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Women drivers


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Sith Happens
29 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

The worst kind of driver is the A to B and back to A driver, same route, same time of day, 5 days a week.  They become oblivious to their surroundings, nothing ever happens so its alright to eat, drink, smoke, use the phone, put on make up, text, watch you-tube videos (yes have seen someone do that whilst waiting at lights).

Then the weekend comes and they drive to somewhere new and cause chaos.

Add to that school run parents, have kids lost the ability to walk, catch a bus?  No wonder your little John or Jane is not as little as the old days, because they are sat in the back of the car and you are feeding them **** food because it keeps them quite.

You forgot to mention that the school run parent is still in her pyjamas when dropping them off :)

I do think this is less about driving and more about people being less organised, or even making kids be more responsible themselves ready and to school on time, its easier to just thrown them in the car and pull up on yellow lines, or block the road and kick them out at the school gates.

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So, there's a thing that really bugs me about driving, seems as good a time as any to bring it up, but I think it's a bit controversial, I had a right argument with a friend about it. 

When a lane has been closed on a dual carriageway, and were told that the lane closed in 400yds, people take it upon themselves to decide that that is the point at which you must filter into the other lane. 

if you dare to continue down the open lane, until it closes, and then try to filter in, you are met by disapproving looks, beeps, and ignorant guts that won't let you in, like you're jumping a queue. In some cases people will even block the open lane to stop people using it.

The lane does not close 400yds before the traffic cones, it closes at the traffic cones. If you saw a sign saying exit in 400yds, you don't immediately veer off, you wait until the exit. If you were waiting st the back of a queue at a supermarket checkout, and they opened a new queue, and no one else jumped into it, are you just going to stay in your queue?

By not using that perfectly good stretch of road, you're increasing the length of the traffic jam by 400yds.

The traffic lights on uttoxeter road at the ring road is a great example. Turns into a bus lane straight after the lights. If they wanted people to filter into the other lane before the lights, they would have made the bus lane start before the lights, but it's designed to reduce the amount of traffic. You're supposed to go into the right hand lane, then filter into the left after the lights, otherwise you just get a massive queue of traffic before the lights, and half as many people get through the lights on each cycle.

No one likes going in the left hand lane, because they're made to feel bad when they then try to filter into the right hand lane after the lights. They try to filter in as soon as possible rather than going right up to the point that the bus lane starts, and no one lets them in, which causes traffic through the junction.

Because everyone is too bloody polite to appear to be jumping the queue, simply because everyone else so is bloody stupid to join the back of a long queue when their is a perfectly good lane available, it causes chaos.

Pisses me right off.

I always use the empty lane as far as I can, and **** anyone who thinks that makes me a *****. 

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49 minutes ago, TigerTedd said:

So, there's a thing that really bugs me about driving, seems as good a time as any to bring it up, but I think it's a bit controversial, I had a right argument with a friend about it. 

When a lane has been closed on a dual carriageway, and were told that the lane closed in 400yds, people take it upon themselves to decide that that is the point at which you must filter into the other lane. 

if you dare to continue down the open lane, until it closes, and then try to filter in, you are met by disapproving looks, beeps, and ignorant guts that won't let you in, like you're jumping a queue. In some cases people will even block the open lane to stop people using it.

The lane does not close 400yds before the traffic cones, it closes at the traffic cones. If you saw a sign saying exit in 400yds, you don't immediately veer off, you wait until the exit. If you were waiting st the back of a queue at a supermarket checkout, and they opened a new queue, and no one else jumped into it, are you just going to stay in your queue?

By not using that perfectly good stretch of road, you're increasing the length of the traffic jam by 400yds.

The traffic lights on uttoxeter road at the ring road is a great example. Turns into a bus lane straight after the lights. If they wanted people to filter into the other lane before the lights, they would have made the bus lane start before the lights, but it's designed to reduce the amount of traffic. You're supposed to go into the right hand lane, then filter into the left after the lights, otherwise you just get a massive queue of traffic before the lights, and half as many people get through the lights on each cycle.

No one likes going in the left hand lane, because they're made to feel bad when they then try to filter into the right hand lane after the lights. They try to filter in as soon as possible rather than going right up to the point that the bus lane starts, and no one lets them in, which causes traffic through the junction.

Because everyone is too bloody polite to appear to be jumping the queue, simply because everyone else so is bloody stupid to join the back of a long queue when their is a perfectly good lane available, it causes chaos.

Pisses me right off.

I always use the empty lane as far as I can, and **** anyone who thinks that makes me a *****. 


The best roadworks have a stay in lane, then merge in turn sign, suprised we don't see it more

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8 hours ago, TigerTedd said:

So, there's a thing that really bugs me about driving, seems as good a time as any to bring it up, but I think it's a bit controversial, I had a right argument with a friend about it. 

When a lane has been closed on a dual carriageway, and were told that the lane closed in 400yds, people take it upon themselves to decide that that is the point at which you must filter into the other lane. 

if you dare to continue down the open lane, until it closes, and then try to filter in, you are met by disapproving looks, beeps, and ignorant guts that won't let you in, like you're jumping a queue. In some cases people will even block the open lane to stop people using it.

The lane does not close 400yds before the traffic cones, it closes at the traffic cones. If you saw a sign saying exit in 400yds, you don't immediately veer off, you wait until the exit. If you were waiting st the back of a queue at a supermarket checkout, and they opened a new queue, and no one else jumped into it, are you just going to stay in your queue?

By not using that perfectly good stretch of road, you're increasing the length of the traffic jam by 400yds.

