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Just read a post by Wilkoram on the How Big are Derby thread and he mentions excuses being made by people to excuse poor points return, performances, results etc.


Thought I'd start a thread where we could discuss the best, or worst, or most angering excuse given for something.


I once had a man refuse to join in with the sweeping up and the end of a night shift in a Warehouse I was managing, when I asked why, he said "I'm from Zimbabwe!", this infuriated me, and he tried to pull the 'race-card' when I ended his employment as a result. It was established that every other person was sweeping up around their workstation at the time, and I had several employees of varying ethnic and racial backgrounds too....


More recently, a forklift truck driver refused to offload a pallet from a shelf cos he thought a pigeon was living nearby and he donates £40 a month to RSPB!

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He sounds like quite a nice chap!

When I was younger, 2 lads I knew weren't getting along. As they were about to fight, one of the lads said "I cant fight, I don't have the right trainers on"

A bit bad I know, and I feel sorry for him now, but boys will be boys!

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I once had a man refuse to join in with the sweeping up and the end of a night shift in a Warehouse I was managing, when I asked why, he said "I'm from Zimbabwe!", this infuriated me, and he tried to pull the 'race-card' when I ended his employment as a result. It was established that every other person was sweeping up around their workstation at the time, and I had several employees of varying ethnic and racial backgrounds too....


You closet racist you lol

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I used to man the 'late gate' at a secondary school in Snottingham. Some of the excuses for being late were great. I used to let one kid off a week for the best excuse.


Amongst my favourites for being later were


It was windy, so I had to go back home and re do my hair.


The dog had a wee in my shoes so I had to dry them in he microwave.


My lizard went behind my wardrobe and I had to rescue it.


and the classic


My mum stayed in bed with her new boyfriend so I had to make everyone's breakfast. Even a mean bugger like me had to sweep that one under the carpet.

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I used to man the 'late gate' at a secondary school in Snottingham. Some of the excuses for being late were great. I used to let one kid off a week for the best excuse.

Amongst my favourites for being later were

It was windy, so I had to go back home and re do my hair.

The dog had a wee in my shoes so I had to dry them in he microwave.

My lizard went behind my wardrobe and I had to rescue it.

and the classic

My mum stayed in bed with her new boyfriend so I had to make everyone's breakfast. Even a mean bugger like me had to sweep that one under the carpet.

I was once late for school because my hamster got stuck inside the wall, would you let me off for that?
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More recently, a forklift truck driver refused to offload a pallet from a shelf cos he thought a pigeon was living nearby and he donates £40 a month to RSPB!

Mostyn that could have been a rare breed pigeon.......the man was right.... :o 

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My dog once crapped all over my physics folder. My dad had decided the old mutt could handle some out of date chicken.... My floor paid the price. They never believed me at school! I was late and folderless..


You have to take a picture of it. Noob move


p.s. any kids reading, don't just take a dump on your work book and film it.

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I was digging through an old shoebox full of school stuff and found a letter I'd written, well, more of a statement really, when I was on detention for skiving off school for an afternoon.


I can barely remember it to be honest, but as I recall, about 10 lads were enjoying our break-time game of football too much, but 3 of us were younger and the rest were a year above, and technically on study leave for exams so weren't on a strict lesson timetable.


We decided to leave Bemrose School and take the footy down to Rowditch and carry on playing. Then we returned to school and the 3 of us got a bollocking for leaving the school premises. We had to write our reasons and then a load of reasons why we shouldn't leave the school premises!


My excuse was that we'd all shared a load of chocolate bars that someone had gave us and they were laxatives so we all went to my house for poos as the school toilet roll was like tracing paper! I remember the teaching just pissing himself laughing and saying "I know you was on Rowditch part cos we saw you as we were running back from the pub!, but your excuse is good, so if anyone asks, you served full detention... now piss off!"

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Mine weren't excuses, they were real, genuine, bona fide, honest to God Reasons!

I'm sure having a fractured eyelash and a bone in me leg featured somewhere, particulaly in maths.

Fookin hated that subject.

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My brother wrote a letter to the head pretending to be this girls mam, it said something along the lines of - 


"Dear Mr Roberts, I am writing to give my permission for...... to have dinner at my house with my daughter Lauren instead of in the canteen as they are best friends, yours sincerely Mrs......."


They were best friends alright...

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