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1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

Yeah, that's what I thought too.

The VP of the USA is irresponsibly allowing loads of older, and more vulnerable people to be really close together so he can campaign to them. (I assume you think this a good idea then @Uptherams?)

Then some young kids are messing about in the street after the pubs shut.

I would have thought the likes of @Uptherams and @maxjam would have celebrated people in the UK bravely defying the authorities, whilst also been concerned that older people in the US are putting themselves at risk. I'm sure they have argued for these types of people to be shielded so the kids can have a normal life.


Young kids? How old are ya ?

I dunno what the rules are in the US, I barely know what they are in the UK anymore lol - maybe foolhardy but perhaps that kind of gathering is allowed over there?  Not sure shutting the pubs at 10pm and rule of 6 was meant to inspire those kinda gatherings in London however.

I guess people are getting sick of the rules and managing their own risk.

Its going to be interesting in the run up to Christmas if they lock down the North?  Thats gonna end well if they see a lot of Londoners partying.

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4 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Also seems stupid. Pretty sure you aren't allowed to meet up in groups over 6 people. They should be fined. But I thought you were ok with people doing this right? I'm confused.

So you do understand the rules in the UK and how they don't apply to the US ?

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2 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

I'm still in shock that him and his crew have turned out to be hopeless!

Like I said, not the politics thread so not sure what you want me to say.

I think the handling of the situation has become more farcical by the day.

But I also think with the country still finding itself so polarised they are damned whichever path they take.

Hindsight is a wonderful tool at times like this.

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27 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

So you do understand the rules in the UK and how they don't apply to the US ?

But also understands that it would be completely unfashionable and politically incorrect to criticise certain sections of the population for breaching the rules.

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Apparent new lockdown rules for high level regions (TIER 3 lockdown).

Measures expected to include:
- pubs, gyms, casinos, bookies CLOSED
- restaurants OPEN
- could last 6 MONTHS, but with monthly reviews

Understand local leaders have agreed this in principle but await PM's official sign-off


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40 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

But also understands that it would be completely unfashionable and politically incorrect to criticise certain sections of the population for breaching the rules.

It's perfectly acceptable to criticise Londoner's. They're so irritating. 

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12 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Apparent new lockdown rules for high level regions (TIER 3 lockdown).

Measures expected to include:
- pubs, gyms, casinos, bookies CLOSED
- restaurants OPEN
- could last 6 MONTHS, but with monthly reviews

Understand local leaders have agreed this in principle but await PM's official sign-off


I think it would be an outrage to close gyms, goes completely against the health message Boris has been pushing. Gyms must shut, but McDonald's must stay open!

The below slide shows exposure settings outside of work and education (where the vast majority are).


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16 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

This is just plain sick. Using Corona as an excuse to unleash yet another round of austerity on the NHS when people need it like never before is an absolute outrage.


It’s nothing new, the NHS has to hit targets for all sorts of things in order not to get fined. It’s kind of how the NHS works. 



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2 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I don't think the quote is about the NHS, more that people's finances are stretched to breaking point and there is little state support available to help, hence people can't miss work.

They are trying to get governments to pay people more to stay at home during lockdowns to incentivise compliance to the rules. 

They (WHO) believe it is the only effective way of doing lockdown without it being a massive social injustice.

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

I thought we had identified that most of the cases were starting in pubs? I cant think of any other reason why people would be advocating them being closed.

No, it’s not that they believe most cases are being started in pubs. 

They do however know that by closing pubs they will reduce infection rates by a certain amount based upon the data models. They don’t think it will stop Covid being spread, just slow it from being spread at the rate we are currently experiencing. 


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5 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

They are trying to get governments to pay people more to stay at home during lockdowns to incentivise compliance to the rules. 

They (WHO) believe it is the only effective way of doing lockdown without it being a massive social injustice.

Which is completely obvious to anyone with common sense, no one is going to give up 2 weeks pay if they don't have to. Let alone people who literally cannot afford to miss out

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