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Statistical start to the season


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good little website this, don't know about it's legitimacy but still.. http://www.whoscored.com/Regions/252/Tournaments/7/Seasons/3859/Stages/7800/PlayerStatistics/England-Championship-2013-2014


Average possession: 55.4% (5th Best)

Pass completion: 80% (6th best)

Average Ariel Battles Won: 19.4 (9th best)
Average Shots conceded per game: 12.2 (8th best)
Average tackles per game: 16.6 (16th best)
Average Interceptions per game: 7.4 (17th best)
Average Fouls per game: 12 (18th best)
Average Shots per game: 14.8 (5th best)
Average Shots on Target per game: 5.2 (3rd best)
Successful dribbles per game: 9.4 (4th best)
Average fouls on per game: 14.6 (2nd best)
Average offsides per game: 2 (18th best)



Average shots per game: Martin 3.4 (5th best) Russell 2.9 (19th best)
Pass Success: Bryson 88.9 (26th best)
Average passes: Forsyth 44 (39th best)
Average crosses: Coutts 2.2 (13th best)
Accurate long ball: Keogh 4.8 (53rd best)
Ariel Battle Won: Buxton 5.6 (7th best) Keogh 4.4 (18th best)
Tackle: Hughes 3 (18th best)
Interceptions: Bryson 1.6 (27th best)
Clearances: Buxton 12.8 (13th best)
Been taken on: Bryson 1.2 (29th worst)
Blocked shots: Keogh 0.6 (50th best)
Key Passes: Hughes 1.8 (21st best)
Successful dribble: Ward 2 (12th best)

Fouled per game: Martin 4.6 (1st) Hughes 2.4 (11th) Hendrick 2.2 (16th)
Offside: Russell 0.6 (46th worst)

Worth a look at least

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things that stood out for me:-



"Ariel battle won" - WTF has a washing powder got to do with it.




where are the statistics for aerial battles won? lol


Just noticed, I can't even copy words correctly today  :( probably doing my boss a favour by sitting on this all day, rather than working.

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So to sum up.


Attacking - we need to convert more of our chances and stop being offside/time runs better.

Defending - our tackles and interceptions have to improve. 


Through watching the home games I would say they were our weaknesses, apart from I had no idea how bad we were in comparison to other teams at being called offside. 


(I suspect Hughes gets about 90% of our interceptions).

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So to sum up.


Attacking - we need to convert more of our chances and stop being offside/time runs better.

Defending - our tackles and interceptions have to improve. 


Through watching the home games I would say they were our weaknesses, apart from I had no idea how bad we were in comparison to other teams at being called offside. 


(I suspect Hughes gets about 90% of our interceptions).

We'll never improve our tackling, Nige values the clubs booking record too much.

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I quite like stats like these. More than 'assists'.

I also like it when you see the average position of a player on the pitch.

Can serve as a wake up call. The team stats point to a team challenging for then play offs but obviously putting a foot in is a problem. We're weak.

Shows we either need to keep the ball even better or we have to do more to get the ball back.

Pretty impressed.

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Any chance of a comparison to our opening games last year?


I did have a think about this, but it's almost impossible to know without going through the games and marking performances down...etc (no stats on it) from what I remember (which is known to be dodgy)

12/13 - Sheffield Wednesday - fantastic start to the match, probably some of our best football all season, allowed a 2-0 goal lead slip as we buckled under the pressure.

13/14 - Blackburn Rovers - a slightly underwhelming start by all accounts with us being off the pace from the first minute, Rochina found a gap and was able to cause a lot of damage, got injured - we had 20/30 minutes of being the better side.


12/13 - Bolton - largely disappointing game, never looked in it - I did watch it via rams player mind, but we was domineered.

13/14 - Brighton - enforced our game plan, and made them change theres - good display.


12/13 - Wolves - we played great football, did really well - but in the end lucky to get a last minute goal and a point, should have had all 3 with 3/4 goal plus but soft underbelly really told.

13/14 - Yeovil - we played good football, and took our chances.. that was the difference.


12/13 - Watford - played to Watfords weaknesses and ended up with a comprehensive win, looked very positive and took our chances.

13/14 - Leicester/Burnley - looked off the pace, haven't took our chance - came unstuck against opposition game plans. 


So on the whole, we're better off IMO but only very slightly. 


5 games in at this point comparable to last seasons first 5 - we're 2 points better off, which tells IMO. 

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I did have a think about this, but it's almost impossible to know without going through the games and marking performances down...etc (no stats on it) from what I remember (which is known to be dodgy)

12/13 - Sheffield Wednesday - fantastic start to the match, probably some of our best football all season, allowed a 2-0 goal lead slip as we buckled under the pressure.

13/14 - Blackburn Rovers - a slightly underwhelming start by all accounts with us being off the pace from the first minute, Rochina found a gap and was able to cause a lot of damage, got injured - we had 20/30 minutes of being the better side.


12/13 - Bolton - largely disappointing game, never looked in it - I did watch it via rams player mind, but we was domineered.

13/14 - Brighton - enforced our game plan, and made them change theres - good display.


12/13 - Wolves - we played great football, did really well - but in the end lucky to get a last minute goal and a point, should have had all 3 with 3/4 goal plus but soft underbelly really told.

13/14 - Yeovil - we played good football, and took our chances.. that was the difference.


12/13 - Watford - played to Watfords weaknesses and ended up with a comprehensive win, looked very positive and took our chances.

13/14 - Leicester/Burnley - looked off the pace, haven't took our chance - came unstuck against opposition game plans. 


So on the whole, we're better off IMO but only very slightly. 


5 games in at this point comparable to last seasons first 5 - we're 2 points better off, which tells IMO. 

It looks like its been very similar but imo, barring Yeovil, a much tougher start

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5 games in at this point comparable to last seasons first 5 - we're 2 points better off, which tells IMO. 


I've posted this somewhere else as well, but if you take the corresponding fixtures from last season (with Huddersfield instead of Yeovil) we'd only be on 4 points...

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