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Rush interview tonight


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What an absolutely pathetic interview.

Done with an employee of the club to avoid any difficult questioning. It's just regurgitated sh*te that's used every time someone gets the chop. Then he threw in the Whitbread thing to try and keep people onside. 'I know the fans have been asking about it' - making it sound like he's signed Whitbread because he values our opinion.

A bit of my relationship with the club died this weekend. I've mentioned in previous posts, football is meaning less and less to me. I'm more bothered about doing the right things, both on the pitch and off. Try your best, show integrity, be honest, look after people, do the right thing. Rush has done none of these and has just pushed Derby County even further away from me. The irony in sacking a man who displayed all of those traits is amazing.

If the owners wanted to accelerate success, then increase the funds available. That's the only way to do it. If the new guy comes in and gets a war chest in January it'll just go to show that they never trusted Nige with any decent sum of money, and he was used purely for the purpose of steadying the ship. A sh*tty job that he didn't even get to see through.

I said all along this was his season. His first real season with a half decent team who stood a chance of challenging for the play offs. If we were nowhere near then maybe it'd be right to change in time for the January window. We're in the second month and he's gone.

I can't get excited about a new manager - there's no one around to really get excited about, and that's a point I've always made when people called for Nige's head. But to go for someone whose last stint at this level (with our arch rival) was an unmitigated disaster is alarming.

Derby are a team I support now, not a club I love. I'll go to the games when I can, when it fits in with the other stuff I've sacrificed for years to follow them. I'm no longer a blind faither, I'm no longer excited that we've brought in an experienced CB on loan, I'm not overly fussed what the result on Tuesday is. The one thing we prided ourselves on was being a well run football club. Events in the last few days laugh in the face of that.

I'm just sad, really.

What a great post.....absolutely deserves a thread of its own as it sums everything up perfectly. The integrity of what was being created has been destroyed. Imagine Man U sacking SAF 12 months before he started getting real results.....crazy, absolutely crazy. 47 years a supporter but never again will they have my heart. It's over.

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What an absolutely pathetic interview.

Done with an employee of the club to avoid any difficult questioning. It's just regurgitated sh*te that's used every time someone gets the chop. Then he threw in the Whitbread thing to try and keep people onside. 'I know the fans have been asking about it' - making it sound like he's signed Whitbread because he values our opinion.

A bit of my relationship with the club died this weekend. I've mentioned in previous posts, football is meaning less and less to me. I'm more bothered about doing the right things, both on the pitch and off. Try your best, show integrity, be honest, look after people, do the right thing. Rush has done none of these and has just pushed Derby County even further away from me. The irony in sacking a man who displayed all of those traits is amazing.

If the owners wanted to accelerate success, then increase the funds available. That's the only way to do it. If the new guy comes in and gets a war chest in January it'll just go to show that they never trusted Nige with any decent sum of money, and he was used purely for the purpose of steadying the ship. A sh*tty job that he didn't even get to see through.

I said all along this was his season. His first real season with a half decent team who stood a chance of challenging for the play offs. If we were nowhere near then maybe it'd be right to change in time for the January window. We're in the second month and he's gone.

I can't get excited about a new manager - there's no one around to really get excited about, and that's a point I've always made when people called for Nige's head. But to go for someone whose last stint at this level (with our arch rival) was an unmitigated disaster is alarming.

Derby are a team I support now, not a club I love. I'll go to the games when I can, when it fits in with the other stuff I've sacrificed for years to follow them. I'm no longer a blind faither, I'm no longer excited that we've brought in an experienced CB on loan, I'm not overly fussed what the result on Tuesday is. The one thing we prided ourselves on was being a well run football club. Events in the last few days laugh in the face of that.

I'm just sad, really.


The best post i have read.It wasnt even the fact that they got rid of nigel that really hurt but the thought of our club just becoming a stop/start thing again with no direction.I loved the fact that all the players are british and we have young players as it gave us identity among the foreign over taken premier league.We get genuine respect from other teams and fans now and even little things such as people saying they want to use Derby county on the next football manager(Stupid i know but) as its well run club with great youth makes me feel proud.I felt as though on thr friday i was disheartened because i knew the most we would of got 

on saturday was a scrappy draw but that made me angry at the fact if we just would of beat reading it wouldnt of been as bad.The  when nigel was sacked it sort of made me freeze no not because i thought hes an amazing manager or hes the right man for the job but the fact i thought the only thing i knew about this club in the last 4 years was we have stability.It made me happy to see the shambles when alex mcleish was in and out of the door and when erikson messed up at leicester as i could see that even though we didnt have their spending power we are doing things right.It may seem overtop but its as if those last 5 years were a waste as the next manager will want money there goes the stable finance.they are going to bring in more experience players to get out of the division there goes the pathway.Then you have a good luck at derby and are we any different to those teams like qpr when they went up a squad full of champ players.

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What an absolutely pathetic interview.