The traffic lights on uttoxeter road at the ring road is a great example. Turns into a bus lane straight after the lights. If they wanted people to filter into the other lane before the lights, they would have made the bus lane start before the lights, but it's designed to reduce the amount of traffic. You're supposed to go into the right hand lane, then filter into the left after the lights, otherwise you just get a massive queue of traffic before the lights, and half as many people get through the lights on each cycle.

No one likes going in the left hand lane, because they're made to feel bad when they then try to filter into the right hand lane after the lights. They try to filter in as soon as possible rather than going right up to the point that the bus lane starts, and no one lets them in, which causes traffic through the junction.

Because everyone is too bloody polite to appear to be jumping the queue, simply because everyone else so is bloody stupid to join the back of a long queue when their is a perfectly good lane available, it causes chaos.

Pisses me right off.

I always use the empty lane as far as I can, and **** anyone who thinks that makes me a *****. 

Also the reverse of that.

You are approaching a roundabout, 3 exits left straight on and right.  Two lanes, left is turn left and straight on as indicated by road signs, right lane is for right.  You get tossers trying to jump the queue by using the right lane to go straight ahead.  Just because some islands have straight on doesn't mean its applicable to all.  Read the dam road signs and stop being a D***

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22 minutes ago, McRamFan said:

Also the reverse of that.

You are approaching a roundabout, 3 exits left straight on and right.  Two lanes, left is turn left and straight on as indicated by road signs, right lane is for right.  You get tossers trying to jump the queue by using the right lane to go straight ahead.  Just because some islands have straight on doesn't mean its applicable to all.  Read the dam road signs and stop being a D***

or the roundabout at KFC which has both lanes as straight on yet if you use the outside lane for that people shout at you.

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Something else that controversially grinds my gears is when I'm waiting patiently to turn right, and there's a big queue of traffic and no one is letting me in. But that's okay, they're not obliged to, and besides, in about 4 cars time there's a nice gap in the traffic I can use. 

But you can bet your life, every time, the 4th car is the one who decides to let me in. But that always takes me by surprise, and I end up fumbling with my pedals (like being caught on the back foot) and the whole manoeuvre ends up taking longer than if he'd just driven by and let me use the space behind him. 

Whats worse is if I take too long, he gets impatient and goes, meanwhile the space behind him has closed up. 

Just be a selfish dick, I don't mind, you're not obliged to be polite. Just follow the rules of the road and everyone will be fine. 

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3 hours ago, McRamFan said:

Also the reverse of that.

You are approaching a roundabout, 3 exits left straight on and right.  Two lanes, left is turn left and straight on as indicated by road signs, right lane is for right.  You get tossers trying to jump the queue by using the right lane to go straight ahead.  Just because some islands have straight on doesn't mean its applicable to all.  Read the dam road signs and stop being a D***

Just go in the right lane, round the island and exit as you wish, perfectly fair that way. 

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2 hours ago, reveldevil said:

Just go in the right lane, round the island and exit as you wish, perfectly fair that way. 

Yeah, seen plenty of near misses and shunts from buffoons pulling that trick, and its usually them shunting someone's rear end as they are going to quickly. Ruining someone's day.

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1 hour ago, McRamFan said:

Yeah, seen plenty of near misses and shunts from buffoons pulling that trick, and its usually them shunting someone's rear end as they are going to quickly. Ruining someone's day.

I've not seen one incident occur when someone uses an island to complete a 540° circuit, quite legitimately.

People who speed across to cut in are fools though.

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Sith Happens
13 hours ago, Inglorius said:

I find it very distasteful the honk's and rude looks I get from other motorists when I'm reading my A to Z on my lap whilst on my mobile phone and balancing a coffee in my other hand I mean talk about intolerance 

Thats nothing you can watch TV now too on some sat navs you know....its time you learnt how to properly multi task.

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14 hours ago, Inglorius said:

I find it very distasteful the honk's and rude looks I get from other motorists when I'm reading my A to Z on my lap whilst on my mobile phone and balancing a coffee in my other hand I mean talk about intolerance 

It's very distracting when they honk at you. I always have rewind what I was watching cos I end up missing a bit. I'm already doing 6 things at once, I haven't got time to be looking around for who honked at me too. 

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I don't drive because of the fact my eye sight is shocking, blind in one eye and have no confidence behind a wheel whatsoever, esp on todays roads... the amount of honks and "t***"s I get when riding my bike is enough for me to realise I'm no good on the roads, and trust me I get a lot of honks and "t***"s :lol:

I stick to the country side nowadays because I realised I was going to cause an accident eventually :(

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Why do women approaching a large Island with clear views approaching it have to look straight ahead and stop at the line before then looking to their right to see that nothing is coming and it is safe for them to proceed.

Also the national speed limit on a single lane carriageway is 60 mph, not 50!!!

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14 minutes ago, Ewetube said:

Why do women approaching a large Island with clear views approaching it have to look straight ahead and stop at the line before then looking to their right to see that nothing is coming and it is safe for them to proceed.

Also the national speed limit on a single lane carriageway is 60 mph, not 50!!!

Because invariably there's a bloke already passing through said island doing 70mph that tries to take your front end off. 

Men are most possessive over their few feet of Tarmac but I admit to driving across 2 lanes when there's 2 lanes merging because men always try to come in on the right hand lane and try and force their way in. 

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51 minutes ago, Ewetube said:

Why do women approaching a large Island with clear views approaching it have to look straight ahead and stop at the line before then looking to their right to see that nothing is coming and it is safe for them to proceed.

Also the national speed limit on a single lane carriageway is 60 mph, not 50!!!

its a speed limit not a compulsory speed.

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