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Spectre - James Bond


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Getting rave reviews apparently. I like the Daniel Craig Bonds but I can't help be nostalgic for the fantastic old villains lairs they used to have. Does Spectre have a hollowed out volcano?.

Always reminids me of the Alan PArtridge Bond marathon episode:

Sonja: Can we finish writing the Bond schedule?
Lynn: You’ve made allowances for the visit to my mother’s grave?
Alan: Yes, that’s in the schedule. Visit to your mother’s grave, then “Doctor No”.............. The underground base of an evil genius….....and then “Doctor No”!

Possibly my favourite episode, though I have no idea how I would choose just one! Basically every line is brilliant. 

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I don't know if it's only just you. I Like him in the role. I don't want warmth and humour from Bond. 

Sean Connery had both. He's the best for me

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Yes but McClane would kick his arse right?

Depends which Bond we're talking about...

John McClane would easily beat Moore's Bond cus he couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.  He'd probably take Lazenby's & Brosnan's, but Craig & Dalton's would kick his ass.  As for Connery's?  McClane would simply surrender to his unequaled manliness before it even started...

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Did I expect too much, or was it just not as good as it could and should have been? Possibly both.

Off the back of Skyfall, which not only do I rate as the best of the James Bond films, but I also think it's one of my favourite films of any genre, I had high hopes, and as mentioned in this thread, I was very excited at watching Spectre, but sadly, I would be lying, a lot, if I said I was not disappointed with the film.

I noticed during the opening credits that there were three names for "written by...", and it showed, with a suspicion that all three had no interaction with each other and just went and did their own thing! If this is the best the writers can dish up, never mind Daniel Craig unsurprisingly being non-committal to future films, but Bond as a franchise should retire!

I may be being a tad too harsh, such was my expectation following Skyfall, but I found the film irritating, and having slept on it, I could list many reasons why, but would spoil it for others.

I have a mantra which I live by which is "You have to experience the **** to appreciate the good", and this applies.

I am glad I watched it, but 6.5/10 for me. Not a patch on Skyfall and possibly undoes a lot of the good work that film did in raising the Bond franchise within the mainstream.

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Did I expect too much, or was it just not as good as it could and should have been? Possibly both.

Off the back of Skyfall, which not only do I rate as the best of the James Bond films, but I also think it's one of my favourite films of any genre, I had high hopes, and as mentioned in this thread, I was very excited at watching Spectre, but sadly, I would be lying, a lot, if I said I was not disappointed with the film.

I noticed during the opening credits that there were three names for "written by...", and it showed, with a suspicion that all three had no interaction with each other and just went and did their own thing! If this is the best the writers can dish up, never mind Daniel Craig unsurprisingly being non-committal to future films, but Bond as a franchise should retire!

I may be being a tad too harsh, such was my expectation following Skyfall, but I found the film irritating, and having slept on it, I could list many reasons why, but would spoil it for others.

I have a mantra which I live by which is "You have to experience the **** to appreciate the good", and this applies.

I am glad I watched it, but 6.5/10 for me. Not a patch on Skyfall and possibly undoes a lot of the good work that film did in raising the Bond franchise within the mainstream.

watched it last night this is spot on cliched, tired and time for a new bond.6-10

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watched it last night this is spot on cliched, tired and time for a new bond.6-10

not sure a new Bond is needed, but I think I could've written a better story. It almost followed a formula, and jumped from rule to rule without completing the previous cliche properly.

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not sure a new Bond is needed, but I think I could've written a better story. It almost followed a formula, and jumped from rule to rule without completing the previous cliche properly.

Isn't that pretty much every James Bond, and the reason nobody below a certain age is bothered?

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is it? or is it just ironic that you're too old to be bothered, but not too old to be a troll on t'interweb?

Just a petty fanboy remark, I'll let it slide.


I want to know why the films aren't connecting with a younger audience. As a 24 year old, I have tried all the recent ones, and so have a lot of people I know and none of them are remotely interested in it, but why? There's got to be something stagnant or missing somewhere which means it's not connecting with a younger audience.

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I enjoyed Skyfall but thought it tailed off a bit towards the end and went a bit "Home Alone". I'm looking forward to seeing Spectre but not sure I'll be able to get to the cinema to see it (babysitters etc).

No spoilers please. Or at least warn if youre going to give any.

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On 27 October 2015 08:12:24, Srg said:

Isn't that pretty much every James Bond, and the reason nobody below a certain age is bothered?

Took my 14 year old yesterday (2nd Bond after Skyfall), he thought it was ok to the point he's googled Blofeld and started searching out the others, so guess enough action in it for him. Personally thought it was a bit long winded.

Also made note to self not to turn up for published starts, must have been 20-30 minutes of trailers.

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