Done with an employee of the club to avoid any difficult questioning. It's just regurgitated sh*te that's used every time someone gets the chop. Then he threw in the Whitbread thing to try and keep people onside. 'I know the fans have been asking about it' - making it sound like he's signed Whitbread because he values our opinion.

A bit of my relationship with the club died this weekend. I've mentioned in previous posts, football is meaning less and less to me. I'm more bothered about doing the right things, both on the pitch and off. Try your best, show integrity, be honest, look after people, do the right thing. Rush has done none of these and has just pushed Derby County even further away from me. The irony in sacking a man who displayed all of those traits is amazing.

If the owners wanted to accelerate success, then increase the funds available. That's the only way to do it. If the new guy comes in and gets a war chest in January it'll just go to show that they never trusted Nige with any decent sum of money, and he was used purely for the purpose of steadying the ship. A sh*tty job that he didn't even get to see through.

I said all along this was his season. His first real season with a half decent team who stood a chance of challenging for the play offs. If we were nowhere near then maybe it'd be right to change in time for the January window. We're in the second month and he's gone.

I can't get excited about a new manager - there's no one around to really get excited about, and that's a point I've always made when people called for Nige's head. But to go for someone whose last stint at this level (with our arch rival) was an unmitigated disaster is alarming.

Derby are a team I support now, not a club I love. I'll go to the games when I can, when it fits in with the other stuff I've sacrificed for years to follow them. I'm no longer a blind faither, I'm no longer excited that we've brought in an experienced CB on loan, I'm not overly fussed what the result on Tuesday is. The one thing we prided ourselves on was being a well run football club. Events in the last few days laugh in the face of that.

I'm just sad, really.

This is how i feel.

For me being a ram is about much more than getting 3 points. It's the manner we go about it, the way we're run and the ethos of the club.

I feel under nigel we were getting most if this right and that the results on the pitch are important but not the be all and end all. I dont actually think nigel's record is that bad under the circumstances, i genuinely feel we would have got there going about it the right way.

I'd rather we lose, knowing that we're going about our business in a manner we can be proud of, than win at all costs at the expense of the club's soul.

There's not much i like about football these days but the way we were going about it until yesterday made me proud that we were bucking the trend in our own little way.

I'll support whoever comes in but i'm not a happy ram at the moment...

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DCFC were absolutely going in the right direction, on ALL fronts Clough was involved with. I would argue we were probably 18 months ish away from something special, really special, really really special. Not now.....I actually don't think we will ever be as close again to what could have happened. How so many people can be blind to this is beyond me......but for the Board and Rush to miss it......after all this time, Unbelievable!

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What a great post.....absolutely deserves a thread of its own as it sums everything up perfectly. The integrity of what was being created has been destroyed. Imagine Man U sacking SAF 12 months before he started getting real results.....crazy, absolutely crazy. 47 years a supporter but never again will they have my heart. It's over.


Have to agree with you and asanovic.  I will always want Derby to be successful, but I prefer it to be achieved in the right way.  This crazy decision and the reasons Rush gives for it in that interview leaves me, a fan for over 50 years, feeling very let down. 

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At the end of the day, he has every right to make the decision. He's paid very handsomely by the club to get the club in the real money as quickly and efficiently as possible, so the investors can make their money. He believes a change in management will speed up the progress.

The fans only need to be moderately happy, this can be done easily by honouring club legends, pub crawling and changing the badge.

That's looking at the whole situation coldly, and do you know what, I don't think I like football anymore. We're just mindless drones having our wallets sucked, helping keeping the club afloat until the rich get that bit richer. It's not our club anymore, it's theirs.

FC County of Derbyshire anyone?

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This is getting a bit silly now.

Yes, I agree that Rush has not painted himself in glory with the "interview". I'm also a bit irritated that we now have Colin Gibson as a pawn of the club - it's a master stroke from Derby as it is ingrained that he is an independent journalist who is prepared to ask difficult questions.

Are we just going to be treated to propaganda from the club now? That is the bit that concerns me.

The board have now given themselves a fair bit of rope and if they don't get it right, the fans are going to be far less forgiving.

However, if we are top 6 by Xmas, this weekend will be long forgotten.

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I dont know what people expect, they have come out and explained the thinking, I dont think they could win whatever he said. All this stab in the back rubbish, its the same when every club sacks their manager. I am glad he is gone after all this silly uproar as some fans may come to there senses and get over this Clough dream. We have all debated the money he did/didnt have, slow building over etc etc simple thing is they have decided it isnt going how they wanted so have changed the manger. We are Derby County and no person or name should be bigger than the club but sadly in some fans eyes the Cloughs do seem bigger and more important. Lets all now move on now and back and moan about whoever we employ and hopefully move up the league table

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I think the postings on this site perfectly reflect the DREC theory.

Denial - we don't like change because it's scary so we say things like,'I don't believe it'

Resistance - we feel an affinity to the past and therefore become anti-Steve

Exploration - we start to ask questions about how Steve will operate and wait for new signings

Commitment - we remember we are true Rams and get behind the team



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