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Kramer, hazard, Traore, Johnson, Raffael... You only know 3 of them? I think instead of insulting someone you should inhance your football knocklodge...

Is the last one a teenage Nina turtle?

If not then that means I have less football knowledge that'll I ram....is that bad ;-)

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Hope you're right Ambitious. You can say I told you so until May if it helps us win.

Although he needs to stop the Ronaldo face and strut. Otherwise I might be the second Derby fan to assault a player this season.

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Kramer, hazard, Traore, Johnson, Raffael... You only know 3 of them? I think instead of insulting someone you should inhance your football knocklodge...


Can I insult you as well, because your farming tosspot arrogance seems to know no bounds.


It's 'enhance', you thick cock. You 'enhance' your football knocklodge.

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Kramer, hazard, Traore, Johnson, Raffael... You only know 3 of them? I think instead of insulting someone you should inhance your football knocklodge...

I do not have a have a knocklodge, but if I did it would not need inhancing, and in truth I find insulting you far more entertaining than playing FIFA or scanning Wikipedia.

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I do not have a have a knocklodge, but if I did it would not need inhancing, and in truth I find insulting you far more entertaining than playing FIFA or scanning Wikipedia.

When did knowing about football become something related to FIFA? Or Wikipedia for that matter.
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Haha, I knew that would come back to haunt me.

As for Ince, I don't think you could really say his career has stalled. He's had a disappointing 12 months where he hasn't been able to step up in the Premier League but he hasn't really been played in HIS position.

In Forest's 3-1 loss to Brentford, he played left midfield. Not left wing. Left midfield. It's madness.

For me, he's proven in the position we would play him, in the league we play in. I keep pointing to the fact that none of our wingers have come close to the records he has at this level. I would have no doubts whatsoever that he would be huge for us. I also have no doubts he would be huge for Bournemouth.

In an attacking side, where he will get the ball, he makes things happen. In a side that are happy to surrender possession and rely more on graft and discipline, he wouldn't.

Just for the record I agree with most things you have posted about him, and would guess on the other parts you have seen more than him than I have, so trust you on that.

Having 2 devil children means I live in a derby county bubble and only pick up on things that I either see watching the Rams or read on here whilst on the train to and from London.

Let's hope you get to prove yourself right very soon.

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Maybe that's what it is, can't say I have watched hull enough to comment. Makes you wonder why Bruce signed him in the first place, unless he wanted to play him somewhere other than a winger?

I do think your right about the style of play suiting him though, and hopefully his dad will sit down with him and tell him it could get his career back on track.


Probably for options. I mean, it's not often you can get a player like Tom Ince on a free transfer.


Bruce probabl signed him up because it it looked like a logical decision. But as you say, he probably didn't think about where he would fit into the system.


Similar with United and when they signed Mata. Sure, they were getting a world class AM at a relatively good price. But what David Moyes clearly didn't envisage is that he already had a world class AM (Rooney) and was forced to play Mata on the wing where he was barely effective.


I harp on loads about this, but managers should really choose the system first and then the players to fit each specific role. Not just grab the best players available and then try and accomodate them afterwards.


IMO Bruce did just this with Ince.


It would akin to us signing Rhodes on a free transfer. Great, we've just picked up one of the best goal scorers outside the Premier League - Now, where do we play him?

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Bags of potential and would get played on the left of a front 3 (his favoured position) in our side.


That left foot of his is deadly. Give him a chance! With good coaching (which we have) he could fulfil the expectations so many put upon him not too long ago...


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Can I insult you as well, because your farming tosspot arrogance seems to know no bounds.

It's 'enhance', you thick cock. You 'enhance' your football knocklodge.

Arrogance? Simply talking about football on a FOOTBALL forum? Then people dishing out insults based on your opinion on a FORUM? How exactly does that one work out Eddie?
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Arrogance? Simply talking about football on a FOOTBALL forum? Then people dishing out insults based on your opinion on a FORUM? How exactly does that one work out Eddie?


I'd normally say "Whoosh", but you obviously have genuinely failed to understand, possibly because of a complete and utter lack of sense of humour. That's not necessarily your fault - many people need punchlines and payoffs explaining.


What I was doing was taking the piss out of the way you are getting so worked up to the point that you are actually ranting at people - it's quite obvious that you are not reading what you are typing - viz 'inhancing one's football knocklodge'.


Reminds me of this

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He is a tad arrogant. In this picture he was supposed to be defending a corner against Stoke.


Reminds me of Giles Barnes in that picture

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I'd normally say "Whoosh", but you obviously have genuinely failed to understand, possibly because of a complete and utter lack of sense of humour. That's not necessarily your fault - many people need punchlines and payoffs explaining.

What I was doing was taking the piss out of the way you are getting so worked up to the point that you are actually ranting at people - it's quite obvious that you are not reading what you are typing - viz 'enhancing one's football knocklodge'.

Reminds me of this

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