,753 per week with an average squad size of 28 players (in L2 = £2,191 pw).  In 2022 AD (After Dominic), salaries have fallen, circa £4,500 pw in L1.  I guess these are the sorts of wages that the EFL will impose on us next year (if we're lucky).  If the Average Salary Cap is £4.5K per week, I bet it will be a lot less if we take a 15-point hit.  The only good news is that there will be a lot of released Championship players next month.




  13. 38 minutes ago, one_chop said:

    If CK buys a pint with a fiver and waits for his change then you can safely say he's no Elon Musk, on the other hand I doubt you'll be seeing him coming out of the Dole office clutching a giro heading for the nearest post office. 

    Nobody knows how much folding he's got tucked away but himself, his missus and maybe his accountant. I still say he won't follow through. 

    He'll probably have a long wait at Pride Park then.

  14. 13 minutes ago, Turk Thrust said:

    Agree totally. And this why I don’t fully grasp why some posters say that CK’s wealth or lack of it doesn’t matter.

    Same here. 

    You can't run DCFC without significant extra investment for the next few years.  The danger is that the Academy is downgraded or closed as part of the cost-cutting.  Can we afford £5M or so a year to keep it going?

  15. 9 hours ago, Yani P said:

    Would be great if the Cardiff game was a sellout..just to pay full respect to the great effort of our management and playing staff..wherever we are at that moment, relegated or still fighting it shouldn't matter..the effort and dedication shown this season deserves a full stadium to celebrate.

    If it is a sellout it'll be pretty difficult to pack everyone in what with all the sombreros and Cardiff fans' snowmen's outfits.

  16. 16 minutes ago, NimonicRam said:

    I don't think this is good news at all.  If our new chairman is loaded why don't we just pay 25p in the pound and be done with it.  35p in the pound over 3 years sounds like kicking the can down the road.  There is only one reason (as I see it you would do that).... you don't have the money.  People will come back and say this may allow CK to invest in the squad earlier on..... 

    It might be to accommodate a payment plan for HMRC over 3 years if they aren't gonna settle for 25% now.  An extra year of EFL budget scrutiny and restrictions is the downside.

  17. 3 hours ago, CBRammette said:

    Why would any rental from the council to the club cover all these costs? 

    I'm not saying that the club would have to pick up the tab for everything, but it's a lot of extra expense for the council taxpayers otherwise.  And opens up a can (or pitch) of worms, e.g. Pitch repairs after egg-chasing / boxing / concerts - who pays or who decides what's an acceptable state of a football pitch?  There's a lot of hidden costs with running a football club which we all take for granted.  Council ownership of the stadium might be a short-term (cheap) fix, but PPS should be an asset of the club which we take pride in. I'm sure we have 100% faith in the council!

  18. 2 hours ago, Oldben said:

    Does the council have the budget.

    Many councils are financially struggling plus does that mean a temporary reduction in services for disadvantaged groups until the income comes in from the stadium.

    Would the council need to take the risk of a very large loan.

    It might be better to find a someone willing to risk acquiring the ground.

    Excellent Questions!!!! 

    Quite a few people have been suggesting that the Council can turn a profit on renting to us for £1M or £2M per season!  Fantasy Island.

    A fair rent might actually be over £5M per season if the Council is not going to be increasing our council tax further.   

    The cost of running a football stadium for 12 months (the Boro costs from a few years ago):

    • Business Rates = £1.2M
    • Utility Bills (Gas, Water, Electricity) = £760K
    • Fire, Theft, Liability Insurance = £380K
    • Police Costs = £300K
    • Other Security, Surveillance, CCTV = £300K
    • Medical Presence (Paramedics etc.) = £400K
    • VAT = £1.4M
    • Ticket Office, Hospitality & Kiosks = £2.5M plus £300K N.I.
    • Stewards & PT Staff = £400K
    • Ground Maintenance = £400K
    • Stadium Cleaning = £345K
    • Cleaning Equipment & Sundries = £250K

    Who's going to pay these costs? Mel, the council?  The income from tickets, matchdays and sponsorship will soon get swallowed up.  We need the new owner to buy PPS as well as the club.

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