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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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On 6 October 2016 at 10:55, Mostyn6 said:

nah, not having that, if you use it properly, it's no different to glancing in your interior mirror, or looking up at a road sign.

I don't really look at mine. I just listen to the instructions. Mind you "take the first exit to Brian Clow way" takes some getting used to. 

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I am getting cheesed off with people ringing me telling me I've got a problem with my Internet connection. 

I blew my top and said to the **** on the end of the phone do you think I'm stupid?

He replied yes sir very.

I got two more calls from them within an hour. These people need shutting down the problem is I don't think they are phoning from this country. They don't sound English anyway. 

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1 hour ago, Gritters said:

I am getting cheesed off with people ringing me telling me I've got a problem with my Internet connection. 

I blew my top and said to the **** on the end of the phone do you think I'm stupid?

He replied yes sir very.

I got two more calls from them within an hour. These people need shutting down the problem is I don't think they are phoning from this country. They don't sound English anyway. 

It always strikes me as remarkable how many people in Mumbai are called Steven and Lucy. They have all also been to the same "business" school that teaches them to end every statement meant they make with the word "right ?" Thus inviting us to agree. I have tried to tell them that my head doesn't button up the back of if they have ever thought of going for a long walk on a short pier but something gets lost in translation. I once kept one waiting 15 minutes for "my IT manager" but when I said he'd fallen down stairs rushing for the call he  finally hung up. 

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I just don't get the economic model behind the survey companies that many of these are. Leaving out the scammers there is basically a lot of Data trawling to sell a data base to specific clients. I understand it but even with low cost country wages it still costs money to run a call centre on the scale they operate .. So what are companies willing to pay for data sets of this nature. And how many takers are there for switching a power supplier after talking to some telmarketing company. The commission for getting such a switch can't be that big can it ? 

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7 hours ago, Gritters said:

I am getting cheesed off with people ringing me telling me I've got a problem with my Internet connection. 

I blew my top and said to the **** on the end of the phone do you think I'm stupid?

He replied yes sir very.

I got two more calls from them within an hour. These people need shutting down the problem is I don't think they are phoning from this country. They don't sound English anyway. 

If it's on your home phone you can get a device called a callblocker,  which is useful if you have caller display. Cuts down the nubmer of calls from these idiots dramatically.

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6 minutes ago, Mostyn6 said:

when highly trained assassins cannot kill Tom Cruise in an alley from 10ft away with 20 shots! I think a novice marksman like myself would get my eye in after about 5!

:thumbsup: Mostyn ... Along the same lines ... A sleveless vest is infinitely more bullet proof than any Kevlar jacket, and curious when a spacecraft is under attack and on its last legs with failing life support and multiple hull breaches.... the articulate gravity NEVER fails 

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Charity shops that sell items for a lot more than they should be.

I go in, I browse. I pick up a couple of generic paperback books. Yes, why not. I'll have them both. Cost for the 2? - nearly 6 quid. I bought one and even then I nearly didn't. Put the other one back.

I go in, I browse. I pick up a CD. It's the Happy Mondays, Pills, Thrills and Bellyaches. It has a few scratches but I can risk it. It's £1.99. If I took it to a car boot or sold it on ebay i'd be extremely fortunate to get 50p for it. I don't REALLLLLLLLLLLLLY want it but if it's 99p then fair do's , i'll have it. End result - no sale. If they were 99p I might buy a couple of CD's that I don't really desperately want but as they are cheap I will. As they are £1.99 and sometimes more for one then I don't even buy one.

I don't wish to haggle with a charity shop but the amount of money I've NOT spent in these shops is huge and all because stuff is vastly overpriced.

They are given these items for free so isn't it best just to get them sold and make some money rather than have them cluttering up shelf space?  


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On 10/7/2016 at 19:31, Tony Le Mesmer said:

I've worked in animal rescue shelters since 1998 and the number of dogs we've rehomed that have had to be returned due to sudden behavioural issues that the new owners were seriously concerned about I can count on one hand. Most rescue dogs just require firm and consistent training, an understanding of each individual animal's behavioural problems by the prospective owner and a long term commitment to implement these.

My bug bear is thick people who get pups such as Akitas then let them do what they want and 6 months later when it's the size of a lion and all over the shop and they can't cope they expect rescue centres to take them in and miraculously turn them into an instant rehomable proposition overnight. Jeez. Brains in their arses.  

Also people who ring up and say they are moving house and can't take a dog so can we take it from them. Not a problem with this at all, that's what we are here for. Then you ask, "when are you moving?".

"Tomorrow" comes the reply.

Presumably they've known about their impending move for more than one day so why not ring once they had found out?! It would give us time to find and allocate space.

Then we say we cannot take it, it will have to go on the waiting list as there is no room at the centre and then you get abuse and the "you're supposed to care about animals aren't you?" line.

P*** off you waste of space.


Well, being a dog lover, I get really ****** off with people saying that they are moving house and that consequently, they can't take their dog with them.

Too ******* inconvenient to consider your dog in the move is it **** head? What are you going to do when you have a baby, you ****? Which hopefully you won't as you clearly have no idea of love and responsibility.

***** should be banned from owning dogs for life.

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Sith Happens
8 hours ago, Muskination said:

Well, being a dog lover, I get really ****** off with people saying that they are moving house and that consequently, they can't take their dog with them.

Too ******* inconvenient to consider your dog in the move is it **** head? What are you going to do when you have a baby, you ****? Which hopefully you won't as you clearly have no idea of love and responsibility.

***** should be banned from owning dogs for life.

Totally agree, people find it too easy nowadays to shift responsilbilty to someone else. Dogs are companion animals and the suffering it will go through to be removed from a home is imense.

There will of course be some genuine circumstances but too many just get bored, cant be bothered etc.

I could never give up any animal, we have rabbits, 2 of them both adopted, one was only 12 weeks so still young but we also adopted a 6 year old rabbit because the owners 'couldnt look after it anymore', i mean 6 year old, how many people will take on a 6 year old rabbit? We did and she is still going strong 4 years later.

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12 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

when highly trained assassins cannot kill Tom Cruise in an alley from 10ft away with 20 shots! I think a novice marksman like myself would get my eye in after about 5!

Bruce Willis' reliance on the armoured power of office furniture to stop massed automatic weapons fire.

Yippy-kay-ay motherfunster

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