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Women drivers


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1 hour ago, Ewe Ram said:

Because invariably there's a bloke already passing through said island doing 70mph that tries to take your front end off. 

Men are most possessive over their few feet of Tarmac but I admit to driving across 2 lanes when there's 2 lanes merging because men always try to come in on the right hand lane and try and force their way in. 

I'm sorry but that has nothing to do with checking the island as you approach it and either stopping or proceeding accordingly.

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45 minutes ago, davenportram said:

not quite true, you have to make proper progress, but you dont HAVE to drive at the speed limit at all.

My wife failed her driving test for doing 60 on the a38 even though it was raining hard and really windy, driving examiner said she should have drove at 70.

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53 minutes ago, davenportram said:

not quite true, you have to make proper progress, but you dont HAVE to drive at the speed limit at all.

Speed limits are set as they are considered safe if prevailing conditions are not negatively impacting driving conditions. There is no excuse for driving 50 in a 60 zone if weather and light permits. In fact you'll fail a test for not doing as you aren't considered safe enough for the road.

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Just now, GboroRam said:

Speed limits are set as they are considered safe if prevailing conditions are not negatively impacting driving conditions. There is no excuse for driving 50 in a 60 zone if weather and light permits. In fact you'll fail a test for not doing as you aren't considered safe enough for the road.

what even on the twisty turny bits, the bits with concealed entrances etc....

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11 minutes ago, rynny said:

My wife failed her driving test for doing 60 on the a38 even though it was raining hard and really windy, driving examiner said she should have drove at 70.

id have told him he was a **** and im glad i wasnt a passenger with him driving.

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57 minutes ago, davenportram said:

what even on the twisty turny bits, the bits with concealed entrances etc....

That's what I meant by prevailing conditions. Of course you need to drive to the specifics of the road. However driving slower than the limit "because it is the limit, not the maximum" will get you a fail during your test.

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19 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

That's what I meant by prevailing conditions. Of course you need to drive to the specifics of the road. However driving slower than the limit "because it is the limit, not the maximum" will get you a fail during your test.

no it won't. Driving considerably slower will.

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Those hulking great 4 x 4's are a carbuncle (see what I did there) on the UK roads (which are not
big enough for them). Why anyone would want to buy one? How do they try and park them and keep
cool is beyond me. Rant over!

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1 hour ago, davenportram said:

I drive slower than the speed limit for my entire test and passed first time.

Well you got lucky. It is recommended you drive at the speed the road is rated at.

Think about this next time you're putting along at 50 in a 60. You could increase your speed by 20% and still be within the speed limit.

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5 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Well you got lucky. It is recommended you drive at the speed the road is rated at.

Think about this next time you're putting along at 50 in a 60. You could increase your speed by 20% and still be within the speed limit.

I never said I pootle along at 50 in a 60.

and its impossible to maintain exactly the speed limit without being fixated on the Speedo, and taking your concentration away from the road and things happening around you.


my instructor taught me about speed awareness, being able to gauge an appropriate speed for the situation as it develops. Surprisingly it means you make appropriate progress to the conditions, aware of things around you and dont become a nuisance to those travelling behind you. Possibly why I've only been stung once by a speed camera and rarely have to hit the breaks when I see one.

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5 hours ago, Ewetube said:

I'm sorry but that has nothing to do with checking the island as you approach it and either stopping or proceeding accordingly.

I'm sorry but you're taking it way more seriously than me. I just get in my car and drive to where I want to go. If driving was so difficult there wouldn't be so many million not very intelligent people doing it every day. 

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7 hours ago, Ewe Ram said:

I'm sorry but you're taking it way more seriously than me. I just get in my car and drive to where I want to go. If driving was so difficult there wouldn't be so many million not very intelligent people doing it every day. 

Not really taking it that seriously, I was merely pointing out that your reply to my original post seemed to totally miss the point I was trying to make. As you are a female and I am therefore wrong, I'll forgive you.:p

Anyway apart from the purpose of being contrary on a forum I don't really have any issue with women drivers. I only have an issue with poor or inconsiderate drivers.


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On 02/04/2016 at 20:44, davenportram said:

I never said I pootle along at 50 in a 60.

and its impossible to maintain exactly the speed limit without being fixated on the Speedo, and taking your concentration away from the road and things happening around you.


my instructor taught me about speed awareness, being able to gauge an appropriate speed for the situation as it develops. Surprisingly it means you make appropriate progress to the conditions, aware of things around you and dont become a nuisance to those travelling behind you. Possibly why I've only been stung once by a speed camera and rarely have to hit the breaks when I see one.

Remember my instructor telling me that an appropriate speed was keeping up with the flow of traffic as a rule of thumb I guess being overtaken by a HGV on a dual carriageway wouldn't be classified as this elderly drivers please note

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This is normally women drivers in my experience:

People who don't speed up on slip roads when joining a dual carriageway or motorway. I join the A1 at Newark at the same time every day and often follow one woman in particular who has no concept of trying to match the speed of the A1 traffic and line up with a gap. Instead & unless the road is totally clear - which it never is at 7.45am - she slows to a crawl or stops completely at the end of the slip road.


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