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12 minutes ago, froggg said:

That's trendy micro pubs in the Saarrfff for yer, great beer there though, and five minutes from me door, gawd help me.

Lavly jabbly

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Kasteel Donker. 24 bottles arrived today, and 23 bottles of Westmalle Tripel.

It says something for the quality of Kurt's packaging when it was quite obvious from the outside that the package was either hit with a fork-lift or dropped upside-down from a considerable height in transit, and only one bottle got smashed. I took photos of the damage - the last time it happened, Kurt sent me a couple of 'extras' the next time I ordered.

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46 minutes ago, eddie said:

Kasteel Donker. 24 bottles arrived today, and 23 bottles of Westmalle Tripel.

It says something for the quality of Kurt's packaging when it was quite obvious from the outside that the package was either hit with a fork-lift or dropped upside-down from a considerable height in transit, and only one bottle got smashed. I took photos of the damage - the last time it happened, Kurt sent me a couple of 'extras' the next time I ordered.

Emergency over.

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