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Random stuff that people do that annoy me


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Sith Happens
11 hours ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Autobiographies by complete nobodies. Joey Barton has one out. Quite why anyone would be the slightest bit interested in his self absorbed life story is beyond me.

IMO anyone well respected and humble enough to not tell their life story for money will remain so.

I will one day write my own life story but just for the benefit of my family. I have no urge for anyone else to know and quite frankly i'd be perturbed if they'd want to know. I would do the same if I was in the public eye.

Added to that autobiographies that are written on behalf of someone such as a ghost writer. These stories automatically lose their credibility as the editor / writer can advise the 'star' about what is good to put it, what is not, what can be embellished and so on and so forth. Anyone who wants an autobiography of themselves should write it themselves with no outside interference and everything that the person truly wants to reveal will be revealed.

Lastly, autobiographies of 'stars' that have just been born. Ok so not quite that but people who have been in the limelight for 5 minutes and haven't yet reached puberty and they get one whipped out for Christmas. Dear God. Worse than these are those who fund this self obsessed hobby of the rich and not so famous by buying such cretinous books.

and on that bombshell.....................................;)

And even worse z listers having their weddings splashed across OK magazine etc, making out like they know the secret of happiness the rest of us don't. 

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Sith Happens
12 hours ago, Broderick said:

:angry: when people steal my goals on rocket league. 

Is it good or bad that I have no idea what you are talking about

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6 hours ago, Paul71 said:

They all seem to follow the same plot, they all seem to have had a problematic childhood, either due to poverty, illness, abuse etc....followed by a rebellious young adult era, then the introduction to money...romance, going off the rails...some major low point in their lives and then finally happy ever after.

Then 2 months after the book comes out that happy ever after goes pear shaped leading to book 2 in a couple of years time.

That said Alan partridges autobiography is well worth a read.

I must confess to owning the Alan Partridge autobiography but as its a spoof I can get away with that one. :)

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6 hours ago, Paul71 said:

And even worse z listers having their weddings splashed across OK magazine etc, making out like they know the secret of happiness the rest of us don't. 

Yeah and they end up splitting up anyway and wonder why. Vacuous and false those weddings. Just like those getting married.

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On 3 October 2016 at 18:49, Phoenix said:

Bull-speak. As a member of the National Trust I am invited to vote for 6 people from a list of 27 people I don't know. Each has written a little synopsis as to who they are, what the NT means to them and what they can offer.

I eliminated those who wrote bull-speak and was left with 7, which made thing easier. Here are a few samples.

  • The dichotomy of protecting rural landscapes.
  • I can deliniante responses and explain opportunities provided by technology and people to create the dialogues required to find solutions. (etc)
  • Bringing an evidence-based approach to developing strategy and plans
  • I was responsible for assessing, quantifying, planning and effecting strategies so as to grow and embellish, positively, corporate entities.(Christ!)
  • Think outside the boundaries
  • 18 years of coal-face experience (this one's a woman),,,,grass-roots employees
  • ...has fired my enthusiasm for continuing my involvement in governance volunteering
  • Participated in inalienability proposals -blah blah governance volunteering -blah blah governance volunteering
  • Business governance and efficiency - stategic needs - core priorities of conservation and visitor experience
  • A practical grass-roots understanding of good and bad volunteering propositions
  • Championing and lionizing people
  • Governance, stategy and policy, honed over many years
  • Achieve its strategic vision as a charity

Oh Phoenix .. That is brilliant ... I've got a filthy cold atm and that got me spluttering my tea everywhere. Hilarious. 

what is it about business cliches ! We just have to have them. It changes with each generation but the last 10-15 years have been epic. Makes me think of  Dickensian Clerk speak. "I remain sir your most obedient servant" and "we thank your for your esteemed enquiry and hope to be favoured with your valued instructions"  

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8 minutes ago, jono said:

Oh Phoenix .. That is brilliant ... I've got a filthy cold atm and that got me spluttering my tea everywhere. Hilarious. 

what is it about business cliches ! We just have to have them. It changes with each generation but the last 10-15 years have been epic. Makes me think of  Dickensian Clerk speak. "I remain sir your most obedient servant" and "we thank your for your esteemed enquiry and hope to be favoured with your valued instructions"  

"I remain sir your most obedient servant" = I'm stuck in this government office, and thus superior to you, but I have to put up with your fatuous whingeing. Your request/complaint has been filed in the compartment entitled 'litter' so f*** off and don't expect any further action.

"we thank your for your esteemed enquiry and hope to be favoured with your valued instructions"  = We're desperate for some business so get your order in quick before I'm in the Dole queue.

