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Racism Row

Bris Vegas

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I suppose the issue is that you have a number of players like Michael Johnson who have passed all of their coaching badges who struggle to get a managerial job, but then see their white peers get jobs. Or even worse, the same old hackneyed failures that stumble from club to club.

I still think football has a bit of an 'old boys' network going on, however to force the selection criteria to have to have a number of ethic minorities should be seen as insulting to all involved.

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I was more surprised, that a fuss was kicked up about there being no woman on the panel, we know there are a sizeable number of female football fans, I see many at PPS, but common sense says Football is and will probably always will be more of a ''Mans game''.

There is 1 woman on the panel I think.

There could be a whole different debate here with this issue, given that football is male dominated.

Not sure if the thoughts re Ladies football is a sexist issue, it's more that it is a fact that men are physically stronger than women so this makes the mens game faster paced and therefor more exciting to watch.

But. Bravo to the women for keeping the sleaze which the men are certainly more famous for, out of their game.

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I think this one woman on the panel was the first to complain about their being no black people on their.

There's no transgender or Albino or disabled either?

I'm so bored of it.

Like Michael Johnson moaning that he's got all his badges and can't get a job.

How many white people have all their badges and can't get a job either? Has he thought about that?

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As for racism. Why does it keep rearing it's ugly head? Why can't people just accept others?

As a racist I keep wondering why can't people just accept other people's opinions on this forum without attacking them personally. Because even I can.

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What about the England rugby team, how many black players are in that? A couple? The cricket team? Sometimes it is 0, well these all must be racist also. What about tennis? Golf? Hoe many are in the top 10? Is it 1 in each? They must be racist also. FFS where will it end? I know let's ask the society of black lawyers. Just imagine if it was the society of white lawyers, how may people would be up in arms about it? But with it being what it is, how many lawyers do they have that are white? And are white people not allowed to feel that they have been victimised racially? Would it be taken seriously?

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Is anyone else getting rather annoyed at the drivel being spouted out over this?


Why do certain people have throw the race card into everything?


Why must we feel the need to employ black people just to balance society? Surely jobs should be given based on their ability to do the job before anything else..


Where is the call for more Portuguese 1 legged transexuals in the boardroom? I don't see many of those... Where is the diversity?


Didn't realise you was after a job in the boardroom Bris, had you down as more of a manager.

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Maybe these clever ***** from FIFA should change over the IOA and campaign for at least 5 white people in the 100m final.


Actually thinking about it China have quite a high population, why are there not more Chinese managers?


FIFA are an absolute bunch of incompetent a**holes who love messing everything up and then creating highly paid task forces (made up of their own) to explain why they are messing everything up.


Its an absolute disgrace that these crooks have been allowed to ru(i)n our game for so long.

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I think this one woman on the panel was the first to complain about their being no black people on their.

There's no transgender or Albino or disabled either?

I'm so bored of it.

Like Michael Johnson moaning that he's got all his badges and can't get a job.

How many white people have all their badges and can't get a job either? Has he thought about that?

Its a classic case of self fulfilling prophesies in some cases which makes me vomit - black people sterotypical do not get on in the football management world therefore the reason I did not get the managerial job at x,y,z was because I am black NOT becuase there were better candidates then myself. Therefore the alleged sterotype gives me an automatic excuse for failure.

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There are no calls for Albino footballers or one legged Portugese transsexuals in the boardroom because they weren't persecuted against for thousands of years.


Rynny also talks about Golf and Cricket having few black players. That's true, but I'm sure (happy to be challenged on this - limited knowledge) that football's racism problem, both existing and past, is much worse than most other sports.The reason for attempts at inclusion, and kicking up a stink when black people aren't as heavily represented, I get.


But the approach is all wrong.


The simple fact is there are many more white than black people in this country, so by default there are going to be more white candidates for jobs in football. How can that be addressed?


