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All 400,000 gowns flown from Turkey for NHS fail UK standards

"Last month, amid dire warnings of shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health workers, ministers publicised the imminent arrival from Turkey of a fleet of RAF cargo planes bringing in a “very significant” shipment of PPE for the NHS.

More than a fortnight later, it has emerged that every one of the 400,000 protective gowns that arrived has been impounded for not to conform to UK standards."

If only we could join some sort of club, whereby any country that we want to buy goods from have to meet strict quality standards. Maybe all the countries in the club could work together to manage the quality from the producing countries. It might make everything safer and less likely to be rejected.

Oh well, if it existed I'm sure we'd try to be part of it. It's obviously just a pipe dream.

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1 hour ago, TramRam said:

Apparently there'll be no bus to throw them under, The Wife and Husband had an open marriage, Ferguson and Staats new each other from Med school but hooked up on OkCupid app, A site for couples who like their married life, But would like that little bit extra, Her Husband was in agreement with this even meeting Ferguson and talking about Data/Figures.

Just to juice the story up, It's reported that "German" Staats lives in a £1.9 million home in South London, Mr Lucas is the grandson of Battle of Britain RAF pilot and former Conservative MP Percy 'Laddie' Lucas.

Last but not least Mrs/Miss Staats was quoted as saying "I prefer a good German sausage to an English chipolata sausage anyday of the week, But in times of great need i'll take what's available"

The cheek of her aye.

That reads like the 'dirty vicar' stories they used to print in the "News of the Screws" all those years ago.

Er, so I'm told.

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50 minutes ago, maxjam said:

If the NHS can cope, back to normal (whatever the new normal is) for me.  With the proviso that those in protected groups should continue to be supported by the Government should they choose to carry on self isolating. 

I read a couple of snippets last night which suggested that we will be forced to continue to self-isolate "...for our own good".

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54 minutes ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

Question for you folks. If lockdown restrictions are eased and after a week or two the infection and death numbers begin to consistently rise again what would you prefer we do? Re-introduce the previous lockdown measures or something else? 

No right or wrong answer I suspect on this, but a second wave of this is a genuine concern and would need to be dealt with in some way should it happen. 

There is no easy option here it's economy v lives I'm afraid .It's not just the UK every country will have to balance one against the other .The NHS has coped well on  a capacity level with the reserve hospitals rarely used [thank God],

We are just going to have to get back to work and be as safe as we can ,testing and tracking will be the key to all this. On another note I know of a few people who have got rather too comfortable staying at home with 80% of their salary paid which of course is unsustainable.

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Sith Happens
1 minute ago, King Kevin said:

There is no easy option here it's economy v lives I'm afraid .It's not just the UK every country will have to balance one against the other .The NHS has coped well on  a capacity level with the reserve hospitals rarely used [thank God],

We are just going to have to get back to work and be as safe as we can ,testing and tracking will be the key to all this. On another note I know of a few people who have got rather too comfortable staying at home with 80% of their salary paid which of course is unsustainable.

Very true, I have been spending some time on other boards and there are people who have been furloughed, called back in to work as business has picked up and because others still remain on furlough they are questioning the legality, what they really mean is why should i work when others get to have a 'paid for holiday'.

I know someone myself who is self employed but work stopped. At the time because it had not been announced that there would be support for S/E he applied for a job at Tesco. Once the package was announced he knocked that on the head, and has also declined work in his own trade since then too.

I dare bet many of us know people in similar positions, or as you say very comfortable on the 80%.

Of course there are many people who are seriously compromised financially and my heart goes out to them.

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13 minutes ago, Eddie said:

That reads like the 'dirty vicar' stories they used to print in the "News of the Screws" all those years ago.

Er, so I'm told.

That paper was my introduction to football, My dad in the mid 60s would send me to the paper shop(a shop not made of paper)and the Sunday Mirror, The NOTW was a huge paper to read for a 9-10 year old, I had to lie on the floor to read all the football scores and tables, Great days to be a young un ?

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1 hour ago, i-Ram said:

Trump picked up on this interaction having also heard that the virus can be sexually transmitted. Millions of cans of Pledge have been ordered so American men can ensure their wood is kept scrupulously clean. Joe Biden in response has asked Charlie Sheen to campaign with him.

Bravo Sir...Have it!

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29 minutes ago, GboroRam said:


All 400,000 gowns flown from Turkey for NHS fail UK standards

"Last month, amid dire warnings of shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health workers, ministers publicised the imminent arrival from Turkey of a fleet of RAF cargo planes bringing in a “very significant” shipment of PPE for the NHS.

More than a fortnight later, it has emerged that every one of the 400,000 protective gowns that arrived has been impounded for not to conform to UK standards."

If only we could join some sort of club, whereby any country that we want to buy goods from have to meet strict quality standards. Maybe all the countries in the club could work together to manage the quality from the producing countries. It might make everything safer and less likely to be rejected.

