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Craig Forsyth Making Progress


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I couldn't for the life of me find the Craig Forsyth thread in Rams Talk, I know there is one. But I wanted to post this article from the official website that contains an in-depth interview with CF about his injury. It was in the program against Wigan.



First of all Craig, how are you progressing in your rehabilitation work?

It’s going alright at the moment but there’s still plenty of work to get through. There was a bit more damage to the knee this time, so the first three months were quite low key and I wasn’t able to do too much. It was just a case of managing the swelling around the knee and reducing the muscle loss really, but I’ve been able to step it up now. 

What was the extent of the damage to the knee?

As everyone knows, it was the same cruciate ligament that I injured last season but there was some damage to the meniscus in the knee as well, which had to be stitched. Ultimately, that’s what made the first three months a bit slower than last season as I had to wait until that was repaired. I went back to see the surgeon towards the end of November and that was positive, which lead to me getting the green light to start doing some exercises and build the strength back. 

Importantly, although it was the same knee in terms of the injury, it wasn’t related to what happened last season – is that right?

I didn’t pick up the injury as a result of having the injury last time or anything to do with that, so you’re spot on with what you say there. It was just the mechanics of what happened on the pitch against Aston Villa. There was no weakness. It was just the two movements – one from the side and one from the back – in a quick space of time forced the knee into an uncomfortable position and it just snapped.  

As much as it doesn’t make you feel better about the situation, is it a case of just being unlucky?

I do feel that way, I think you feel that way at first and question what you’ve done to deserve that slice of bad luck. That’s the way it goes, sadly. Since I was 17 right through until last year I had barely missed a day’s training or a game due to injury. I look at it that I had ten years of good luck and then I’ve just had my fair share of bad luck rolled into one! 

How easy or difficult is it being out a second time in terms of knowing that to expect?

Some days it can be easier and you feel like you’re progressing well, then on the other side of the coin you can have days where you don’t feel like you’re getting anywhere after a bad day. You have to just stay as positive as you can and remember at the end of the day it’s all about working towards getting back in action. 

Looking back on the days after the injury, what were they like?

They were quite hard; I think I’d be lying to say otherwise. When I had the call to say what the damage was, you think 9-12 months is basically another season down the pan. You then start to think about all the stages you have to go through; gradually getting back on your feet, starting doing running again and other things. There are so many stages it is easy to forget them all. I was quite emotional at home because it was hard to take. You wonder how you’re going to come back from it, almost. However, like I said, you have to stay positive and remember there are people in far worse situations. You can’t be too down about it. 

Is it easier said than done to be mentally strong?

I think after the operation the first four or five days were really hard back at home. Once that’s out the way you realise the situation you’re in, you’re in a brace for six weeks and off your feet and you simply have to deal with it. You have to stay as positive as possible, although sometimes it is hard because you can become frustrated that you can’t do things. You’ve got to stay as positive as you can and come in to work with a smile on your face. If you don’t it’s only going to delay getting back to playing. That’s the way I look at it, the more positive I am the quicker I will return. 

How do you look back on those early games from a personal point of view?

I felt that pre-season was just about getting through it for me and having no reaction to the injury. After a few pre-season matches it was straight into the competitive games quite quickly, and obviously nothing prepares you for them in a way. It was good for me but I didn’t feel properly fit or sharp, but in the last few games before I got injured I felt more like myself and getting the belief back. It was tough because I had worked so hard to get back for four games. 

August was an emotional month for you, wasn’t it?

It was a real rollercoaster! Obviously there was a high of my daughter Luna being born, getting back into first-team action and scoring the winner at Preston; different emotions and all good ones. Then on the Saturday night after the Aston Villa game, the feeling was obviously quite different. Football provides a rollercoaster of emotions anyway but it was quite a big high to a massive low. As they say, that’s football! 

What is your workload like at the moment?

