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Jonathan Kodjia - Signed for Villa

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On 14 August 2016 at 18:04, Cardifframs said:

Watched him yesterday at burton,did absolutely nothing

Set up for Bristol City 2nd goal so he did ACTUALLY done something. 

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27 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

Tonight, Kodjia has deleted all pictures on his Instagram relating to bristol city and unfollowed the club 

something going on, perhaps?

Thorney did the same and we know what happened next? ;) 

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49 minutes ago, Nuwtfly said:

Tonight, Kodjia has deleted all pictures on his Instagram relating to bristol city and unfollowed the club 

something going on, perhaps?

Good spot. It sounds silly but social media is actually a great indicator of what could potentially be close to happening. Clubs and agents are often more tactical and reserved in terms of information released and when they release it. Players can do things on their own personal phones in their own time which they probably don't even see as significant.

Kodjia unfollowing BC and deleting all references suggests something is definitely happening, it doesn't necessarily have to be with us though. I remember with Ince (I think it was him) his missus followed a few of our players' wives and the following day he signed. Can't see Kodjia deciding to unfollow and delete if he wasn't off somewhere.

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26 minutes ago, North_Stand_Ram said:

I think I read the other day that Palace were interested*

Bolasie leaving today gives them the money

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6 minutes ago, 86 points said:

Nah, it's me being thick as sh1te - it was the first page not the last so very old gossip.  Sorry!!

Don't worry about it 

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