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Player Suggestion Thread - Summer 2014


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Save £8m on McCormack and buy Thorne (£1.75m), Wisdom (£2m), Shackell (1.5m), Tejeda (£750k), and a £1m striker?


That would be lovely but I doubt we'd get Thorne for as low as that, doubt Wisdom would come here on a permanent deal while we're still in the Champ and Shackell will surely still be first team for Burnley

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Now Thorne has handed in a request he should be cheaper, Andre Wisdom would get unlimited first team football and potentially PL football next year, and there are no Shackell rumours I know of - I just think he'd be a good addition and he said he like the set up here:)

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Sign Thorne and tejada as soon as possible. Then weigh your options with defense.. If we keep keogh we should just buy a cover CB. Either get wisdom on loan again or loan another young prem defender.. Then sign 2 talented maybe even 3 prem attacking players 2 up top one center one right wing, and get a attacking mid.. If we get Thorne in loans are going to be key for us like they were last year.

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I wouldn't mind a genuine right sided midfielder/winger. Maybe back in for Chris Burke?


A wild card one that the owners would enjoy - American, Graham Zusi - had a trial with West Ham - skilful player but not sure he'd adapt or not.

I'd agree with that, wouldn't mind Burke being given a one year deal with possibility of a second if he does alright.

He'd offer us something different. Still wouldn't say no to Eagles on a free for a year for the same reason.

McClaren could hopefully get the best out of either of them

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I'd agree with that, wouldn't mind Burke being given a one year deal with possibility of a second if he does alright.

He'd offer us something different. Still wouldn't say no to Eagles on a free for a year for the same reason.

McClaren could hopefully get the best out of either of them

Burke's past it now, would be a step back from Ward. We need someone who can inject a bit more pace and dynamism into our wing play; explosive pace to hit a team on the break with a quick counter attack. 

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