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Filling in for a season ticket holder

Shaftesbury Street

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I wanted to get some opinion on this. If you have a season ticket and couldn't make the game and offered the ticket to a mate, what would you expect them to pay? The full match day price or mates rates?


Nothing. It's friendship, not a business arrangement.

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Never even considered charging for it. Be nice to people and you never know, they might do something nice back, seeing as you're thinking on business terms.


I never say no to a pint if I've lent someone either my or my dad's ST, but I wouldn't even expect that. To know my seat isn't empty and someone's enjoying it is enough for me.

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Your username fits like a glove


Can't believe you even asked that lol. Obviously you've already had a discussion with your mate who's told you your a tightfisted so and so and you've come on here to clear your guilty conscience.




A friend of mine is Man united season ticket holder and the guy that he goes with ( who i know) has offered me the ticket on a day Derby are not playing. As I've never been to Old Trafford before I said yes. He then asks me to pay full match day prices. 


I said no on principle, I thought i'd gauge a second opinion.

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A friend of mine is Man united season ticket holder and the guy that he goes with has offered me the ticket on a day Derby are not playing. As I've never been to Old Trafford before I said yes. He then asks me to pay full match day prices.

I said no on principle, I thought i'd gauge a second opinion.

He's not a mate

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I guess it's the level of mate. If it's more of an acquaintance, I would make them pay me for the privilege. But if it's a mate, I certainly wouldn't make them pay.


In fact, I'm taking a West Brom fan on Saturday with me.

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Your username fits like a glove


Can't believe you even asked that lol. Obviously you've already had a discussion with your mate who's told you your a tightfisted so and so and you've come on here to clear your guilty conscience.

Stoners, is there anyway I can convert you to be a Ram. You seem far too educated and amusing to have to remain a Gump all your life.


P.s. Can I just say to my Derby mates who have posted here to let me know when they can't next go to a home match. Thanks mates.

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Stoners, is there anyway I can convert you to be a Ram. You seem far too educated and amusing to have to remain a Gump all your life.

Not a bloody chance

I'm Not one of these that hate derby for the sake of it but your asking a lot there pal.

Although I can give derby a passing complement about my intellect that you rightly observed is higher than the normal person.

I went to derby uni. Urggghhh Still in therapy now.

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I guess it's the level of mate. If it's more of an acquaintance, I would make them pay me for the privilege. But if it's a mate, I certainly wouldn't make them pay.


In fact, I'm taking a West Brom fan on Saturday with me.


That's the point he's someones I've know for a very long time but wouldn't class as a "mate". Still i wouldn't charge full ticket price to stranger, never mind someone i "kind of know"

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A friend of mine is Man united season ticket holder and the guy that he goes with ( who i know) has offered me the ticket on a day Derby are not playing. As I've never been to Old Trafford before I said yes. He then asks me to pay full match day prices. 


I said no on principle, I thought i'd gauge a second opinion.


He obviously thinks that he's doing you a favour, letting you go to the Theatre of Broken Dreams for a day.

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