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The 1884 Group

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The first 15-20 minutes last night were electric and up there with some of the best atmospheres seen at Pride Park.

Then came the Collymore chant, the came their goal, then came silence...

This. The North Stand was singing until Collymore then the momentum went.

Also it's much harder to sing sitting down but lots clap to 'Derby Army'. I  didn't realise everyone else sings barmy army, I  always sing Derby. :ph34r: They clap to Dale Calese ? too but that seems to have gone out of favour a bit lately. 

The song that all the kids join in with round us is 'since I was young' so for that reason I would like to hear it more. I  know some of you cool guys hate it but it's about Derby, not slagging off the opposition and no swearing.  Perfect for our Family Areas. 

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Should create an app which is a digital songsheet

Should create an app that transports instantly all the negative, moaning, groaning, non singing fans back into their armchairs in their own houses, so that the remaining Rams fans can enjoy the game, enjoy the atmosphere, and enjoy the Rams playing football without having to stop oneself having to incur that regular horrible feeling in ones mind of...."if he doesn't shut up in a minute I'm gonna throttle him"........

New app could be called Zap A Ram Fan.

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Would be bliss to shut up all those that groan when the ball goes backwards when attacking even though the opposition has 11 men behind the ball.

Just cannot understand how people can't comprehend that going forward isnt an option, its like running into a brickwall, you have to go backwards to open holes in the defence.

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the prat that was waving his black flag out of his old green vectra last night, should be ashamed.  I shouted to him 'read the label on the flag - take it back' - he ignored me, spat out the car window and threw an empty can into the road.  I thought, hhm, i'll leave it i think. If he wants a bit of black material stuck to a plastic pole (no offence to 1884 group, it is what it is), he obviously needs it more than we do. 

I will donate again and perhaps next time, I will take it off him and just say - that's mine mate. ta. 

South Stand needs to step it up a bit tbh  When the going gets a bit tough, the South Stand seem to get a bit mardy. Support ffs. Not up to 11 men to get 3000 of you going surely. 


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South Stand needs to step it up a bit tbh  When the going gets a bit tough, the South Stand seem to get a bit mardy. Support ffs. Not up to 11 men to get 3000 of you going surely. 


To be fair there's 25,000 other people that could make a difference too, not just us... :mellow:

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We've started planning our next steps for the flags etc and want to expand into other stands but to do that we will need volunteers who will help manage them.

If you're in the north stand and are willing to help put them out, collect them in and tell people not to take them if you see folks leaving with them, get in touch, we can start making it happen

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More vocal than hardcore i reckon, but that doesn't mean the other 3 stands have to sit and watch what we are doing.


three choruses of since I was young, two rounds of barmy army and two if you don't bounce are hardly hardcore I agree, the flag waving was none existent after 15 minutes, there are a lot of wannabe west standers in the south stand I reckon !! WSTID lol !!


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three choruses of since I was young, two rounds of barmy army and two if you don't bounce are hardly hardcore I agree, the flag waving was none existent after 15 minutes, there are a lot of wannabe west standers in the south stand I reckon !! WSTID lol !!


oh and there was also the collymore song ! That one is the pits !! Lol

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It is a sad reflection on society today that some a holes out there think it's ok to steal a flag that somebody else has worked hard to arrange and somebody else has paid for, society is full of sponges, this is done on a much bigger scale with our benefit driven malingerers !! Stop taking what is not yours and what you are not entitled to !! 

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I applaud what you guys are doing keep up the good work. Just an insight on the flags not everyone will have access to this forum or twitter, a flag sat on your seat at a sporting event you go to, how is everyone supposed to know that's not a keep sake for kids? I didn't see one sign anywhere saying leave flags behind. Over time word will spread but I've seen a few comments with people jumping the gun thinking people are stealing which I think is wrong.

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I applaud what you guys are doing keep up the good work. Just an insight on the flags not everyone will have access to this forum or twitter, a flag sat on your seat at a sporting event you go to, how is everyone supposed to know that's not a keep sake for kids? I didn't see one sign anywhere saying leave flags behind. Over time word will spread but I've seen a few comments with people jumping the gun thinking people are stealing which I think is wrong.

I'd rather not bring them his back up again but...

Labels on every pole said leave the flags

Radio and telegraph coverage said leave the flags

Club sent emails to every STH saying leave the flags

Many fans who did know told people to leave the flags and some got abusive responses.

We knew some would go, pleased some came back on Tuesday and few got taken. It's all a learning curve for everyone including us

Onwards aand upwards!

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Everyone by now knows the flags are meant to stay.

Need some big uglies on each stair collecting them as they go past. Like Skrtel ugly

it worked Saturday with normal rams fans just asking people to leave them, if people got an abusive response, others backed them up and sooner or later they gave up

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