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The Politics Thread 2020


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2 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

No perhaps thats OTT, but it makes me so angry, thousands of people are dying each week from this awful virus. People WILL get sick and people WILL die as a result of these protests peaceful or not.

The difference is when they are back in their homes having stopped protesting they won't be aware of those people taking their last breaths as a result of their actions.


There's no perhaps about it! 

As for the rest of your post, the same could be said for those gathering on beaches in Dorset and other beauty spots all over the UK in far greater numbers too, but I don't recall the same reaction then.

They got a tut-tut, yet these folk are accused of murder. Where's the balance there?


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3 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

There's no perhaps about it! 

As for the rest of your post, the same could be said for those gathering on beaches in Dorset and other beauty spots all over the UK in far greater numbers too, but I don't recall the same reaction then.

They got a tut-tut, yet these folk are accused of murder. Where's the balance there?


I'm all for protest (hell, I've taken part in a few, going right back to the 'Stop The Tour' protest against the South African cricket tour back in 1970 or so), but I am as angry at the people protesting today as those who were sunbathing on the beach, going to raves, holding street parties - but nowhere near as angry as I am the morons who live opposite to me who had their usual group of half a dozen visitors today. Normally they stand around in their front garden but today, because it was raining, they invited them indoors.

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23 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

I suspect more than one person will die in due course as a consequence of failing to follow guidelines.

If we're going to make fatuous comparisons then I suspect if as many cops as protesters, kneeled on as many necks, considerably more than one person would die too. I'd certainly wager there'd be a higher death rate than 1.5% as well! And once the cop had put Floyd under, what do you suppose was the reasoning behind holding his knee in place for a further 3 minutes? He's been charged and most likely will be convicted of murder by the US courts, after all. 

I'm not arguing that the protesters are not being hugely irresponsible and I also agree that there is more than a significant risk that there will be CV victims as a consequence, most likely some of the protesters themselves. The direct comparison with Chauvin's actions though, are wildly off the mark and you'll have a job convincing me otherwise, I'm afraid.


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2 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

What makes me laugh is that people were making such a noise about Cheltenham and Liverpool playing but it’s perfectly alright to have a mass demonstration in cities.

No, it's not. I wholeheartedly support the cause in the fight against racism, institutionalised or not, but the people protesting today in the way that they are doing are utterly stupid.

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6 minutes ago, Van Gritters said:

What makes me laugh is that people were making such a noise about Cheltenham and Liverpool playing but it’s perfectly alright to have a mass demonstration in cities.

Which people? People on here? I've not seen anyone say as much so could you point out the posts please?

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Sith Happens
13 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

There's no perhaps about it! 

As for the rest of your post, the same could be said for those gathering on beaches in Dorset and other beauty spots all over the UK in far greater numbers too, but I don't recall the same reaction then.

They got a tut-tut, yet these folk are accused of murder. Where's the balance there?


Ive done more than tut tut over anyone taking part in mass gatherings wherever it is, beach or protests. When they do it they knowingly and purposefully put lives at risk, there is no excusing it.

The more these people do these things the longer the likes of me and millions more who are having to shield will have to continue to do so. And yes it probably makes me more angry about the protestors as they are gathering to protest as a result of the awful death of someone they will cause more suffering and deaths, everyone's life matters.


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Stupidity in its finest on show today, this could set us back months. However  If we don’t have a 2nd wave now we never will. So in two weeks if we haven’t seen a rise in infections then open up everything, the ducking lot, pubs, restaurants, let us back in football grounds and stop all social distancing. 

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Sith Happens

Seriously I dont want anyone to think im against the protests, its the manner. If it wasn't for this awful virus i would be applauding them for having the determination to speak up, but now is not the time to do it this way.

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1 minute ago, Paul71 said:

Seriously I dont want anyone to think im against the protests, its the manner. If it wasn't for this awful virus i would be applauding them for having the determination to speak up, but now is not the time to do it this way.

Fair enough Paul, on that at least, we can agree. 

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21 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Stupidity in its finest on show today, this could set us back months. However  If we don’t have a 2nd wave now we never will. So in two weeks if we haven’t seen a rise in infections then open up everything, the ducking lot, pubs, restaurants, let us back in football grounds and stop all social distancing. 

Wouldn't worry mate. We've sent millions back to work, removed limitations on travel and excursions outside the household, sent our kids back to school and allowed folk to meet in larger numbers too. We've had further delays to the implementation of Trace & Track and the quarantining of folk travelling  to the UK. We've seen millions of people head to beauty spots all over the UK even before restrictions were officially relaxed and we are already seeing a rise in the R number in multiple regions of the UK across the SE and NW. 

Let's be honest here - folk have been acting as if there is no pandemic for a couple of weeks now, so while the protests are, in this regard, pretty moronic, they're nothing compared to the idiocy we've already seen elsewhere.

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17 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Stupidity in its finest on show today, this could set us back months. However  If we don’t have a 2nd wave now we never will. So in two weeks if we haven’t seen a rise in infections then open up everything, the ducking lot, pubs, restaurants, let us back in football grounds and stop all social distancing. 

The time to worry about a second wave is after the first one has ended - and that is a long way in the future, I'm afraid.

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2 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

Wouldn't worry mate. We've sent millions back to work, removed limitations on travel and excursions outside the household, sent our kids back to school and allowed folk to meet in larger numbers too. We've had further delays to the implementation of Trace & Track and the quarantining of folk travelling  to the UK. We've seen millions of people head to beauty spots all over the UK even before restrictions were officially relaxed and we are already seeing a rise in the R number in multiple regions of the UK across the SE and NW. 

Let's be honest here - folk have been acting as if there is no pandemic for a couple of weeks now, so while the protests are, in this regard, pretty moronic, they're nothing compared to the idiocy we've already seen elsewhere.

Disagree slightly we haven’t seen mass gatherings of this extent during the pandemic, regardless of the easing of restrictions. After 12 odd weeks of following the rules I’m just returning back to normal now, the precedent has now been set both by the politicians and the protesters. 

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2 minutes ago, GboroRam said:






I agree that stupidity in its finest as well, but the density of the protest crowds much worse imo

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3 hours ago, maxjam said:

Interesting although only homicides.

The figures are broadly in line with what you’d expect, although “white on white” is higher and “black on black” a bit lower than I expected even taking demographics into account.

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4 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

I agree that stupidity in its finest as well, but the density of the protest crowds much worse imo

At least the majority of protesters are wearing masks. Can't say the same for the beach-goers. I guess they'd rather die as opposed to having a white patch on their face.

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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

At least the majority of protesters are wearing masks. Can't say the same for the beach-goers. I guess they'd rather die as opposed to having a white patch on their face.

Good point Eddie, still all stupid and signals the end of all lockdown madness to me now. 

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