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The Politics Thread 2020


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1 minute ago, Archied said:

Your missing my point , I don’t believe the lock down is the right way ,I don’t believe it’s workable ,I don’t believe the people pushing it and forcing it on the public actually believe in it or at best believe it applies to them, I don’t believe the figures that are being put out are correct around infections and death rate percentages, I don’t believe that damage to people’s health and well being from this lock down are being considered and weighed properly and that includes deaths as a side effect of lock down lack of treatment, diagnosis and other ,I don’t believe in the validity of suppressing different medical, scientific and political opinions on the subject 

Well, you're allowed to believe what you want. But the countries that locked down quick and hard, and introduced track and trace methods of monitoring the spread of the virus, have got off lighter than we have. 

There is no question that there is a very infectious virus going around, and there's a lot of people dying. 

Seems sensible to me to put measures in place to stop the spread of it. 

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11 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Well, you're allowed to believe what you want. But the countries that locked down quick and hard, and introduced track and trace methods of monitoring the spread of the virus, have got off lighter than we have. 

There is no question that there is a very infectious virus going around, and there's a lot of people dying. 

Seems sensible to me to put measures in place to stop the spread of it. 

Like Sweden ? 
There is very much a question around the numbers dying compared to numbers actually infected , numbers recorded to dying of Covid 19 just on spec , numbers of deaths from all the common killers dropping to the floor at the same time , figures of young healthy people dying virtually next to nothing ( much harder to find death numbers to attribute Covid to) 

we are following the science of scientists that don’t even believe their own science??? but never mind we can all just stay in to keep Eddie from being left out

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Just heard a good point raised by Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk Radio...

Why is everyone concerned about covid-19 BAME deaths and keeping them away from frontlines?  They make up 19% of deaths but only 15% of the population (although the last census was 9 years ago so...)


Why is there no call to keep men away from frontline services?  Men are dying 2:1 more frequently than women;


I guess there are no oppression points to be won championing the plight of men ? 

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11 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Why is there no call to keep men away from frontline services?  Men are dying 2:1 more frequently than women;


I guess there are no oppression points to be won championing the plight of men ? 

If the trade negotiations go to plan, as from next year we men will all be eating lots of Trump's hormone-treated beef and growing a pair of tits, so we might be a little less oppressed and more resistant to coronavirus.

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2 hours ago, RamNut said:

Ok here’s another one to chew over....the leading government adviser warns against ending the lockdown, and suddenly every newspaper has very specific details of his secret ‘trysts’ with his married lover which took place weeks ago.....and he resigns. 
Looks like someone saved the release of that info until they wanted to throw him under the bus. 

it Just shows what happens if you’re no longer on message.


longer with massage in his case...

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22 minutes ago, A Ram for All Seasons said:

If the trade negotiations go to plan, as from next year we men will all be eating lots of Trump's hormone-treated beef and growing a pair of tits, so we might be a little less oppressed and more resistant to coronavirus.

There's quite a few of those males as it is, Overweight and bra less.

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2 hours ago, maxjam said:

Just heard a good point raised by Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk Radio...

Why is everyone concerned about covid-19 BAME deaths and keeping them away from frontlines?  They make up 19% of deaths but only 15% of the population (although the last census was 9 years ago so...)


Why is there no call to keep men away from frontline services?  Men are dying 2:1 more frequently than women;


I guess there are no oppression points to be won championing the plight of men ? 

Good to see that the usual media pundits are desperately trying to keep the culture wars alive ?

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1 minute ago, SchtivePesley said:

Good to see that the usual media pundits are desperately trying to keep the culture wars alive ?

Yup and exploiting the 4% difference in number of BAME deaths compared to their percentage of population (using 9 year old data)

Meanwhile a very real 70:30 split goes by largely ignored. 

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11 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Yup and exploiting the 4% difference in number of BAME deaths compared to their percentage of population (using 9 year old data)

Meanwhile a very real 70:30 split goes by largely ignored. 

And the culture wars will continue to rage through a global pandemic because some mugs like to channel their impotence into getting wound up by this nonsense. 

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Just now, SchtivePesley said:

And the culture wars will continue to rage through a global pandemic because some mugs like to channel their impotence into getting wound up by this nonsense. 

Viagra could cure that

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15 minutes ago, maxjam said:

Yup and exploiting the 4% difference in number of BAME deaths compared to their percentage of population (using 9 year old data)

Meanwhile a very real 70:30 split goes by largely ignored. 

I wonder out loud, how much of that may be caused by the largely male manual labourers in factories and farms who won't be able to avoid close contact with their colleagues?

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2 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

And the culture wars will continue to rage through a global pandemic because some mugs like to channel their impotence into getting wound up by this nonsense. 

Tell that to the likes of Sadiq Khan etc pushing it.

If you really want to address coronavirus what should we focus on?  The supposed 4% disparity between races that may or may not even exist come next years census or the fact that men are dying in far greater numbers?

Keep having your sly digs at me, its par for the course ? I prefer to look for actual underlying problems that we should be focussing on.


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13 minutes ago, SchtivePesley said:

And the culture wars will continue to rage through a global pandemic because some mugs like to channel their impotence into getting wound up by this nonsense. 

Agreed, whilst not overlooking that some mugs like to channel their importance into exaggerating information to perpetuate the nonsense.

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3 minutes ago, maxjam said:

If you really want to address coronavirus what should we focus on?  The supposed 4% disparity between races that may or may not even exist come next years census or the fact that men are dying in far greater numbers?

Keep having your sly digs at me, its par for the course ? I prefer to look for actual underlying problems that we should be focussing on.

Focus on saving as many people as possible. It's not a competition

Also don't focus on listening to bloody Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio - it does you no good

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1 minute ago, SchtivePesley said:

Focus on saving as many people as possible. It's not a competition

Also don't focus on listening to bloody Julia Hartley Brewer on Talk Radio - it does you no good

You'll be telling me what books I'm allowed to have on my bookshelf next.

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2 hours ago, maxjam said:

Just heard a good point raised by Julia Hartley-Brewer on Talk Radio...

Why is everyone concerned about covid-19 BAME deaths and keeping them away from frontlines?  They make up 19% of deaths but only 15% of the population (although the last census was 9 years ago so...)


Why is there no call to keep men away from frontline services?  Men are dying 2:1 more frequently than women;


I guess there are no oppression points to be won championing the plight of men ? 

And also the obese so if you are a fat, bame, male you should be shielding.

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