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If he continues to bring goals to his game he is the complete midfielder and to think some on here think he's the poorest midfielder we have , it's laughable , if he keeps scoring form going he will be in premiership next season , I've no doubts of that

he is quite far away from a complete midfielder. He is a work horse who gets a few goals, now doubt he had a good performance but he doesn't score most games. His defensive work is hardly the best and he is hardly a creative playmaker.
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If he continues to bring goals to his game he is the complete midfielder and to think some on here think he's the poorest midfielder we have , it's laughable , if he keeps scoring form going he will be in premiership next season , I've no doubts of that

He's had a very slow start to the season. Isn't 'the complete midfielder' by a long way, and imo isn't as good as Hendrick or Hughes. Yes, well done today, but calm down.

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Bryson is our industrial midfielder when Clough says 'there isn't too many like him around' he is 100%

Hendrick and Hughes are the better players but Bryson is still the most influential - he covers so much ground each game, and digs in very well gives options...etc he knows how to hit required work-rate targets and was the perfect replacement for Green.

He scores more goals, he is a better passer, better shot on him...etc and still works as hard as him.

Never thought he had a hat trick in his locker but well done Bryson, hopefully he can get into double figures this season - that would be a great achievement for him.

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I was honestly shocked by the quality of his goals...all of them. All outside the box. I had said that Bryson needed to introduce something extra to his game and this is exactly it. To score 3 goals outside the box like that in one game shows that he has always had the ability to do this. Bryson needs to shoot more when he has the ball at his feet, when he is at the edge of the box.


I never thought Bryson could even pass the ball further than 10 yards, because he never does/did. If he has this in his game he should be expressing it.

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Bryson is our industrial midfielder when Clough says 'there isn't too many like him around' he is 100%

Hendrick and Hughes are the better players but Bryson is still the most influential - he covers so much ground each game, and digs in very well gives options...etc he knows how to hit required work-rate targets and was the perfect replacement for Green.

He scores more goals, he is a better passer, better shot on him...etc and still works as hard as him.

Never thought he had a hat trick in his locker but well done Bryson, hopefully he can get into double figures this season - that would be a great achievement for him.


Can you remember the stick the board/Clough got for not giving Green a new contract? Have many times have we seen Derby fans jump the gun though. What a fantastic decision it was to replace Green with Bryson, twice the player of Green and probably on less money.

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Really hope this gives him the confidence to have a few shots from the 20 yard mark. He has great technique when hitting the ball and showed it a few times last season when he'd have a volley from the outside of the box from corners that would come back out to him.


Well done Craig!

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Can you remember the stick the board/Clough got for not giving Green a new contract? Have many times have we seen Derby fans jump the gun though. What a fantastic decision it was to replace Green with Bryson, twice the player of Green and probably on less money.

We offered green a new contract which he turned down.

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Can you remember the stick the board/Clough got for not giving Green a new contract? Have many times have we seen Derby fans jump the gun though. What a fantastic decision it was to replace Green with Bryson, twice the player of Green and probably on less money.

Green was offered a good contract but Leeds offered him more money and as he was in his 30s so you can't blame him.

However I agree Bryson has been a much better player.

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We offered green a new contract which he turned down.



Green was offered a good contract but Leeds offered him more money and as he was in his 30s so you can't blame him.

However I agree Bryson has been a much better player.



Did we? Oh right my mistake, what an awful, awful decision to offer him one.


Board Out/Clough out

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If he continues to bring goals to his game he is the complete midfielder and to think some on here think he's the poorest midfielder we have , it's laughable , if he keeps scoring form going he will be in premiership next season , I've no doubts of that


I chuckled


I reckon of your 72 posts, at least half of them are based around praising Craig Bryson.


He's a solid Championship midfielder, he'll never be anything more, accept that. 

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