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The demise of Forest


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Selective memory? There was so many joining in with the 'going down with your chairman' chant reporting suggested it could be heard over the radio you plank.


Bare in mind I was there, and could  see left and right  folk  joining in laughing and giving it the thumbs down in our direction.


So you remember all of that but don't remember some of the Forest fans chanting 'leave him to die' towards Barker? I see ....

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Selective memory? There was so many joining in with the 'going down with your chairman' chant reporting suggested it could be heard over the radio you plank.


Bare in mind I was there, and could  see left and right  folk  joining in laughing and giving it the thumbs down in our direction.


Sounds like you see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear! 


I was sat immediately to the left of the away fans. No one was singing or joining in around me - it was the fans in the opposite corner to us who were singing that chant. If you could hear them on the radio it's because it was a vocal minority. 


Amazing how when it's Forest fans doing dodgy chanting, it's only a handful, yet when it's Derby fans it's "nearly 30k". You're literally making it up as you go along. 

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I find it quite pathetic that we are ALL hear as football fans arguing about who sung what two years ago at a football match.

Derby County officially apologised. I too find it quite reprehensible. We've all got them at every club who would tarnish the image of decent football folk who love nothing more than going to the ground and supporting the club they adore.

Problem is minority always get the voice heard. That's why you see so much anise on FB twitter etc of well known people etc.

Let it stay in the past what happened. Enjoy your football be it black or white , red and white or whatever team you love

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And I wish you lot would stop trying to make out Red Dawn is a fantasist, he was there at the match and could hear it on the radio. And according to The Daily Sport, even Elvis could hear it on the moon...

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Amazing how this tripe only ever gets brought up when Forest are a laughing stock...


I'm just waiting for the sheep heads to be thrown through the window. That's their usual trick.

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And I wish you lot would stop trying to make out Red Dawn is a fantasist, he was there at the match and could hear it on the radio. And according to The Daily Sport, even Elvis could hear it on the moon...

Stan surveyed everyone as they left the ground too. Clear and irrefutable proof.

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Come on Eddie, that was only 1 Forest fan that did that...it was the whole ground, players, management team, board of directors, owners and worldwide fanbase chanting about Doughty...and all the time the Forest fans were respectfully defending their ex-chairman as they did throughout his whole time at the club.

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What a surprise the Gumps have managed to move the topic away from the fact that they snatched defeat from the safe jaws of victory.


As well as underachieving, they are being bloody arrogant about it.


We may only be 1 point ahead of you, however you are about 8 points off where a squad of your expense and depth should be, and don't come out with the injury excuse, you were underachieving before the injuries set in.


Same old florist always moaning, ahh poor little gumps, now where did I put my violin?

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You should be ashamed of yourself.

Strangely enough, I'm not :o

Are the treetards the only set of fans that have never sung a non pc song at a football match?

Well apart from wanting a player to die or about the death of 6 innocent kids, But that was just a handful.

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I find it quite pathetic that we are ALL hear as football fans arguing about who sung what two years ago at a football match.

Derby County officially apologised. I too find it quite reprehensible. We've all got them at every club who would tarnish the image of decent football folk who love nothing more than going to the ground and supporting the club they adore.

Problem is minority always get the voice heard. That's why you see so much anise on FB twitter etc of well known people etc.

Let it stay in the past what happened. Enjoy your football be it black or white , red and white or whatever team you love


Excellent post.

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And I wish you lot would stop trying to make out Red Dawn is a fantasist, he was there at the match and could hear it on the radio. And according to The Daily Sport, even Elvis could hear it on the moon...


If you read what I wrote, I said I was at the game (only time iv been to PP, only got a ticket because it went to General sale, i.e cos we were ***** at the time) whilst REPORTING suggested it could be heard over the radio.


Keep twisting my words though.


"Eddie likes this" What a total FONC :D

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Now i'm guessing your a grown bloke ? Why are you, or anyone else for that matter, getting worked up over chants at a football match ? 


God bless the UK and it's mock outrage culture. 


Some might suggest more growing up needed.


Although, I wouldn't think Mr Doughtys family would call it 'mock outrage' - werent they in attendance at that match??

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So what's worse. Chanting about a man so much it drives him to an early grave, or chanting about the fans who chanted about him.


We never chanted anything particularly bad or disrespectful about Doughty himself, as far as I know, as far as I can tell, our chants were disrespectful to the Forest fans, who had been disrespectful to their chairman. If anything, we shone a light on Forest fans own feelings of guilt, and I would suggest that is the thing that really pisses you off.


Note: I'm not saying that chanting 'Doughty Out' etc. is the only thing that drove him to an early grave, I'm sure there were several factors, but I'm sure it didn't help, and there's more than a few Forest fans that feel pretty shitty about how they treated him in the end.

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That was us??

I suppose you didn't hear that at the council tip either?

And seeing as you've only been to PP once you can be forgiven for not hearing it when it was sung about at Derby.

And does the fact that at least 1 member of the Philpott family is a season ticket holder and was also present at your place when it was sung, Make it worse?

And because my son in law and 3 of my grandkids are also Philpotts, Can i be more offended than everybody else?

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