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Women drivers


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Sith Happens

I know Women Drivers are supposed to be safer than male drivers, but yesterday i watched a woman in a 4 *4 parking at ripley leisure centre...it was early so not many cars in the car park, in and out the space several times and still ended up taking up two spaces.

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34 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

I know Women Drivers are supposed to be safer than male drivers, but yesterday i watched a woman in a 4 *4 parking at ripley leisure centre...it was early so not many cars in the car park, in and out the space several times and still ended up taking up two spaces.

Some take up two on purpose to stop people banging car doors into them.

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Saw a bloke do that in aldi car park when I was looking for a space. Asked him to move up so I could park. He didn't and told me to mind own business. I said fair enough pal. When he was inside I let 2 of his tyres down. Little victories


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Sith Happens
54 minutes ago, Boycie said:

Some take up two on purpose to stop people banging car doors into them.

ha - trust me there was no skill involved in this parking

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Sith Happens
2 minutes ago, bigbadbob said:

Saw a bloke do that in aldi car park when I was looking for a space. Asked him to move up so I could park. He didn't and told me to mind own business. I said fair enough pal. When he was inside I let 2 of his tyres down. Little victories


You are braver than me, not quite the same thing but a couple of years ago we were sat in a car park in a retail park waiting for a shop to open, a woman pulled up clearly doing the same, unable to keep herself occupied for the 6 or 7 minutes she hauled her (large) frame out the car and went and bought a bacon cob or something similar, got back in her car to eat it. When the shops opened she decided to thrown the remains including the papers underneath her car as clearly beneath her to place it in the bin.

I really wanted to go over and pick it up and wipe it call over her windscreen, but the part of me that saw me getting accused of vandalism stopped me. Wish i had though.

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2 hours ago, Paul71 said:

You are braver than me, not quite the same thing but a couple of years ago we were sat in a car park in a retail park waiting for a shop to open, a woman pulled up clearly doing the same, unable to keep herself occupied for the 6 or 7 minutes she hauled her (large) frame out the car and went and bought a bacon cob or something similar, got back in her car to eat it. When the shops opened she decided to thrown the remains including the papers underneath her car as clearly beneath her to place it in the bin.

I really wanted to go over and pick it up and wipe it call over her windscreen, but the part of me that saw me getting accused of vandalism stopped me. Wish i had though.

Next time do it. Why should we tolerate people like that. Stand up for common decency Mr 71. Up the rams


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Sith Happens
2 hours ago, LesterRam said:

Males tend to cover more mileage than females, just saying :whistle:

true - that is really one of the reasons women used to pay cheaper car insurance, although it was often marketed in a way to say we know you are safer drivers, it was just the risk was much less.

Now insurance companies arent allowed to charge different prices for men or women.


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I'm happy to admit I'm crap at parking. I don't understand these people who haven't parked unless they've done the whole reverse park performance. I drive into spaces and tolerate the smug looks of those men who clearly think 'ha, she can't reverse'. Of course I can, I'm very good at parallel parking just not reversing into a tight space. 

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Well, given the choice between someone taking their time to park between the lines, and someone who is happy to park over two spaces, I'll take the former any day of the week. There's no rule that says you have to do it first time, take as many goes as you need. There kind of is a rule that you don't take up two spaces though, that's what the f**king lines are there for. 

Nothing worse than getting into an already crowded car park, and then you find the one space with some bell-end double parked over it, and the adjacent slot. 

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7 hours ago, bigbadbob said:

Saw a bloke do that in aldi car park when I was looking for a space. Asked him to move up so I could park. He didn't and told me to mind own business. I said fair enough pal. When he was inside I let 2 of his tyres down. Little victories


You *******, I only nipped in for my fake mars bars, I got you back i  pissed in your fuel tank, did it run lumpy on the way home. :whistle:

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6 hours ago, Ewe Ram said:

I'm happy to admit I'm crap at parking. I don't understand these people who haven't parked unless they've done the whole reverse park performance. I drive into spaces and tolerate the smug looks of those men who clearly think 'ha, she can't reverse'. Of course I can, I'm very good at parallel parking just not reversing into a tight space. 

I drive forwards into parking spaces. It makes loading the shopping into boot so much easier, especially if some asshole parks millimeters away from your rear bumper.

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19 hours ago, LesterRam said:

You *******, I only nipped in for my fake mars bars, I got you back i  pissed in your fuel tank, did it run lumpy on the way home. :whistle:

It could have been you. It was the aldi in syston. Anyway the joke's on you. To enhance my green credentials i had it converted to run off ovine urine so it saved one less sheep from being worried. Try the fake twix, jive bar. They're better than the real thing

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The only thing that bothers me about women drivers is how rarely they let you pull out or give way. Young girls especially.

Otherwise being a knobber seems to go for both genders.

Plenty of blokes can't park. 

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The worst kind of driver is the A to B and back to A driver, same route, same time of day, 5 days a week.  They become oblivious to their surroundings, nothing ever happens so its alright to eat, drink, smoke, use the phone, put on make up, text, watch you-tube videos (yes have seen someone do that whilst waiting at lights).

Then the weekend comes and they drive to somewhere new and cause chaos.

Add to that school run parents, have kids lost the ability to walk, catch a bus?  No wonder your little John or Jane is not as little as the old days, because they are sat in the back of the car and you are feeding them **** food because it keeps them quite.

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Middle lane motorway drivers get me. It's particularly galling that, in the sections of the M1 that have been expanded to four lanes, these idiots still camp steadfastly in the second lane from the right.

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6 minutes ago, Anon said:

Middle lane motorway drivers get me. It's particularly galling that, in the sections of the M1 that have been expanded to four lanes, these idiots still camp steadfastly in the second lane from the right.

I used to drive regularly from Bournemouth to Barnsley late ate night, early morning. Motoways empty and still have a **** sat at 50 in the middle lane. Why? I used to entertain myself by driving circles round them. I bet others have done it. Overtake pull in all the way to the inside lane. Slow down then overtake then again. They normally got my point after two or three times.

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Sith Happens

Ha i am sure we all do things that annoy others, but whilst we are on it...

If im waiting to come out of a side road onto a busy main road, nearby traffic lights/pelican crossing turn to red....someone, rather than stop and let me out ( bearing in mine they can only fill the gap in front of the side road until the lights turn green), choose to fill that gap and block me in.

People who assume because they are doing or exceeding the speed limit (or sometimes not even doing that) sit in the right hand side overtaking lane even though they have space to move over, meaning i have to sit behind them (if i want to go faster let me its my fault if i get caught).

Or - because i am in the right handside overtaking lane, but not going as fast as i would like due to traffic in front of me, and also because i always leave a gap in front of me between cars as tailgating is worse than most things, the person behind me who has been tailgating me decides that because im not tailgating the car in front of me that he will undertake me and then take up the space i have been leaving between myself and the car in front.


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