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11 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

Correctly? :ph34r:


No, I don't believe it is. The French for example call Paris Paree, do we ? No.  The Germans call Munich Munchen. Do we ? No. It's a bit like those people who pronounce Lionel Messi Leeonel, it's Lionel as in Richie. 

We didn't call Mickey Hazard Micky Azzarrrrr did we ? So why pronounce somebody with the same name differently ?

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5 minutes ago, Bris Vegas said:

Don't know what it is about Spurs. When they put in performances like this you'd expect them to be doing much better. I think they will miss out on the top four.


Not so sure about that - looks like it will be perm 4 from 6 - both Manchester clubs, Spurs, Chelsea, Arsenal and Liverpool. It wouldn't surprise me if Arsenal finally miss out, along with City.

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1 hour ago, EastHertsRam said:

No, I don't believe it is. The French for example call Paris Paree, do we ? No.  The Germans call Munich Munchen. Do we ? No. It's a bit like those people who pronounce Lionel Messi Leeonel, it's Lionel as in Richie. 

We didn't call Mickey Hazard Micky Azzarrrrr did we ? So why pronounce somebody with the same name differently ?

So do you live in Harts or Hurts?

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2 hours ago, EastHertsRam said:

No, I don't believe it is. The French for example call Paris Paree, do we ? No.  The Germans call Munich Munchen. Do we ? No. It's a bit like those people who pronounce Lionel Messi Leeonel, it's Lionel as in Richie. 

We didn't call Mickey Hazard Micky Azzarrrrr did we ? So why pronounce somebody with the same name differently ?

Yeah but names are names... You should pronounce them how they are in their own language. It's different Paris, Munich and Rome as they are common names in the English language.

Like Germany and Spain, rather than Epaña and Deutchland.

If your name was Richard, you'd want foreign people to call you Richard. You wouldn't want a Spanish bloke to call you Ricardo would you? People say Leeonel but the I is pronounced as an E in Spanish. That's how you say his name.

It's the same for the letter A in English. If you're from the north you would pronounce Lyanna for instance different to what a person in the south would. Lee - Anne - A as opposed to Lee - Arne - A


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6 hours ago, eddie said:

So do you live in Harts or Hurts?

Trust you.

5 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:

Yeah but names are names... You should pronounce them how they are in their own language. It's different Paris, Munich and Rome as they are common names in the English language.

Like Germany and Spain, rather than Epaña and Deutchland.

If your name was Richard, you'd want foreign people to call you Richard. You wouldn't want a Spanish bloke to call you Ricardo would you? People say Leeonel but the I is pronounced as an E in Spanish. That's how you say his name.

It's the same for the letter A in English. If you're from the north you would pronounce Lyanna for instance different to what a person in the south would. Lee - Anne - A as opposed to Lee - Arne - A


Sorry Bris, I maybe wrong but I'll never agree, this is a fairly new thing this pronunciation business, back in the day there was a player called George Boateng, Coventry or Villa, somebody like that, anyway, everybody, commentators and public alike pronounced his name Boat eng, now, there's a chappie in Germany I think with the same name, same spelling but they pronounce it Bwa teng, it's nonsense. Glad you're still posting. :thumbsup:

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22 minutes ago, EastHertsRam said:

Trust you.

Sorry Bris, I maybe wrong but I'll never agree, this is a fairly new thing this pronunciation business, back in the day there was a player called George Boateng, Coventry or Villa, somebody like that, anyway, everybody, commentators and public alike pronounced his name Boat eng, now, there's a chappie in Germany I think with the same name, same spelling but they pronounce it Bwa teng, it's nonsense. Glad you're still posting. :thumbsup:

George Boateng is Dutch. Not sure on that one!

I can understand it being a bit weird and annoying, but I'm sure the player would appreciate others saying his name correctly rather than putting some English slant on it!

I mean, how do you say Volkswagen? Do you say it like the German would, like VolksVargan, or would you say it like it's an English name, Volks wagon (think of Wagon Wheels chocolate).

A name of a person or company should be said how it is in its proper language. Like Jose Mourinho... J is silent in latin language, hence its said like H-osey Mourinho. Not, J-osey Mourinho.

Again, so many examples, but an English person called John should be John in whatever language. It shouldn't be pronounced 'Hooan' (Juan) when said by a Spaniard.

'Hi, can I speak to a Hooan Morrison please?' Sounds daft. I guess that's how foreigners feel when the English pronounce foreign names incorrectly.

That Terry Henry used to be a good footballer! You know, the one who played for Arsenal and Barcelona.

I personally enjoy listening to the English try and pronounce foreign names/words. Some are pretty good at it, some are utterly hopeless!

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Must admit I do prefer it when commentators pronounce things as they are in their own language. Due to my huge Austrian connection it strangely bugs me when my other favourite team are on telly and pronounced Red Bull SOLSBERG (Salzburg) when in actual fact it is ZALTZBOURG. BT Sport bloke once got it right though.

Also Vienna isn't Vienna. It's pronounced VEEN.

I guess you could go on and on with these things but I do like it when pundits / commentators / presenters make the effort.

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29 minutes ago, Tony Le Mesmer said:

Must admit I do prefer it when commentators pronounce things as they are in their own language. Due to my huge Austrian connection it strangely bugs me when my other favourite team are on telly and pronounced Red Bull SOLSBERG (Salzburg) when in actual fact it is ZALTZBOURG. BT Sport bloke once got it right though.

Also Vienna isn't Vienna. It's pronounced VEEN.

I guess you could go on and on with these things but I do like it when pundits / commentators / presenters make the effort.

Try telling Ultravox that:


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3 hours ago, Bris Vegas said:


A name of a person or company should be said how it is in its proper language. Like Jose Mourinho... J is silent in latin language, hence its said like H-osey Mourinho. Not, J-osey Mourinho.


I'm with you on the proper name stuff, envoys me when the news talks about prince Carlos!

I thought the Portuguese pronounce the name with a hard J rather than the spanish H or the brazilian sho.  

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