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Kids say the funniest things (if they are someone else's kids)


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Him - Can I use your laptop?

Me - Have you emptied the dishwasher like I asked you to?

Him - No

Me - (raise eyebrows)

Him - Ok...do you want me to put the stuff away too?

Me - (Blood pressure goes up 10 points)  Yes

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My little one (3 1/2) has a habit of calling Gran (my mum) a Silly old Bird. She's got it from an episode of Peppa Pig I think and of course Gran laughed at it a couple of times, so it's become a thing now.

Just hoping she doesn't start saying it to other people.

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We went on a trip to Wales last year. We were looking at some of the photos the other day, and I asked grace if she enjoyed it. 

Now, bear in mind, she is 6, and absolutely terrible at telling jokes, she really doesn't get jokes, so I thought this was quite impressive, whether she meant it as a joke or not. 

'I do like Wales... But I prefer dolphins.'

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When they come downstairs at 9.30pm and throw you a blue T shirt they have got covered in paint and say 'I need that cleaned for tomorrow morning for sports day'

They then proceed to explain why they can't wear the other 3 blue T shirts they have.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My wife has been grinning for the last 24 hours. We were at a bit of a party in some friends garden. Lots of little uns running around. She put a big bow in the hair of one of them. Her mother said "who did that for you" .. My 60 year old wife was described as "The girl in the pink dress" which kind of does your ego a power of good :)

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