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Summer Transfer Suggestion Thread

South Ram

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Alright, but do you guys actually have any names in mind? If you're adamant on the idea maybe we should start discussing potential backup target men.

I don't know I'm not much of an amateur scout Ambitious is the one for that. Off the top of my head Darius Hendersons only 33 which is still a decent age for a target man. I know people will moan about that but  he's scored in the championship and that's the kind of player you'd get without splashing the cash. If martins out for a month or so the ball will still stick up front. A John Eustace type signing who isn't going to blow anyone away, but also isn't going to suck the wage bill dry and has been there and done it and will do a job - that's what I'm after.

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I don't know I'm not much of an amateur scout Ambitious is the one for that. Off the top of my head Darius Hendersons only 33 which is still a decent age for a target man. I know people will moan about that but  he's scored in the championship and that's the kind of player you'd get without splashing the cash. If martins out for a month or so the ball will still stick up front. A John Eustace type signing who isn't going to blow anyone away, but also isn't going to suck the wage bill dry and has been there and done it and will do a job - that's what I'm after.

As far as young players in top divisions that are loan-able there aren't many target men.

Haven't seen him myself but I've heard Sam Gallagher of Southampton is a reasonable target man but generally a lot of English players aren't being developed in that mold. As you implied, older players are the best option.

The best pool of young players who play that way are central europeans, Oulare of Brugge for example. Good players but expensive players, although I don't think Perica of Udinese would be too far fetched and he could probably do a job.

Older players who could come in and be a backup aren't rare, there are hundreds of them, but many won't want to uproot in the stage of the career they're at, or are too expensive, or are better than Martin. We have quite a limiting set of constraints. 

Maybe looking to someone who's career has petered out a little but is looking to rebuild it? Someone like Jonathan Cristaldo, he's probably a little worse than Martin, as a backup should be, but Argentina and Milan used to have high hopes for him, can't rule him out of a late blooming.

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As far as young players in top divisions that are loan-able there aren't many target men.

Haven't seen him myself but I've heard Sam Gallagher of Southampton is a reasonable target man but generally a lot of English players aren't being developed in that mold. As you implied, older players are the best option.

The best pool of young players who play that way are central europeans, Oulare of Brugge for example. Good players but expensive players, although I don't think Perica of Udinese would be too far fetched and he could probably do a job.

Older players who could come in and be a backup aren't rare, there are hundreds of them, but many won't want to uproot in the stage of the career they're at, or are too expensive, or are better than Martin. We have quite a limiting set of constraints. 

Maybe looking to someone who's career has petered out a little but is looking to rebuild it? Someone like Jonathan Cristaldo, he's probably a little worse than Martin, as a backup should be, but Argentina and Milan used to have high hopes for him, can't rule him out of a late blooming.

Interesting suggestion. Yeah I would go with an older player. Mel Morris apparently told them from the forum that we wouldn't have a veteran as third choice so if Martin and Bent are the two players who can play up top, but Bent isn't much of a target man then that would suggest we'd be looking to to bring a young target man in if indeed we are (which according to Nixon a couple of weeks back that was the case).

My problem with that is 'target man' is one of those positions that players seem to excel at as they get older. Look at Lambert, Holt or our very own Howard for players who have bloomed late on in their career. There are exceptions to the rule but although I agree with what Mel Morris said for the most part, this is one position I'd be looking for a veteran with some battle scars.

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Interesting suggestion. Yeah I would go with an older player. Mel Morris apparently told them from the forum that we wouldn't have a veteran as third choice so if Martin and Bent are the two players who can play up top, but Bent isn't much of a target man then that would suggest we'd be looking to to bring a young target man in if indeed we are (which according to Nixon a couple of weeks back that was the case).

My problem with that is 'target man' is one of those positions that players seem to excel at as they get older. Look at Lambert, Holt or our very own Howard for players who have bloomed late on in their career. There are exceptions to the rule but although I agree with what Mel Morris said for the most part, this is one position I'd be looking for a veteran with some battle scars.

Yeah - Unfortunately my knowledge of young players far and away outmatches by knowledge of experienced players. Didn't start paying attention until recently :lol:

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Alright, but do you guys actually have any names in mind? If you're adamant on the idea maybe we should start discussing potential backup target men.

missed out already on wood, lambert too pricey, zigic maybe? Actually maybe not.... wood was the one we should have got..... never mind we have connor still :ph34r:

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Sam Gallagher is a decent young target man, missed most of last season due to injury plus we have been linked with him previously, wouldnt mind him on loan.


Danny Batth from Wolves would be an option if we miss out on Shackell

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You know who would break our record fee...


would it happen? Who knoes..

I've said it before, and not because he's a forest player, I just don't see him fitting into our squad. He's a good player, and probably worth that money but I don't think his style suits the style of the players we'd have around him. I think there would be miscommunications etc. 
He's more of a ball chaser than a pass/mover and dribbler.

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I don't dare say this but someone like Zamora wouldn't be bad although his wages may be a problem.

He would be a good signing but with the history it may be seen as a bit of a Mickey Mouse signing if you get what im saying.

the headlines of if you cant beat em etc.

Other clubs would love it

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Antonio is all power. 

When I watched the game against Rotherham, he scored an absolute belter and had people hanging off him. The problem is that he lacks finesse and intelligence. He's incredibly wasteful and can do nothing else but play direct. 

When he came up against Forsyth, he was completely useless because Fozzy is a very good defender. Imagine that in the Premier League and you get the point I'm trying to make. 

Premier League players have to be clever with the ball above all else. 

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