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The Bounce Song


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Just read on the dire ltlf forum that we stole this song from Sheff Weds.

Utter tosh, we 'borrowed' it from Rangers after the Ted McMinn Testimonial back in 20??, changing the word Tim (derogatory word for Celtic fan) for a Red.

And if the Red Dogs are happy to sing Wings tunes then good luck to them with their Frog Chorus rendition.

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I am probably wrong here but the first time I remember the song getting a proper full outing was just after we played Chelsea in the cup and they had been singing it.


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5 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

I'm hoping we can start singing 9 in a row in a few weeks like Rangers did last time, because I remember that chant being loud and lasting flipping ages, made our little ditties sound a bit daft in comparison. 

I was right next to them when they started that. Didn't have a clue what they were singing at first but it was brilliant. The closest away crowd for noise & variety to them is man Utd. 

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18 minutes ago, McLovin said:

Yes we stole it from Sheffield Wednesday (as per)

They sing if you don't ******* bounce you're a blade mind 

Are you struggling to comprehend @philmycock's posts about copying the bounce from Rangers.after Ted McMinn;s testimonial?

Is he talking in some secret code that only i can understand or is he on your banned list?

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1 hour ago, Briggsy said:

I'm fairly sure Sheff Wednesday did it before we did, hence why they find it so funny when we do it

Erm, that was the whole point of the thread, they think we stole it off them, when in fact we brazenly stole it off Rangers when they came to us yonks ago.

Stolen yes, but not off some club who's biggest fan is a fat orange rotund brummie.

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