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The Rt. Hon. Kenneth Clarke, QC, MP


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I am not of the blue persuasion politically, so do not as a rule read Tory memoirs {though I do recommend Allan Clark's Diaries which are an altogether different kettle of fish to your average read} but as a constituent of said Kenneth, & having met the said chap on a couple of occasions {he is a true gent}, I did decide to take the plunge..and I am glad that I did...only a few pages in Kenneth reveals that "All of my school friends supported the ...much bigger [than County or Forest] Derby County football club ...".

And which side of the Trent does Ken look towards? "One week we ...go to Notts County and the next to Nottingham Forest." One can forgive the duplicity for as a politician of some years, he has to be seen to be in as many places at once as he can be, yet he later concedes ..."Notts County...the better followed and more fashionable side...". 

I have to say, I have always found his judgement to be spot-on in all things. :mellow:

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3 minutes ago, PodgeyRam said:

My mum, who being from a mining town in South Yorkshire and growing up under Thatcher, has never voted Tory. What she does say though is that Clarke is the nicest of the lot. Talk about damning with faint praise, eh!

...and Ken Clarke is actually a Derbyshire lad.

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9 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

One for The Pub. Mods!

But I bought it for a couple of people who have very much enjoyed the read (or maybe they're just saying that as it was a present from me?).

I got my copy from a charity shop; the inside cover had "with all my love from Carl XXX Guardian of the Galaxy, love you Bunny Rabbitt. " scrawled on it in rather infantile writing. Just sayin' :mellow:

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15 minutes ago, Carl Sagan said:

One for The Pub. Mods!

But I bought it for a couple of people who have very much enjoyed the read (or maybe they're just saying that as it was a present from me?).

I got my copy from a charity shop; the inside cover had "with all my love from Carl XXX Guardian of the Galaxy, love you, my bunny rabbit " scrawled on it in infantile writing.

Just sayin' :mellow:

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From Langley Mill originally weren't he?

And like many folks from that neck of Derbyshire, to my disgust, support''s Florest!

I remember him saying if he was back in Derbyshire he'd be down the pit...this was after Thatcher had killed off the Derbyshire coalfields... could never see him getting his hands dirty anyway lol

He also reckons he was sat behind the Russian linesman at Wembley in '66 and helped him to make up his mind about Geoff Hurst's goal...lol 

So we all owe Kenneth for winning us the World Cup!

Nowt to do with the fact that the said linesman was an ex POW in Germany during the second war....might just have swayed his judgement lol 

He's a character, Clarkey, I'll give you that...

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1 hour ago, Ellafella said:

I got my copy from a charity shop; the inside cover had "with all my love from Carl XXX Guardian of the Galaxy, love you, my bunny rabbit " scrawled on it in infantile writing.

Just sayin' :mellow:

Genius! Though you don't know how very close to the truth you are...

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21 hours ago, Ellafella said:

I got my copy from a charity shop; the inside cover had "with all my love from Carl XXX Guardian of the Galaxy, love you Bunny Rabbitt. " scrawled on it in rather infantile writing. Just sayin' :mellow:

You should see what she put in Carl's copy of Mein Kampf. Saucy.

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I actually met him last month at Rutland Water. Apparently he is a bit of a bird spotter (as am I). What I was shocked was by how frail he was. He could barely walk!! He hired a buggy whilst his assistant walked (and his assistant looked about 90!). He looked a LOT older than when you see him on TV.

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30 minutes ago, Reverend said:

I actually met him last month at Rutland Water. Apparently he is a bit of a bird spotter (as am I). What I was shocked was by how frail he was. He could barely walk!! He hired a buggy whilst his assistant walked (and his assistant looked about 90!). He looked a LOT older than when you see him on TV.

He's an avid twitcher I believe. :mellow:

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