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11 minutes ago, Olton Ram said:

Sadly, I agree. Due to the anonymity of the internet (full disclosure, my name isn't really Olton Ram) viewpoints and opinions that were deemed unacceptable or outdated 15 or 20 years ago have now become mainstream online.

We're on a dangerous path, and there are large parts of the population that will cheer on the worrying changes to our society just as long as the people making those changes are on their 'team'. I fear that politics and society are rapidly changing into a (permanent?) culture war.

And 20 years ago, the guy in the pub with stupid opinions and conspiracy theories was laughed at, or pitied as they obviously had problems. Now they all communicate online and, because of their issues, are committed to their cause.

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9 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

And 20 years ago, the guy in the pub with stupid opinions and conspiracy theories was laughed at, or pitied as they obviously had problems. Now they all communicate online and, because of their issues, are committed to their cause.

Money to be made think tanks lobbying for people to go against their own interests just look at Aaron banks and the erg. I find it funny that people think wearing masks is an attack on their freedoms but happily use their phones on a day to day basis. Heck they lose more freedoms reading conspiracy theories on the net. I do not get how wearing masks is a bad thing it's like an umbrella when raining or gloves when it's cold you take note of the environment you are in and adapt accordingly.

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3 minutes ago, djfred84 said:

Money to be made think tanks lobbying for people to go against their own interests just look at Aaron banks and the erg. I find it funny that people think wearing masks is an attack on their freedoms but happily use their phones on a day to day basis. Heck they lose more freedoms reading conspiracy theories on the net. I do not get how wearing masks is a bad thing it's like an umbrella when raining or gloves when it's cold you take note of the environment you are in and adapt accordingly.

Yeah good point, like the grassroots Tea Party movement, which was massively funded by the super rich. Why doesn't this sort of thing fire up the conspiracy theory types rather than vaccines or 5G? Maybe TV and films are too good and people believe them.

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37 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

That is pretty interesting, however a key part in the article is "The Office for National Statistics admits they do not ‘know the true sensitivity and specificity of the test because Covid-19 is a new virus’." This makes you wonder if Hancock was just making up numbers that he thought sounded good.

It would also be surprising if Sage had missed this problem and is advising the government incorrectly. Or even stranger if they were covering this all up so the government could continue their evil plan of screwing up the economy.

Unfortunately, the number of people on ventilators in hospital for Covid doubled last week, which suggests the rise in infections might actually mean something.

Even at 0.1% it's 44% false positive. All he's said is it is under 1%. Deaths and hospitalisations are highlighting this issue. They should be higher. What's more concerning is people working on wards saying many are sat up playing on iPads all day when they could probably be at home. Stipulating the contrast between the average patient they had on the ward in April and May, with today. 

A sense of perspective and proportion is required. The Government and the opposition along with the chief medical and scientific advisers haven't got a clue. They along with the mainstream media in the form of Sky News and the BBC are blacklisting anyone who disagrees with their opinions. Including the very man who developed the test being used for Covid. 

The overriding issue is our government, the opposition and the advisers are behaving like a communist state. Anyone who dares question the information is silenced. We are now left with a table full of idiot's (yes I'm including the chief medical and scientific officer) who just all agree on basically everything. The hallmark of a moron. This is how it is, no new information changes anything attitude.  

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All of this conspiracy theory nonsense crops up all the time as a pathetic argument.

If you don't believe exactly what is being broadcast, then you're basically one of these loons burning down 5g masts. That's the implication. Absolutely ridiculous.

To top it off, there was a YouGov poll and they asked the people of the UK how many people they think had died of Covid and something like a quarter of respondents said 5 million people. 

And we are worried people aren't taking this seriously enough??

The problem isn't 5g mast arsons, it's the establishment and you useful idiot's. 


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15 minutes ago, Uptherams said:

Even at 0.1% it's 44% false positive. All he's said is it is under 1%. Deaths and hospitalisations are highlighting this issue. They should be higher. What's more concerning is people working on wards saying many are sat up playing on iPads all day when they could probably be at home. Stipulating the contrast between the average patient they had on the ward in April and May, with today. 

A sense of perspective and proportion is required. The Government and the opposition along with the chief medical and scientific advisers haven't got a clue. They along with the mainstream media in the form of Sky News and the BBC are blacklisting anyone who disagrees with their opinions. Including the very man who developed the test being used for Covid. 

The overriding issue is our government, the opposition and the advisers are behaving like a communist state. Anyone who dares question the information is silenced. We are now left with a table full of idiot's (yes I'm including the chief medical and scientific officer) who just all agree on basically everything. The hallmark of a moron. This is how it is, no new information changes anything attitude.  

The sensitivity of 80% is very poor. Seems to be related to how the tests are taken. Nasal swabs are more accurate than throat swabs. 

