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PS4 and Xbox One thread

Dale The Ram

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1mb internet??? Loading your Xbox Live profile would knacker that let alone playing online! :o


Anyway these next gen gismos are amazing!!! The Nintendo 64 was out when I was born and ive seen playstations, Gameboys, nintendos, Xboxes and loads more!!!


We've come along way in 10 years 

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  • 4 months later...

Which system you playing it on pal? I have a PS4 and have thought about getting it.


I had a PS2, then Xbox 360.. Then changed to PS3..


Had the most enjoyment out of the 360 and the online/operating system was by far the best.. So changed back over to XBOX ONE on the latest consoles.


Its a great game, I played the original when I was like .. 13 and it takes you back going through all the old levels, obviously updated in HD.. Only 10-15 quid swell I think, a bargain when most games these days are 50 odd, and half of them rubbish!

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It will be the exact same game on the PS4 and I imagine same price range, highly recommended. I've told myself I'm not buying Dyling Light until Ive finished it!

Yeah Dying Light looks cool as does Evolve.Haven't really had too much time of late,but am almost done with Shadow of Mordor; fantastic game.

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Too busy with Destiny.


Think I put about 90 hours into it so far, but haven't bothered with it for a month or so. Got the expansion pack but really that was such a rip-off.


Games that focus on multiplayer over single player do piss me off, there's only one other person I actually know in person who has any interest in games, so stuff like the raids in Destiny are completely pointless for me - I know you can go online to dedicated and find a bunch of strangers to go through it with but that's just too awkward.

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