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The 1884 Group

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1884 going well so far - great to have this initiative.

Making The ipro our own with the black and white flag/banners etc. Finally about of identity. 

Going forward I think we specific blocks of fans in an area so new songs can be incorporated. (May have to wait until next season) We need fan meet ups every month/couple weeks to come together, brainstorm new song ideas.

That's the next step for me. South stand looking good, need more diverse selection of songs. Decent ones will naturally raise noise levels. When SIWY was first introduced it was much louder when sung than it is now. I myself have become bored with the same chants.

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Sitting in the East Stand, one of the things that "works" is when the South Stand chant for the other stands to "give them a song".  Sounds great and is effective..

need to do this more, something I have definitely noticed aswell. We did it a lot last season but have hardly done it this season.

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Sitting in the East Stand, one of the things that "works" is when the South Stand chant for the other stands to "give them a song".  Sounds great and is effective..

I'm sure I saw some west standers bouncing their feet up and down under their blankets AND they gave us a song too

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Out of curiosity, is there anyone on here that has found a flag in their seat and just left it there, not waving it or giving it to someone else?

If so, why? I understand not everyone wants to join in but we've noticed some flags just get left. Surely there is someone around you that would join in?!

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Out of curiosity, is there anyone on here that has found a flag in their seat and just left it there, not waving it or giving it to someone else?

If so, why? I understand not everyone wants to join in but we've noticed some flags just get left. Surely there is someone around you that would join in?!

Maybe they lack the confidence to wave the flag or to pass it on to someone else or maybe they fear the wicked ways of health and safety and think they are going to accidentally poke someone in the eye or accidentally give out the wrong flag signal and fly one of our players into Nottingham by mistake.

Just in case anyone out there needs a bit of flag waving training. 


Once you've read it, update your CV's, print off your flag waving certificate and inform your Health & Safety team members, to do a proper days graft for a change.


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I hate H&S. Use common sense. On a slightly different note, why are we not allowed to wave flags during the game like they do in Germany, or how we used to at a Wembley final?

Because people pay to watch the game not a big flag waving for 90 minutes. I haven't got a problem with people waving them now and again but it would be my luck to have some prat on steroids stood in front of me who wouldn't put it down.

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I hate H&S. Use common sense. On a slightly different note, why are we not allowed to wave flags during the game like they do in Germany, or how we used to at a Wembley final?

Because people pay to watch the game not a big flag waving for 90 minutes. I haven't got a problem with people waving them now and again but it would be my luck to have some prat on steroids stood in front of me who wouldn't put it down.


Indeed - I have always wondered how much of the game the average Dortmund fan actually gets to watch.

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Because people pay to watch the game not a big flag waving for 90 minutes. I haven't got a problem with people waving them now and again but it would be my luck to have some prat on steroids stood in front of me who wouldn't put it down.


Flag waving throughout is a bigger challenge than scarves. A flag does take up a large field of view from someone behind it. Scarves, even waved are minute in comparison.

I don't mind it but ye if someone was stood infront of me for the entire game waving the flag and obstructing my view i'd be pi$$ed off. Very much like housing immigrants, i'm all for it but not on my doorstep. 

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For those of you not on social media, we had 6 hours at the ipro yesterday doing more flags, another 100 normal ones, couple of biguns and 3 double poled ones using stencils and graffiti.

We've started planning our next big idea, and hope to announce that soon, but we will need more financial support for it so if you are happy to donate, please start saving your pennies for when we unveil the plan.

Thanks all, the vast majority on here have been really supportive of what we're trying to do and hopefully the next phase will be something that everyone agrees is positive.




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Good work lads!!! 

Everyone loves a good atmosphere but they want it done for them. Or they wait for certain people to chant! C'mon people, loosen up. 

As for the flag waving, wouldn't want them waved during the game but I'd like to see them up for longer at the start, goals etc

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Again brilliant work The 1884 Group.

Here's a new chant for you all, hope you like it and will join in with me when I try to get it going at Huddersfield.

My boy and I sang it on the way to The Inverurie Co op this morning to buy the Match magazine and Match Attack cards.


"From The Baseball Ground, to the IPro"

"The only place I, ...wanna know"

"From The Baseball Ground, to the IPro"

"The only place I, ....wanna go"

(repeat loads of times)

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