What football clubs can do, in my opinion, is spend more time with all communities to encourage integration. I always find it sad that not many Sikh, Hindu and Muslim people go to watch Derby, specially considering how heavily they're represented in the city.


In my view it starts with the fans. Get people of all backgrounds going to the matches, get their kids interested, get them playing and eventually you'll end up with players and managers of the future from all backgrounds.


The disgraceful way the Black Lawyers Society and Kick Racism Out of Football operate will just create an even bigger divide in my opinion - they almost whip people up to the point of racism to keep themselves in a job by investigating that racism, lambasting it, claiming there aren't enough black people in xyz, and then whipping people up again. Vicious circle.


Instead of doing talks and threatening to investigate Roy Hodgson's absolute non comment, they could be doing pro active work with communities.


And any racism should result in clubs being banned from the competition they were in when it took place, or points docked. It'd soon put a stop to it. It'll never happen, and we'll continue to have racism, and these threads.

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What's the percentage of black people in this country? People go.on like its a 50/50 split, when it isnt. The way Sol Campbell goes on you'd think this South Africa during the apartheid.


3.45% of people in the UK are black. 2.76% of Professional football managers are black. 

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There are no calls for Albino footballers or one legged Portugese transsexuals in the boardroom because they weren't persecuted against for thousands of years.

Rynny also talks about Golf and Cricket having few black players. That's true, but I'm sure (happy to be challenged on this - limited knowledge) that football's racism problem, both existing and past, is much worse than most other sports.The reason for attempts at inclusion, and kicking up a stink when black people aren't as heavily represented, I get.

But the approach is all wrong.

The simple fact is there are many more white than black people in this country, so by default there are going to be more white candidates for jobs in football. How can that be addressed?

What football clubs can do, in my opinion, is spend more time with all communities to encourage integration. I always find it sad that not many Sikh, Hindu and Muslim people go to watch Derby, specially considering how heavily they're represented in the city.

In my view it starts with the fans. Get people of all backgrounds going to the matches, get their kids interested, get them playing and eventually you'll end up with players and managers of the future from all backgrounds.

The disgraceful way the Black Lawyers Society and Kick Racism Out of Football operate will just create an even bigger divide in my opinion - they almost whip people up to the point of racism to keep themselves in a job by investigating that racism, lambasting it, claiming there aren't enough black people in xyz, and then whipping people up again. Vicious circle.

Instead of doing talks and threatening to investigate Roy Hodgson's absolute non comment, they could be doing pro active work with communities.

And any racism should result in clubs being banned from the competition they were in when it took place, or points docked. It'd soon put a stop to it. It'll never happen, and we'll continue to have racism, and these threads.

I think racism in football in England isn't as bad as is made out, a couple of high profile cases in Suarez and Terry, and all of a sudden every fan, player, manager and chairman are racist if they mention words like monkey. As for other sports, why isn't there more black players or managers in them? Is it down to lack of opportunity at grass roots level? Are the players not being picked to advance their training? Are they not wanting to pursue a career in these other sports?
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Ban Please. :huh:

Why ? I haven't wrote anything which should offend any racial or other group. I'm just ready to admit that I'm very prejudiced of some people. For example Swedes and Florest fans. Would still accept them for my friends though.

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there was something a few years back that nobody mentions anymore. I'd love to dig it out, but I think it may have been removed/kept from easily searched media.


Many ex-professional footballers who are well... black (no point in saying 'ethnic minority'!) were offered the chance to fast-track into both refereeing and coaching. I'm pretty sure I recall Ian Wright turning down the chance to fast-track into both to concentrate on a TV show he was about to launch, this after him being very vocal about it.


Jason Roberts is beginning to p*ss me off though. I tweeted him to ask if he thought Rio Ferdinand was racist for calling Ashley Cole a 'choc-ice', which to my understanding is a racist remark aimed at the white heritage of mixed race people. He ignored it, surprise surprise. It's all one way. I think the MOBO awards should be banned, only cos there's no way there could be a MOWO awards!

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