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Snog, Marry & Avoid - The Members Edition


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Snog - I'd like to go for a female but they are all taken, not sure what MrsRam looks like but I know ladyram isn't my type, looks far too old for me to enjoy and Dav would beat me with his Android phone. I have to be careful with age as well, this is in public so I don't want to find myself in any trouble so I'm going to play it safe with someone older, Alpha Signia would be my choice. I always get the feeling he isn't getting any at home, I think he would appreciate it more than others and it may cheer him up for a few days.

Marry - iRam, quickly established himself as my favourite member,

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Snog- True Lou. She generally seems quite loose, and likes to get pissed a lot, so I could probably take advantage of her. LadyRam also likes to get drunk but she is happily married with kids, and Daveo said she is old so that's a no go. MrsRam is like a younger LR so it has to be Lou.


Marry- I wanted a piece of iRam too, he is also my favourite member, but Daveo has already bagged him so I think i'll go for Kamikaze. We both like to have a bet, and he wins fortunes. I'm a gold digger, me. 


Avoid- Curtains. Weirdo.

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Bloody hell Daveo, you do move quickly. A drink and a chat, and perhaps a visit to Pizza Express might have given me a bit more warning of how you felt. I need to think about this before I give my answers, perhaps tomorrow, but now I am going upstairs to apply the make up, and put on the glad rags, and then I am going to skip my way up and down Brighton Promenade.

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Marry - TrueLou. She doesn't take herself too seriously and likes video games and football - pretty perfect woman. So long as you have a working face, Lou, I will happily take you out to dinner some time. Champagne's on me. Sorry Tombo.

Snog - tough. Daveo is tempting for the power it'd give me, but I'm not keen on a bald head. Me and Ninos have a pretty love/hate relationship on the matchday chat, so there'd be a lot of passion there. I'll probably go for Ninos. Meh.

Avoid - Hardest choice of the lot. But I'll go for Hans. He's a right diva.

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Snog-Tough but I suppose Ambitious; he would have all the stats of what goes into really making a snog 'magical.'

Marry-I suppose Cisse because he seems like he would be dedicated and also we get along pretty well.Would have to be an agreement though on his watch spending...

Avoid-Meh.I suppose CumbrianRam;he seems like he would try to 'fix' me too much.

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Snog-Tough but I suppose Ambitious; he would have all the stats of what goes into really making a snog 'magical.'

Marry-I suppose Cisse because he seems like he would be dedicated and also we get along pretty well.Would have to be an agreement though on his watch spending...

Avoid-Meh.I suppose CumbrianRam;he seems like he would try to 'fix' me too much.

I could agree on you paying the bills. Can't wait for Valentine's day now. :rolleyes:

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JW and Posh - you make me blush x I can't pick you in return though as that would be just wierd. Let's just keep it a secret between us that I love you both dearly ;)

Snog - Tombo. He always plays hard to get, dunno if anyone's noticed, pretends he hates me but I think he loves me really.

Marry - I-Ram. He has shown true dedication in stalking me. A dedication which must be repaid in some way. This is his thanks ;)

Avoid - Bris, cos he wants to drop Bryson. Any man that puts three past the dogs deserves a pass when he has a bad match. Leave the man alone.

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Snog- TrueLou, just to repay the favour. Considered her for avoid because I have to pretend that I hate her...


Marry- YorkshireRam, because anyone who has been in the quiz knows we bicker like an old married couple anyway


Avoid- dcfcrammyboy. He sounds like he might be about 10 and his opinions on football seem to go against everything I, and most others, believe in. Total personality clash.

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Smog - AmericanRam just so I didn't have to hear the accent.

Marry - Froggg , fantastic cook and lives near the sea, would have to share him with his wife and Rami though

Avoid - iRam, as I don't like the concept of someone being more sarcastic and mean than me

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I'd snog and marry Dav if he'll have me.

But ssshhh don't tell his missis.

And avoid all but a select few of you. Friends are one thing, aquaintances are quite another.

Nowt personal like.

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SNOG - a few contenders here, and if I rule out TrueLou on the basis she might think me a stalker, it could be a bit of Posh, or a couple who only come into the forum now and again who get me quite excited, like Cosmic and Gladys Handbag. But if you are going to snog someone, for me a bit of uniform is fantastic, someone who knows how to kill a man is a turn on, and if this is going to lead to sex they need to be gagging for it, so put on that red lipstick, pucker up, and let me give you a tonsillicktomy Dawny.

MARRY - Daveo and JW I am touched, seriously touched, but whilst I think we could have a great deal of fun together I am not sure I would be enough for you in the long run. I will rule out TrueLou as she might think me a stalker, and besides I think I might need to keep an eye on her as she far too many young admirers. I note he has been picked already, but I would fight for him, because what everybody needs in their life is a relaxed, comfy in their sandals kind of person, who enjoys preparing and eating good food, and drinking fine wine and ales, cuddling up, listening to easy music in the evening whilst gazing out to sea. Sounds bliss to me, so kick of that apron and those sandals Frogg, and go put on something old, new, borrowed and blue.

AVOID - it has always been a golden rule in my life to avoid nutters, anyone who has delusional tendencies, who makes things up for effect to gain love, respect and attention, and who loves to comment on my beloved Rams but knows jackshit about them really. For that reason, it can really be only one person that I send to Room 101 - off you go Psycho.

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