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Hendrick, Christie, Keogh


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​yes. Unless you are somehow saying anyone NOT in the top X in that position is not up to Championship level, which is nonsense.

I remember an interview with Darren Moore in 2007, where he said something like this "people say we aren't Premier League players, but we're playing in the Premier League so we are Premier League players"

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Christie is a weird one, when he first came, he quite literally made us think that we had found a real bargain, he made us think that not getting Wisdom back was no great loss...... i wonder what happened ?

We think we have great coaching staff now at Derby, so why has he gone so off the boil ?

Is it that we brought in Shotton, and he was dropped, and now his nose is out of joint, in which case, he's being a prima donna , and wont last, what else can be the reason, he's gone from rising star, to subs bench ??

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Christie is a weird one, when he first came, he quite literally made us think that we had found a real bargain, he made us think that not getting Wisdom back was no great loss...... i wonder what happened ?

We think we have great coaching staff now at Derby, so why has he gone so off the boil ?

Is it that we brought in Shotton, and he was dropped, and now his nose is out of joint, in which case, he's being a prima donna , and wont last, what else can be the reason, he's gone from rising star, to subs bench ??

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I think there is a number of reasons behind his drop in form (and as most of the season has been poor for me, I personally see the start of the season as over achieving) but the key one for me is the moment a player thinks he has 'made the grade' that's when they start performing worse. They think turning up is all that's needed and it isn't. You must work dam hard all the time. Those are the players who succeed more in my opinion.

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I've got a brilliant plan, lets pick yet another scapegoat.  Let's pick on a young lad who's played nearly forty times this season in a team that has the temerity to be second in the league.  He must be sausage, and if we jump on him we can make sure he takes no positives (or confidence) from an international call up.  That's definitely gonna help us over the next ten games right?

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HAS he REALLY been poor? Or are you all disgustingly unfair and unrealistic? 

I don't think he's been poor. He has just not been amazing! There's a massive difference! 


He's easily been our best (owned) RB since Edworthy! 

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Better than Brayford? Interesting.

Personally I would have Shotton in, let Forysth do more attacking on the left and make sure we are steady at the back more. When we have Ince and Russell on the wings with Thorne dictating, we will offer more.

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When players leave, you only remember the good and the bad; you don't remember the mediocre. 

Wisdom went through a really bad patch but turned it around for the play-offs and Brayford was part of a defence that was often left wanting. 

Christie starting superbly, but he's only 21 (22?), so it's only feasible he was going to have a slump. In fact, very few players at this level don't have a slump at that age. Tyrone Mings is in horrific form at the minute, for example. 

When I look at Christie, I see a great footballer who is a superb defender man for man. I also see an inexperienced player that does get caught out of position, but he'll learn. He's a working progress and he's already streets ahead of Shotton in almost every way. 

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