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Clough Has Gone


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There's a few very wealthy 'investors' who between them own the club.

Is it Brett Wilson who is a co-founder of Google?

There are many investors, yet to my knowledge which is limited, no one knows the full list.

Makes you wonder, that if for example one person wants to invest and another's does not, how they reach a decision.

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Tom Glick once said that they have an agreed budget for the season. If they (GSE) want more they have to go back and make a case for it to the money men.


I presume that redundancy money is obtained in the same manner.

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I originally thought we were owned by a company but apparently its a group of investors that have rarely had a meeting all together.Yet one of them is apparently really rich were talking into the billions but he only has a part share when he could buy it out right and focus more on it.It must be difficult coming up with budget as surely each investor pays a certain percent towards it depending on how much they own.So if they want a player they have to check with each one.


Lastly the board cant win as for the club to go forward under clough or not it has to spend and break the barrier but doing so would 

put them in more debt .But yet they come out and demand top 6 but give us bottom 6 funds.Then if they do take a risk and give funds to the new manager then you ask question why didnt you give clough funds if you understood the current spending couldnt give us top 6.

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Rush will be the man that has done the deed.

He has done what he is being paid for, and in a proper manner, he has not made any quick judgement, he has IMHO took his time to have a look at the club, and has come to a decision that changes need to be made, and has started to make them .

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Rush will be the man that has done the deed.He has done what he is being paid for, and in a proper manner, he has not made any quick judgement, he has IMHO took his time to have a look at the club, and has come to a decision that changes need to be made, and has started to make them .

He started work in January. He had ample time to make a decision and get a manager in over the summer if he didn't fancy clough. Instead he's left it til what, 9 games into the season, meaning we'll end up with a manager without his own squad and no real opportunity to change it. Stupid decision.

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Rush will be the man that has done the deed.

He has done what he is being paid for, and in a proper manner, he has not made any quick judgement, he has IMHO took his time to have a look at the club, and has come to a decision that changes need to be made, and has started to make them .

Timings a bit ***** tho

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Just relax and enjoy your night notts. He's gone, you should be happy not stressing about what others think!

Im actually quite placid at the moment sadly like a lot of instances the anticipation of obtaining something is not the same as the reality of when it happens. Am sorry if I have come across as callous or hard, hopefully Clough will realise it was a business decision and not personal

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"I firmly believe Nigel is the man to take us forward" Quote taken from bbc east midland derby an interview with sam rush.

This isnt football related they can say it is but we are getting robbed im only really angry at the touted replacements and the timing off it.If you look online at all the journalists,ex players and even other championships fans opinions they are suprised and thought he was doing a good job.We compared to other clubs spent very little where this top 6 bullshit came from was an over achievement.

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You have to take in other factors.

His time here resulted in an average Derby side. We were worse before he got here but over the last couple of seasons the team perhaps could have performed better. He's left a decent bunch of players. Better than what he picked up.

Not disastrous.

Maybe he could have done more with his own players.

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I'm not shocked by the decision but I'm disgusted that he has been sacked over the phone and that it appears someone has already been lined up, suggesting that they had already been approached before today. That shows a total lack of class by the board and a terrible lack of respect for Nigel's efforts. He deserved better.

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