I’m just gradually stepping things up and spending quite a bit of time in the gym. A lot of time is spent on the leg weights to try and build the strength back up in the legs and especially in the muscle in my leg that has wasted away. After starting that work at the end of November, that’s been my target for a six to eight-week period. After that, it will be case of stepping it up and working on the Alter G treadmill and then progressing to being outside again. 

How do you avoid getting bored doing the same things on a daily basis?

The leg weights are what they are, you have to do the same work. On the other stuff, the medical team do mix it up and balance things out; they have the flexibility to do that and sometimes you can do things with other players if they are doing some work on something specific. It’s nice to freshen it up and we have a good medical team. 

Do you set yourself targets?

The first target, the surgeon said, was to be looking at pre-season again. That’s the one that’s in my head and I am focused on myself being right for pre-season. I think that’s the best one to look at because I don’t want to put myself under any more pressure in case I have a setback or anything goes wrong and that would leave me down about it. As a result, that’s why I have written off this season and am aiming for the summer.

Is it important to have that big goal in sight all the way through your work?

I think it’s important to set shorter goals, going month by month and hitting targets by certain dates. The short term ones can change day to day depending on how the knee reacts and things, but I’ve certainly found working to short term ones helpful. As I said, the main target is pre-season in July. 

Steve McClaren’s back in charge now – how have you found watching the team under him?

The gaffer has come in and it’s been the same as it was last time, from what I’ve seen and heard. He has the same idea and principles, which has helped and the players know what is expected of them. Watching the team play over the last few weeks, it is clear to see everyone is in tune with what he wants and the results are certainly showing that. We played some great football before and we’ve seen that start to return this time. 

Although you aren’t working with him again personally, he has spoken well of you which must be a boost?

Certainly. I played my best football under the gaffer so right now it’s obviously disappointing to be out. He was great for me and I’d like to think that I did well for him as well. I am sure when I get back I will have the chance to play for him again. It’s nice to read the things he has said and hear he’s spoken so well about me, but I’d much rather be playing than sat watching. 

What was he like to work with?

He was always very positive in looking for things that you can be better on and improve on. He would take you into his office and show you things on the video, which was handy and it was all positive. He gave you the freedom to play football and have it played in a certain way, which we’re seeing with the team right now. We worked a lot on the training ground to make it all happen and worked on certain scenarios. When you see it play out how he said and see the work pay off, you buy into it even more. Everyone saw that the last time and that’s what’s happening now as well with the wins and the way we’re playing. 

Where did you progress the most under him?

Defensively, in my opinion. I played left wing at Watford but came here as a left-back; I was always going forwards compared to backwards so he spent a lot of time working on the defence as a unit and also with individuals as well. From doing all that work I think I improved my game and one of my weakest parts of my game because one of my strongest.

In terms of how the team is doing right now, do you look at what can be achieved with an open mind this season? 

For sure. They are some very strong teams in this league but there’s nothing to say we can’t put a run together like we did in the past, catch other teams up and be established in the top six. We want to make a charge for the top if we can, but take one game at a time and make sure we do it right. 

Finally, ending on a positive, how have you found being a dad?

It’s probably helped me in way to take the mind off things. If you’ve had a bad day or feel sorry for yourself about the injury, you have to carry on as normal because you have responsibilities. I am enjoying being a dad, of course, and hopefully it stays that way! I’ve had Christmas ‘off’ for the last two years but I would swap it to be playing football; that’s my passion and my job. 


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Likeable guy and a good player, hopefully he get's himself right for next season. 

People bang on about the Thorne and Martin injuries in recent years but we haven't half missed him as well. If there's one player "on board" with the Macca philosophy it's him, simple movements and passes that we miss so much down that left. 


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1 hour ago, coneheadjohn said:

I'm glad he's recovering and will be over the moon to see him back.

The speed we used to play it out from the back down the wings used to be fantastic and he was a big part of that.

And he could cross. I have been very happy with the stand ins but Fozzie has a great blend of attack and defence in his armoury 

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