By the way, slight exaggeration, there were 21 candidates, not 27, before someone picks me up on it. I can assure you that I have only reproduced a fraction of the Bull-speak. Shame about your cold. Have you tried Night Nurse?:whistle:

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On 03/10/2016 at 18:49, Phoenix said:

Bull-speak. As a member of the National Trust I am invited to vote for 6 people from a list of 27 people I don't know. Each has written a little synopsis as to who they are, what the NT means to them and what they can offer.

I eliminated those who wrote bull-speak and was left with 7, which made thing easier. Here are a few samples.

  • The dichotomy of protecting rural landscapes.
  • I can deliniante responses and explain opportunities provided by technology and people to create the dialogues required to find solutions. (etc)
  • Bringing an evidence-based approach to developing strategy and plans
  • I was responsible for assessing, quantifying, planning and effecting strategies so as to grow and embellish, positively, corporate entities.(Christ!)
  • Think outside the boundaries
  • 18 years of coal-face experience (this one's a woman),,,,grass-roots employees
  • ...has fired my enthusiasm for continuing my involvement in governance volunteering
  • Participated in inalienability proposals -blah blah governance volunteering -blah blah governance volunteering
  • Business governance and efficiency - stategic needs - core priorities of conservation and visitor experience
  • A practical grass-roots understanding of good and bad volunteering propositions
  • Championing and lionizing people
  • Governance, stategy and policy, honed over many years
  • Achieve its strategic vision as a charity

I see what you're saying there @Phoenix , but I think it would be better if you go for the low hanging fruit ... how about if you run these ideas up the flag pole and see who salutes?

Maybe we should take your ideas 'offline' and discuss them after the meeting? maybe I could diarise a meet-up.

And remember, there is no 'I' in T.E.A.M. (together everyone achieves more), so lets keep it real.

Oh, hold on, my Outlook calendar has just reminded me its time for my morning plop .....

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58 minutes ago, WhiteHorseRam said:

I see what you're saying there @Phoenix , but I think it would be better if you go for the low hanging fruit ... how about if you run these ideas up the flag pole and see who salutes?

Maybe we should take your ideas 'offline' and discuss them after the meeting? maybe I could diarise a meet-up.

And remember, there is no 'I' in T.E.A.M. (together everyone achieves more), so lets keep it real.

Oh, hold on, my Outlook calendar has just reminded me its time for my morning plop .....

We appear to be singing from the same hymn sheet. Definite synergy there.

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Sith Happens
3 hours ago, Wolfie20 said:

Good - shows there's a fair chance you've actually got a life in the real world

Hope so, I actually work in IT but really hate anything that contributes to a non human means of communication, I dont go near facebook, twitter etc, i even hate mobile phones - while i appreciate the value of them if i go out to the pub or something mine stays at home...i hate when i see people out 'together', especially couples yet they sit there tapping into their flipping phones.

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It's one of the biggest most overwhelming social and cultural changes of the last 5 or so years. Mobile devices. People are now so reliant on them that they actually experience anxiety and panic symptoms when they are without them. They are as addictive as the usual protagonists like drink , drugs etc and the long term effects of broken down relationships due to poor one to one engagement and communication in favour of being distracted by the mobile are ironic when you consider that these devices are supposed to make communication and connectedness easier.

I can't think of a single thing more ineffective at human connectedness than social media and the obsession with phones.

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The Kosovo "love in" in western media in general and specifically within football. That isn't to say that I necessarily disagree with the region's struggle for independence, but I am sick and tired of the simplistic binary narrative that has succeeded in misrepresenting a very complicated political situation as "good guys" vs "bad guys". I resent the supposedly apolitical FIFA's endorsement of the breakaway region. I'm struggling to understand why BBC sport feel the need to spam article after article about the Kosovan national team. I don't recall the same, or indeed any, coverage being afforded to Montenegro when they played their first fixture as an independent nation. It's laughably hypocritical that our government criticises Russia's actions in the Crimea when we have essentially helped facilitate Albanian annexation of Serbian land.

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1 hour ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Sat navs. I use a map but my point is that whilst you are looking at it working out where you need to be, you are taking your eyes off the road. In addition it is another screen distraction in your eyeline. Why are sat navs legal and mobile phones aren't whilst driving?

nah, not having that, if you use it properly, it's no different to glancing in your interior mirror, or looking up at a road sign.

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3 hours ago, Mostyn6 said:

nah, not having that, if you use it properly, it's no different to glancing in your interior mirror, or looking up at a road sign.

They have other benefits too, like warning of speed limits (illegal in France for some strange reason). Also giving an indication of how far to the next junction, which is quite useful if you want to overtake a line of lorries and want to know whether you have enough distance to do it.

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