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Sith Happens
57 minutes ago, bigbadbob said:

What other things do you think are at play?


Is odd though, went to get tested and thought the 10k on a treadmill was a bit excessive.


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2 minutes ago, bigbadbob said:

Oh right then. Cheers.

Sorry didnt realise i was here to present my theories for you then to inevitably respond with little laughing emojis and a witty little meme. 

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1 minute ago, goldstar said:

Sorry didnt realise i was here to present my theories for you then to inevitably respond with little laughing emojis and a witty little meme. 

Well you can’t be here expecting us to take your ‘theories’ seriously? Although we can can see the amount of thinking that has gone into them.

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2 hours ago, goldstar said:

I honestly dont know, i just dont buy all this concern from the government. Really i dont want to think too much about it as it can get quite depressing. 

Interesting, so you think this is man made and released by accident ? Or even intentionally ? ......or something ET? (Love all this stuff and what other folk think) 

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4 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Interesting, so you think this is man made and released by accident ? Or even intentionally ? ......or something ET? (Love all this stuff and what other folk think) 

I’ll put my head above the parapet and admit I’m thinking along the same lines as goldstar. I’m not buying all this it came from a chinaman doing an Ozzie Osbourne impersonation, I do believe it’s man made, I do believe we (the public) will never find out how it started and I do believe I don’t give a duck what anybody thinks of my opinion.

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1 minute ago, Pearl Ram said:

I’ll put my head above the parapet and admit I’m thinking along the same lines as goldstar. I’m not buying all this it came from a chinaman doing an Ozzie Osbourne impersonation, I do believe it’s man made, I do believe we (the public) will never find out how it started and I do believe I don’t give a duck what anybody thinks of my opinion.

I think along the same lines to be honest, no way this has come from bat soup. 

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15 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Interesting, so you think this is man made and released by accident ? Or even intentionally ? ......or something ET? (Love all this stuff and what other folk think) 

Could be accidental, there is a bio lab in Wuhan, very near to the market where they are blaming the outbreak. Also wondering whether the rumbles of an upcoming economic crash has coupled nicely with this so they can blame the depression on bailing everyone out with these loans, closures etc. when really it was ducked anyway. 

Nice to hear someone not completely closed minded! Never hurts to be open to other ideas. 

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9 minutes ago, Pearl Ram said:

I’ll put my head above the parapet and admit I’m thinking along the same lines as goldstar. I’m not buying all this it came from a chinaman doing an Ozzie Osbourne impersonation, I do believe it’s man made, I do believe we (the public) will never find out how it started and I do believe I don’t give a duck what anybody thinks of my opinion.

Cheers @Pearl Ram. Not crazy or tin foil hat, just not blindly swallowing the news. 

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at one time all the life  - the only life - on the planet was bacteria and viruses. The both played a vital role in the evolution of life. They are very efficient and clever. Excellent at evolving into new forms, playing Russian roulette with genetic implants. Finding new ways to do things, and new things to do. Seems a bit churlish to get all shirty with them now, after all this time. I don’t suppose corona virus 19 realises what a stink it’s causing, and quite frankly there would be no bread, cheese, toilet roll, or chick peas to fight over in the first place, if it wasn’t for these lads. So.....yes they’ve made big mess, but let’s not be too judgemental. 

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There are some weird views doing the rounds and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Providing any conspiracy theorists' actions don't jeopardise the health and well-being of others then they can think, say and do whatever they want.

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18 minutes ago, goldstar said:

Cheers @Pearl Ram. Not crazy or tin foil hat, just not blindly swallowing the news. 

To be honest I, am I suspect many others, are not particularly concerned about challenging the source of the virus right now. We just want us and our loved ones to survive it. What, I think, many of us find frustrating/annoying etc are those that, despite overwhelming medical and scientific opinion, refuse to accept that this is serious. 

I have no idea or opinion at the moment as to whether this was an accident, deliberately released by a foreign state, originated from live animals or has been inflicted upon us my aliens from another planet. 

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21 minutes ago, goldstar said:

Could be accidental, there is a bio lab in Wuhan, very near to the market where they are blaming the outbreak. Also wondering whether the rumbles of an upcoming economic crash has coupled nicely with this so they can blame the depression on bailing everyone out with these loans, closures etc. when really it was ducked anyway. 

Nice to hear someone not completely closed minded! Never hurts to be open to other ideas. 

1. Is it nature saying enough enough and fighting back?

2. where we on the verge of a financial collapse.  I work in the steel industry and since Q3 last year there has most certainly been a global decline in steel output, which is the leading indicator to a drop in production of most items ( cars, white goods, construction etc etc). And this was released to avoid the crash?
3. Is it just one of those things?

4. Did a “Country” do it on purpose to disrupt world trade due to embargo’s and sanctions being put in place

5. over population is said to be the biggest threat to mankind, is this an attempt to address it?

interesting times, guess we’ll never know but love to hear what people think? (even if it’s shut up crack pot) 


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