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The biggest moaner in the DCFC squad


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Considering we are now second, won probably the biggest game of our season to date and could well be top when Norwich win 6-0 ( ;) ) I thought we need something to discuss regarding moaning.


Match threads where we lose often have a huge amount more posts than when we win, so clearly people enjoy to moan. So who is the biggest moaner in the DCFC squad?


Got to be Chris Martin for me, although Will Hughes comes a close second. What a performance by that young man today though. Fantastic all round, did exactly what we needed to do, and what we didn't do at Boro.


You Rams!  :wub:



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Martin - easy choice for me.


I know some people don't like it - but I haven't seen too many cases where the moaning isn't justified. It comes down to a bit of arrogance, self-belief and a desire to win. Nothing wrong with that in my eyes.

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Definitely Chris Martin. His attitude is always "Why didn't you give me the ball?"


And the rate at which he puts them away, who's to blame him?

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It has always struck me that Martin has incredibly high standards for himself his teammates and anybody involved in the game. I can't think of any reason to criticise him .Did you see him crucifying Mick McCarthy today on the sidelines, Mick looked totally put in his place as Martin said something and walked off. It may have been totally innocent but it looked to me like Mick was going to burst into tears. In other situations you would probably called this leadership rather than moaning.

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I wouldn't say anyone else stands out. They'll contest debatable decisions of course but Chris Martin moans like he has a bonus added in his contract each time he does it! Not criticising Super Chris by the way!

Martin does moan certainly. 


I do wonder whether it only enhances referees opinion that he dives/goes down easily, and therefore adds to increasing amounts of fouls not given against him.


Sometimes I find it frustrating. Moaning isn't going to change the referee's decision. Just get on with it!

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Martin does moan certainly. 


I do wonder whether it only enhances referees opinion that he dives/goes down easily, and therefore adds to increasing amounts of fouls not given against him.


Sometimes I find it frustrating. Moaning isn't going to change the referee's decision. Just get on with it!


I'm for contesting decisions and maybe asking him why he made/didn't make that decision.


What I don't like to see is players chasing down referees, getting in their faces and screaming at them. Joe Hart did it a little while back, pretty much pushed his head in to the referee. If I was the ref then I'd have sent him off (Joe hart that is).

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I'm for contesting decisions and maybe asking him why he made/didn't make that decision.


What I don't like to see is players chasing down referees, getting in their faces and screaming at them. Joe Hart did it a little while back, pretty much pushed his head in to the referee. If I was the ref then I'd have sent him off (Joe hart that is).

Martin's constant moaning after a foul isn't given is often unecesary.


Arguing your case if a foul is given against you is fine, especially if you know the decision was wrong.

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