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i'm a heavy cigarette smoker , (even tho i don't qualify as one according to my pension provider)

anyway , i smoked half a Castella one Christmas , and never had the inclination to smoke the other half ,

i threw it away the following Christmas..

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On 04/10/2015, 19:33:06, Cisse said:

I have never smoked cigarettes but I have tasted some real cigars that my dad smokes and they are very nice. Any fans of cigars here ?

Now that I have been living a bit healthier I think I need a new vice.

I'm partial to a Cohiba now and again but at £30+ a pop I leave it to when I'm given one by a friend!

Enjoy them though.

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I used to enjoy a good cigar and even some of the not so good one's. But I also smoked fags from around the age of 11 and was smoking roll ups and a cigar occasionally when I was out. Chucked the smokes about 17 years back and haven't bothered with either since.

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Celebrating 10 days without a ciggie today - that's from being a heavy smoker for 45 years.

I decided to take the plunge with e-cigs and the nicotine liquid - it cost me £45 for 2 e-cigs (in case one breaks or so one can be charging) and 4 pots of the liquid. I haven't got half way down the first pot yet, and seeing as 25g of Amber leaf lasted me 2 days and cost around £9, I reckon it's paid for itself already.

My sense of taste is coming back too, so I guess I'd better put away the Oxford Bags and tank tops.

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I'm going to Cuba in January and don't smoke. I'm not sure whether to bring any back or not on the 'when in Rome' principle.


I quite like the smell of cigars (from a distance) but when I smoked one once I was sick everywhere.

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7 hours ago, sage said:

I'm going to Cuba in January and don't smoke. I'm not sure whether to bring any back or not on the 'when in Rome' principle.


I quite like the smell of cigars (from a distance) but when I smoked one once I was sick everywhere.

I hope you're not touting for duty free business youth?

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10 hours ago, sage said:

I'm going to Cuba in January and don't smoke. I'm not sure whether to bring any back or not on the 'when in Rome' principle.


I quite like the smell of cigars (from a distance) but when I smoked one once I was sick everywhere.

Buy a lot of cigars and good dark Rums.






Oh, I might stop by in February...

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