Social distancing, stopping social events which bring large numbers together, and as much hygiene as possible (hand washing and masking up) seems to be the best course of action at present. Testing will show a trend at best.

Considering the complete random number generator that the COVID daily totals has been to date, throw in tests that don't give an accurate enough picture to be reliable - it's going to be individuals' actions that produce results, not tests.

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34 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

The sensitivity of 80% is very poor. Seems to be related to how the tests are taken. Nasal swabs are more accurate than throat swabs. 

Social distancing, stopping social events which bring large numbers together, and as much hygiene as possible (hand washing and masking up) seems to be the best course of action at present. Testing will show a trend at best.

Considering the complete random number generator that the COVID daily totals has been to date, throw in tests that don't give an accurate enough picture to be reliable - it's going to be individuals' actions that produce results, not tests.

When I had my test last Monday it was throat and nasal. I assumed that was always the case.

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1 minute ago, Tamworthram said:

When I had my test last Monday it was throat and nasal. I assumed that was always the case.

Never had one. One test is about 95% accurate, can't remember what it was (not nasal or throat though - bronchial maybe?). I think they do both, and double check a positive with a second test - but it's still very poor statistically.

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I think Vallance said today there were 70,000 cases (estimated) of Covid in the Uk - it's a big number but with a population of 65 million its an infection rate of 0.1% so 99.9% of people aren't diagnosed as infected. But the figures aren't presented this way - the question is the proportionality of the response. Likewise the scale of the graph on the chart for deaths in Spain - red line with a big upward spike looks bad until you realise the scale on the left axis is 0.2 deaths per 100.000 people which is 0.002%. No wonder cynicism is creeping in    

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Think this is a clear targeting of the younger people at weekends, 10pm during the week isn’t going to be that noticeable, it’s when the weekend kicks in and those that would usually be out until 1 or 2am.

Tbh it’s been coming for a while, surprised it’s taken this long really, especially with the scenes down Soho the first night restrictions were lifted 

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8 minutes ago, David said:

Think this is a clear targeting of the younger people at weekends, 10pm during the week isn’t going to be that noticeable, it’s when the weekend kicks in and those that would usually be out until 1 or 2am.

Tbh it’s been coming for a while, surprised it’s taken this long really, especially with the scenes down Soho the first night restrictions were lifted 

But it's our patriotic duty to drink a Great British pint (before schools reopen)

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Just now, ariotofmyown said:

But it's our patriotic duty to drink a Great British pint (before schools reopen)

Nah, just wait till they’ve gone to school, get drunk at home on furlough then forget to pick them up so they have to stay at school over night. 

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2 hours ago, Uptherams said:

Even at 0.1% it's 44% false positive. All he's said is it is under 1%. Deaths and hospitalisations are highlighting this issue. They should be higher.

The stats you quote do not imply deaths and hospitisations should be higher as younger, fitter people are getting positive results now. You are aware that hospitisations are increasing right? You are aware that we seem to be a few weeks behind countries like France who are already seeing the deaths come back?


2 hours ago, Uptherams said:

All of this conspiracy theory nonsense crops up all the time as a pathetic argument.

If you don't believe exactly what is being broadcast, then you're basically one of these loons burning down 5g masts. That's the implication. Absolutely ridiculous.

says the person who also says...

3 hours ago, Uptherams said:

A sense of perspective and proportion is required. The Government and the opposition along with the chief medical and scientific advisers haven't got a clue. They along with the mainstream media in the form of Sky News and the BBC are blacklisting anyone who disagrees with their opinions. Including the very man who developed the test being used for Covid

This certainly doesn't sound like a conspiracy theory, does it...

3 hours ago, Uptherams said:

The overriding issue is our government, the opposition and the advisers are behaving like a communist state. Anyone who dares question the information is silenced.

Why are people like you so distrusting of literally everyone involved? What do you think they are trying to do? At the worst, it's trying to stop loads of deaths happening again. 

And I don't even like the current regime at all. I shudder at what the people might demand next. Clampdown on glasses wearers?

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12 minutes ago, David said:

Nah, just wait till they’ve gone to school, get drunk at home on furlough then forget to pick them up so they have to stay at school over night. 

I tell you what, that is exactly what most parents have being doing. Or would be if all the teachers weren't on strike again. I blame the kids going out partying too. But if the economy goes, we all get cancer. 48% of people with Covid probably won't die. Ever. Bring back..erm..someone.

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Its actually quite amazing that if the false positive result is around 0.8% on tests, that individuals with a positive test are not tested twice? (Unless they are and we don't know it).

Its amazing we don't undertake the test process in the same way as Europe, USA or the WHO recommend.

I agree we've had more positive tests recently and hospital figures have increased, but I also swear our Government loves to see a positive test as it justifies their actions.

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