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Shall we be honest lads, how amazing was Graham Richards

Mick Harford

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The classic one of course was the 4-1 demolition of Florest.

I was going ape **** like everyone else on a packed Ossie End when them three goals in almost as many minutes went in... Richard's commentary captured our excitement completely.

We'd had bugger all else that season to cheer up to that point and to smash the red dogs, yes European Cup winner's (choke) was and still is one of those great days following the Rams... I've listened teary eyed to Graham's immortal "and Forest are in absolute ruins!!!" many times since.... brilliant.

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At his best Graham Richards was brilliant to listen to.

At his worst (towards the end with Ian Hall, who was boring and kept waffling on about cricket) he was frustrating to listen to.  Half the time you had no idea what was happening as they were talking about something else - possibly because Derby weren't worth talking about sometimes!

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10 hours ago, DerbyMark said:

The classic one of course was the 4-1 demolition of Florest.

I was going ape **** like everyone else on a packed Ossie End when them three goals in almost as many minutes went in... Richard's commentary captured our excitement completely.

We'd had bugger all else that season to cheer up to that point and to smash the red dogs, yes European Cup winner's (choke) was and still is one of those great days following the Rams... I've listened teary eyed to Graham's immortal "and Forest are in absolute ruins!!!" many times since.... brilliant.

I was in the Ossie End too that day. The first 16 minutes was probably the bizarrest quarter of football I've ever seen. The BBG was a cauldron of noise and confusion which is greatly reflected in GR's commentary. I even recall Colin Addison's match day programme notes "...and may the best team win, Brian". Can't quite decide if the 4:1 is eclipsed by the 5:0 though. Both are incredible memories. 

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5 hours ago, Ellafella said:

I was in the Ossie End too that day. The first 16 minutes was probably the bizarrest quarter of football I've ever seen. The BBG was a cauldron of noise and confusion which is greatly reflected in GR's commentary. I even recall Colin Addison's match day programme notes "...and may the best team win, Brian". Can't quite decide if the 4:1 is eclipsed by the 5:0 though. Both are incredible memories. 

Yes true, the 5-0 was a bit special...as was the 4-0 way back in '71/'72 when we went on to win the league and they went down!

What made the 4-1 so good was that it was so unexpected...in a few season's the two clubs fortunes had been completely reversed, with Clough n Taylor now working their magic at the wrong end of the A52...(they might've become a legend since but to the Derby lads on the terraces they were anything but in the late '70's and '80's..!).

We battered 'em that day.

"and Derby are three ahead, and manager Brian Clough... I've never seen such an expression of disgust on his face!!"

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Said it before but in this age of texting, Soccer Saturday,  fans forums, BBC live text, streaming etc....information is everywhere. 

In the 80's I would be at home listening to the radio and was transported to another world that I could not otherwise access. His voice, emotions and descriptions were key to how I saw the club.



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On 13/03/2017 at 20:24, BramcoteRam84 said:

The Gascoigne rant is one of the best pieces of commentary I've ever heard. That said I enjoyed his commentary on a West Ham game  "and here's hartson and kitson running down the middle like a pair of plonkers"


To be honest, I didn't like his "fat oink" jibe at Gazza when he got sent off playing for Newcastle at the BBG... Richards could come across as a bit pompous at times, as already noted by a previous poster.

He wasn't from these parts, was obviously an educated man and a barrister I believe during the week. Had a rather romantic view of the working class...hear him wax lyrical about the smell of Ley's foundry on 'The Derby County Story'.

But he'd definitely taken the club to heart, and along with Colin Gibson on the Monday moan-in was very forthright in his opposition to Rob Maxwell, so much so that it got him banned from the press box I remember!

There hasn't been as good a commentator on Radio Derby since, is probably the best compliment I could pay him.

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On 15/03/2017 at 05:51, AndyB said:

Fantastic commentator, the best we've had on Radio Derby by a long way.

The best we will ever have? The current crop seem incapable of actually saying anything meaningful.  Ramage is too close to the players to name names (he calls it bagging out) and the rest seem to what to develop friendly relationships with the managers.


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I always looked forward to his commentary. Radio commentary is an art, you have to create the images for the listener and Richards did that. Some of his descriptions were excellent. Maybe to some having a mastery of our language makes you pompous but it made for enjoyable and colourful listening.


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