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3 hours ago, alexxxxx said:

How we get out of this horrendous mess I don't know. Seems just to be impossible to arrest or slow down without draconian measures. 

Without a vaccine we cannot come back to normality - it cannot come soon enough. Feels like life has been mostly on pause for 6 months now.

We might never get a vaccine, what then? We have to move for more normality, otherwise there won't be a normal to go back to. 

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3 hours ago, Andicis said:

We might never get a vaccine, what then? We have to move for more normality, otherwise there won't be a normal to go back to. 

What I have read condesnced is this year's vaccination is merely going to be a generic T-Cell vaccination. There won't be a specific vaccination until next year, based on how they believe it will mutate as the belief is this is very likely a permanent fixture, just like the flu. 

If this was the first flu season this coming winter, we'd get several times more deaths from the flu. We don't lock people up and all of this other nonsense for the flu. Normality needs to return. A sense of perspective. 

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On 09/09/2020 at 01:04, uttoxram75 said:

Its officially insane now. I work in a factory of 800, and have worked straight through, no option to work from home, no furlough, no time off other than annual leave,  my wife recently went back to work in a school with 30+ in each class.

Yet I  cant take my 84 year old mum to visit her great grandkids in case we get fined for having more than 6 in the garden.

I could take her on holiday to Greece, meet up with all our extended family, mix with whoever we want to then fly back to the UK without any restrictions. But we cant go round me daughters for a family meal.

The government can go and feck themselves. Me and my family are done. We'll do what is best for us and our peace of mind and not listen to propaganda from whoever stands to profit from this pathetic scaremongering. We'll keep to 2 metres, wash our hands and be sensible but we will ignore the government instructions not to socialise.

The covid wards at my local hospitals are all stood down because despite spikes in positive tests, no one has any serious symptoms.

When Cummings took his infected family to Barnard Castle i knew it was all over, yet we carried on obeying the rules even though those who rule us were taking the pish.....well, its over now. The contradictions in government policy are absolutely ridiculous. Watching TV journalists trying to explain it with a straight face is now just farcical.



Quality post mate about sums up the ever growing farce 

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On 09/09/2020 at 09:55, secretsquirrel said:

According to Hancock this morning-Bubble is only for those living in one house and stated only 1 grandparent should visit.

So one grandparent can visit then return home to the other grandparent?,,, you could not make this shxt up ,, a million tests a day heralded when trying to test 130k a day is a shambles at present ,,, the current brexit fiasco with agreement breaking stuff

I have no doubt that when the dust settles boris will be seen as the worst PM in history and the zero integrity clowns appointed by him will be seen as the rabble they are but come on did we really expect much more , boris track record of lies and downright bumbling stupidity over the years was there for all to see ,, us and the USA really need to take a long hard look at what we consider to be the qualities we need in our leaders and governments 

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17 hours ago, Andicis said:

We might never get a vaccine, what then? We have to move for more normality, otherwise there won't be a normal to go back to. 

If you think for one minute that there may never be a vaccine then your not following the story , There WILL be a vaccine and it will be back door compulsory 

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53 minutes ago, Archied said:

If you think for one minute that there may never be a vaccine then your not following the story , There WILL be a vaccine and it will be back door compulsory 

Yikes....i'll ask if i can have mine in my arm like i do my flu jab ?

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9 hours ago, B4ev6is said:


Let me see now first tell people fine for go out friends and family spend now telling people not to and put people out of jobs or at risk.

You don’t seem to understand that that’s the nature of how we’re going to have to deal with this  for the time being - local and nationwide limited restrictions being imposed and lifted and then possibly imposed again.

There seems to be three alternatives:

1) Impose full lockdown again 

2) Do nothing and allow the virus to spread again putting at risk those more vulnerable

3) Do nothing and keep our fingers crossed behind our backs in the hope it will all just go away.

So, you might well use your sarcastic “hmmmmmm” but, the government’s actions are driven by this nasty virus, I would wager than any party in power would do something similar and, I don’t fancy any of the three alternatives that I can think of.