Oh well, if it existed I'm sure we'd try to be part of it. It's obviously just a pipe dream.

Whilst your initial point, which I made earlier, is a fair cop, might you bring me up to speed how the EU Taskforce are doing with obtaining and distributing PPE equipment to their member states?
In mid-April they had secured two fifths, of three eighths of one third of duck all.

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5 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

What would your proposal be?

I don’t know.

But I don’t think it makes any sense to exit lockdown until the number of cases is less that the number it was when we went into lockdown. 

even in lockdown the number of deaths and infections seems high. Now the highest death toll in Europe and still going. once lockdown is abandoned, we will be bullied into returning to work where you can just guarantee that some stupid idiot will give it to me. I had a cold for three months over the winter which - whilst I got no feedback whatsoever from my medical practice - suggests my immune system isn’t exactly firing on all cylinders. 
My mother is dependent on carers who visit everyday and wear absolutely no PPE. Once infection rates go up, I can see exactly where that is heading. 

the stupid over reaction by the police - shaming dog walkers; stopping someone from sitting on a bench on his own, telling us we can’t buy paint etc  etc - I.e. targeting people who were behaving responsibly and social distancing, did nothing to help make lockdown tolerable. So inevitably the public patience is going to snap. 

But we seem to be abandoning lockdown without any real regard for the consequences.

we are putting great faith in testing, and Hatty Mancock’s new app. But testing takes days by which time the virus ? has done its damnedest. The app will give false confidence to people. No doubt pink tie man will be faking the figures on the % of the population who are using the app next. But this is no game. 

Working from home is working well, with lots of additional environmental benefits. I would still insist that this continued for office workers and I’d be making ppe compulsory in many situations. I see no reason why shops can’t open, provided there is wider availability of masks. Schools - I’m really not sure that now is the right time. We need those medical break throughs and I have no doubt that the boffins are working incredibly hard to find the solutions. 

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5 minutes ago, Norman said:


But how many do they reckon died from austerity? 

Probably none.

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10 minutes ago, i-Ram said:

Whilst your initial point, which I made earlier, is a fair cop, might you bring me up to speed how the EU Taskforce are doing with obtaining and distributing PPE equipment to their member states?
In mid-April they had secured two fifths, of three eighths of one third of duck all.

Yes but Priti Patel and Diane Abbott worked those numbers out, so take them with a pinch of Saxa.

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37 minutes ago, Eddie said:

I read a couple of snippets last night which suggested that we will be forced to continue to self-isolate "...for our own good".

I appreciate that you are in an at risk category, as are a lot of people - my parents for example, desperate to see their grandkids but can't.

Unfortunately at some point in the near future people are going to have to go back to work otherwise there will be nothing to go back to work to and in the meantime those in at risk groups will have to continue to take additional precautions until there is a vaccine.

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3 minutes ago, maxjam said:

I appreciate that you are in an at risk category, as are a lot of people - my parents for example, desperate to see their grandkids but can't.

Unfortunately at some point in the near future people are going to have to go back to work otherwise there will be nothing to go back to work to and in the meantime those in at risk groups will have to continue to take additional precautions until there is a vaccine.

So a life sentence at Her Majesty's Pleasure it is then, for the greater good.

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:


All 400,000 gowns flown from Turkey for NHS fail UK standards

"Last month, amid dire warnings of shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health workers, ministers publicised the imminent arrival from Turkey of a fleet of RAF cargo planes bringing in a “very significant” shipment of PPE for the NHS.

More than a fortnight later, it has emerged that every one of the 400,000 protective gowns that arrived has been impounded for not to conform to UK standards."

If only we could join some sort of club, whereby any country that we want to buy goods from have to meet strict quality standards. Maybe all the countries in the club could work together to manage the quality from the producing countries. It might make everything safer and less likely to be rejected.

Oh well, if it existed I'm sure we'd try to be part of it. It's obviously just a pipe dream.

I assume you are talking about the EU scheme that has, to date, delivered no PPE and no ventilators?

Maybe they are all in the post along with Hancock's home testing kits?

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9 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So a life sentence at Her Majesty's Pleasure it is then, for the greater good.

I hope this doesnt come across as rude but I really don't understand your gripe.

You have said that you are self isolating anyway. You've illustrated that the virus is unlike to die out naturally, meaning herd immunity and vaccine is the only way out of this.

So why are you so against people making their own decision on whether they want to get on with their life?

Personally, I know that my parents (in the vulnerable category) would continue not seeing me once they know I have gone back into normal routine.

The only argument that you seem to be making is because you have to self isolate you want everyone else to as well?

Assume I am missing something as usual!

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19 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Unfortunately at some point in the near future people are going to have to go back to work otherwise there will be nothing to go back to work to.

We need an effective job creation scheme. 50,000 new customs officers will be needed by the end of the year, which is more than the number of bureaucrats that work for the European Commission

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