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31 minutes ago, djfred84 said:

I presume you are against speed limit, driving while using your phone and other safety measures. Let's get rid of used by dates on foods aswell.

Yes please. There would be a massive reduction in our food wastage if people were educated like there where back in my grandmas day.

Have a production date maybe instead of a use/best before date. So much good food must be wasted because its gone past a date, eggs, cheese and milk all for example are usually good well beyond their use by dates.

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1 minute ago, Tamworthram said:

You don’t seem to understand that that’s the nature of how we’re going to have to deal with this  for the time being - local and nationwide limited restrictions being imposed and lifted and then possibly imposed again.

There seems to be three alternatives:

1) Impose full lockdown again 

2) Do nothing and allow the virus to spread again putting at risk those more vulnerable

3) Do nothing and keep our fingers crossed behind our backs in the hope it will all just go away.

So, you might well use your sarcastic “hmmmmmm” but, the government’s actions are driven by this nasty virus, I would wager than any party in power would do something similar and, I don’t fancy any of the three alternatives that I can think of.

I think so, i think most of them would largly be driven by the experts such as Chris Whitty. I think apart from naturally some issues here and there Keir Starmer has been actually fairly supporting of the governments actions.

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19 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

Yes please. There would be a massive reduction in our food wastage if people were educated like there where back in my grandmas day.

Have a production date maybe instead of a use/best before date. So much good food must be wasted because its gone past a date, eggs, cheese and milk all for example are usually good well beyond their use by dates.

Agreed but the point is that a lot of these measures are to lower risk to the populace like the harmful smoking messages drink and driving etc. Certain people can not accept that precautions are necessary.

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18 minutes ago, djfred84 said:

Agreed but the point is that a lot of these measures are to lower risk to the populace like the harmful smoking messages drink and driving etc. Certain people can not accept that precautions are necessary.

Its all about opinions only in this thread, those posting are only posting their opinion and it doesnt mean its right. And I think we will never be able to prove whos opinions are right because we cant go back and do it again a different way.

Ultimately the opinions of people like Chris Whitty and Jonathon Van-Tam are the ones that matter, these are the people who are 'mostly' driving policy. So anyone can jump up and down and shout about we should be doing it this way or that way, and they are perfectly entitled to do so.

I personally would rather trust in the likes of the two people I have mentioned in the above  paragraph rather than anyone posting on an internet forum when it comes to matters like this, pretty sure if anyone who posts here (including me) was truly qualified to say if policy was right or wrong then we wouldnt be posting on a football forum about it, we would be getting paid the big bucks to do the jobs Whitty and Van-Tam are doing.

That said its very easy to understand the frustrations of some who do want to relax things up a bit more. We know full well for most people the risk is low, lets face it i doubt many people catch Flu but never have symptoms like they can with Covid.

For me if policy was that we relax things more but ask the elderly and vulnerable to take a back seat and not do the things that others are allowed, i would be supportive of that, and i say thats as someone who had to shield. But for that to work, those allowed to have the freedom would have to be respectful of those that cant and accept that perhaps those hugs and close contact with those in the at risk group will have to wait.

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1 hour ago, djfred84 said:

I presume you are against speed limit, driving while using your phone and other safety measures. Let's get rid of used by dates on foods aswell.

What a terrible response, and again how is it relevant. But anyway to answer you point nope I’m not, they don’t stop me living the life I should be. 

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1 hour ago, Paul71 said:

Yes please. There would be a massive reduction in our food wastage if people were educated like there where back in my grandmas day.

Have a production date maybe instead of a use/best before date. So much good food must be wasted because its gone past a date, eggs, cheese and milk all for example are usually good well beyond their use by dates.

I remember doing a year in industry at a food distribution centre. If the milk hasn’t gone to store within about 5 days of the use by date it was thrown away. Tens of thousands of litres were destroyed - milk still in date. Were not allowed to give it away either.

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